Half-Life Alyx can also be played without a VR headset, according to einger sources, and the mouse and keyboard controls also seem to work quite well. The founder of Valve News Network, Tyler McVicker, recently discovered that Half-Life Alyx can be played without an annoying VR headset thanks to some hidden commands. He also managed to activate the mouse and keyboard control, according to his own statement, and this seems to work quite well in the end even without major adjustments.
Thanks to this discovery, it probably won't be long before you see a Half-Life Alyx mod that allows those who don't have a VR headset to experience the game in all its glory on the PC. Valve expects this to happen quite soon, as designer Robin Walker recently announced.
The answer to this diverges significantly depending on which members of the team you talk to, so this answer is definitely just from me. There are a set of people on the team that are concerned about that. Personally, I'm not concerned about it at all. It will clearly demonstrate to people why we did Half-Life: Alyx in VR. It will be a very crisp way of seeing all the stuff we got for the move into VR. If people play a modded version on a standard display and say this is just as good, that will teach me a lot. I will realize I'm wrong, and we didn't get as much as we thought, and I love to know whenever I'm wrong.
Half-Life Alyx is available exclusively on Steam. Of course, as a half-life fan of the first hour, I will keep up to date with all the mods that will allow me to play the game without a VR headset as soon as they become verifiable.