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RED BIOS EDITOR and MorePowerTool for Polaris, Navi and Big Navi

New curve options have been added. Of course we would be very happy about a feedback in the forum about the use of this new function! The More PowerTool (MPT) has been also revised once again for the detection of the installed graphics adapters (keyword Unicode) and also detects different variants of the driver entries. In case of doubt, the VGA Devive Manager (freeware, last page) also helps with the detection of the most current entry and the removal of superfluous entries.

The MPT now also supports the Radeon RX 6500 and RX 6400 with different SPPT . Besides helpful defaults for the power budget and various voltages, the tool also allows improvements in memory settings and other areas as usual, which AMD’s Wattman unfortunately does not offer. We are working on a steady expansion and look forward to Navi 3x as well!

Since AMD has massively restricted the use of the SoftPowerPlayTables and thus indirectly also the MorePowerTool with the Adrenaline drivers from 2020, the community mourns the former overclocking or underclocking bonus, which made the Navi cards like a Radeon RX 5700 (XT) at least a bit more interesting or efficient and was gladly taken along as a free bonus. Unfortunately, since Adrenaline 2020 this was, at least temporarily, over for the time being. But the community around the Red BIOS Rebellion Team has of course taken up this challenge.

The result is the RBE (Red BIOS Editor), and so my thanks go to the R.B.R.T. and all the active community members who tested for days and weeks and reported bugs. The current, first version of the new tool will allow you to change, adapt and save the BIOS entries of the Radeon RX 5700 (XT) in a direct way, analogous to the MPT (More Power Tool). However, there are still some limitations with the other models at this time and we also assume that everyone first reads the disclaimer and the preliminary remarks carefully, because what can be realized with this tool clearly exceeds the possibilities of Wattman and other tools.


Currently, the MPT (MorePowerTool) works with all released Navi cards, whereby the SPPT (SoftPowerPlayTables) stored in the registry are extremely slowed down or artificially limited by the drivers. The current version of the RBE (Red BIOS Editor) allows to write all modifications of the MPT directly into the BIOS of the RX 5700, 5700 XT(X) and RX 5600 XT and to output this BIOS as a flashable file. However, currently only a single, customized version of the ATI Flash Tool allows to write at least the BIOSes created in this way to RX 5700 and RX 5700 XT(X), while there is currently no suitable software available for RX 5600 XT. If someone from the community would like to contribute and / or has the appropriate software, please feel free to contact the editorial staff. We will of course document all progress and enhancements as usual and also update them in the article. Also look for the latest beta versions!



  1. All the processes described below represent a massive intervention in the control of the graphics card and its software (BIOS)! Use of the RBE and MPT is entirely at your own risk and responsibility, and may only be performed by experienced users for evaluation purposes! Only those who agree to the following conditions may download this software!
  2. The publication igor’sLAB is not the author or commercial distributor of this software and therefore cannot assume any liability or support for the software, its use and the possible consequences of improper use. This also applies to possible program incompatibilities or data loss.
  3. Anyone using these tools, such as the RBE or MPT, agrees to these terms in full as soon as they are downloaded and waives any claims arising from the consequences of their use.
  4. Permanent operation of the components with values not intended by the manufacturer can lead to irreparable damage! The protective functions (switch-off limits) are all still activated, which minimizes the risk somewhat, but components such as the GPU, the SOC, the memory or the voltage converters can still suffer unforeseen damage!
  5. The software linked here in the article is a purely experimental intervention in the system and not with all settings intended for 24/7 use in production systems!
  6. The higher voltages that are now possible may be capable of damaging or destroying the modified hardware in the short or long term.
  7. The software accesses settings of service or third party programs, especially those of AMD Wattman. This data may be copyrighted material of its authors.
  8. For legal reasons we cannot and are not allowed to offer the flash software required to flash the individualized experimental BIOSes created in this way for direct download, but we do offer links to versions that have been reported to us by the community as suitable. But also here we can not take any responsibility for the content of third parties. Whoever downloads and uses these programs also does so at their own risk and within the scope of the restrictions listed at the beginning.

Important preliminary remark and notes on linking

If you agree with all points of the disclaimer, you will find a short tutorial and the most important steps as explanation on the next pages. Due to the complexity of the matter and the yet very individual characteristics of each graphics card (chip quality, model type, cooling), we will intentionally not publish any generally valid settings, but leave those to the community in the forum. In this way we also prevent inexperienced users from possibly getting involved in an adventure whose outcome they cannot assess at all due to lack of previous knowledge.

