Category - Gaming

Metro 2033: Ingenious End Time Drama with Tunnel View and Lots of Information about The Story and Location | 10 years ago

Pretty much exactly 10 years ago, I not only played and benchmarked Metro 2033, but also examined the story behind it. Because I was not only once in Moscow and know the also Metro from my own excursions quite well. I was also able to find something new, because as a student and foreigner, in the days of the Soviet regime, one always had the [...]

Half-Life Alyx is also playable without VR headset! Mod is in preparation

Half-Life Alyx can also be played without a VR headset, according to einger sources, and the mouse and keyboard controls also seem to work quite well. The founder of Valve News Network, Tyler McVicker, recently discovered that Half-Life Alyx can be played without an annoying VR headset thanks to some hidden commands. He also managed to activate [...]

Wireless PC Control with Nintendo Wiimote | Igors Retro

Almost 12 years ago I once published a small craft project, which now happens to have fallen into my fingers while cleaning up. Funnily enough, the Gnaze still works, because I also ripped out the old PC. Only the batteries of the controller I had to replace, the rest still ran amazingly as then.

AMD's RDNA 2 will also support DirectX 12 Ultimate on PC and console

AMD has long seen itself as a strong proponent of next-generation graphics API technologies with low overhead such as Microsoft DirectX 12, which, for example, is take games to a whole new level. Now AMD is also saying that it will partner with Microsoft to offer full support for DirectX 12 Ultimate in the upcoming AMD RDNA 2 gaming architecture [...]

E3 games fair cancelled due to Corona – Gamescom to take place

The rumours were already in full circulation last night and now it is official: The E3 2020 was cancelled due to the escalating health crisis caused by the coronavirus. The E3 organizers, the Entertainment Software Association, have issued a press release promising a refund to anyone who has already purchased tickets for the show, and that a kind [...]

Low-Budget Gaming PC 2020: Part 2 – Assembly

After the choice of the platform and the components has been made in the first part, this part is now about the assembly of the system. This is not a perfect step-by-step guide with the claim of absolute completeness, but only a loose summary in the order in which I usually mount my systems. At this point, of course, I also refer to the first part [...]