RBE Red BIOS Editor
MPT – More Power Tool

We make this software available here as it is and also ask you to refrain from any requests to the editors concerning its functionality and application. For all feedback all readers can use the forum including the active community for free. As a publication we are only the mediator between the R.B.R.T. and the readers of our website. In addition, the tool is available for download exclusively from this website via a special installer.


All other sources may contain unauthorized or older versions or even malware. To avoid this, digital distribution of the software available here is explicitly prohibited, especially since this would also constitute a copyright infringement. Links may only be made to this website, but not to the download links themselves, whose URL we also change periodically.


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Does the Adrenaline 2020 driver still respect SPPT settings When They are lower than stock?
Wondering if I could use the MorePowerTool to get my undervolt & underclock to stick. Getting really sick of opening up RadeonSettings to find it has reset to stock. Considering setting maximum voltage to the auto-undervolt value of 1152.
Or will it continue to use a bad ratio and pair that voltage with a stupidly low clock speed?

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22 Kommentare 2 Likes

Please ask him to fix 1mb bios handling. Just make use of first 512k of bios. And save also as 512k.

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21 Kommentare 5 Likes

Thanks a lot. Much appreciated.

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Good afternoon! Will RBE work with AMD RX5500XT in the future? We are from a small community of RX5500XT owners, we want to edit timings, but this is not possible right now, please help us)

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Or can you tell me how to patch the modified BIOS, if it changed the timings manually?

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722 Kommentare 961 Likes

Sorry, i haven't found the time to implement the 5500XT. Maybe in the future, but there are some differences and this means work.

You can find the timing straps inside the vram info table, but you will have to fix the checksum byte at offset 0x21 in the BIOS header. It is the least significant byte of the checksum of the legacy image, or image 1. The length is found at offset 0x02 right after 55 AA, and it has to be multiplied by 0x200. Any decent hex editor can calculate the checksum. Change the byte at 0x22 so the last byte of the checksum is 0x00.

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Thank you for your time, I will definitely thank You! Please tell me how to calculate the checksum, there are a lot of algorithms, and where to write the result of multiplying the length and 0x200? Thanks

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Dear developer, our small community of rx5500xt owners is ready to make a donation so that you can add the ability to edit the BIOS) Help us!

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1,464 Kommentare 327 Likes


Do you still need help regarding properly modifying RX 5500 XT?

And please keep your donation for those who need it.

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Yes, I will be glad if you can help

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1,464 Kommentare 327 Likes

Alright, please state exactly what you need other than updating the RBE to support directly the RX 5500 series which I can not even If I know how to do that as I am not the creator or the developer of it.

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1,464 Kommentare 327 Likes

Do you still need help regarding properly modifying RX 5500 XT?

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22 Kommentare 2 Likes

Да нужна помощь с 5500ХТ

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22 Kommentare 2 Likes

нужна помощь

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32 Kommentare 7 Likes

MPT doesn't change the max memory clock limit on 5600 XT. Changing it to a value higher than default of 930 does get registered but has no real world impact. The clocks drop back to 930/1860 Mhz.

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23 Kommentare 0 Likes

sorry, can you explain this step better?

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722 Kommentare 961 Likes

Yes. But i am also busy with work and other construction sites. I will try to answer your questions, but i can't do a full tutorial right now. Might find the time to help you with a mod, though. I am also in contact with another user to try if Navi14 is even possible. So far we can't unlock a locked 5500XT BIOS, only the Navi10 versions. Maybe this will change very soon, maybe not.

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8 Kommentare 4 Likes


I got a little problem with my rx580. It seems like undervolting does not work at all. A direct edit of the values like 65288 to a fixed voltage does not work anymore. I got that. But even setting the max value to 1000mv an using a offset of 120 does not work. The card does not go any lower then 1031mv. It does not matter if i edit the bios or set lower values in Wattman. They simply get ignored. I know that the card should be working with 1100mhz@880-900mv. Radeon Driver is v21.3.1.

I attached the original vBios of my card and the one i modded with RED Bios Editor.

Maybe someone can give me a hint and explain to me why it's not working.

Thx a lot!

€dit: Just wanted to give feedback because a found the solution. The minimum gpu-voltage is linked to the vram-voltage. You can't get any lower than your vram-voltage.

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I want to modify my Sapphire nitro+ 6800 VGA's BIOS (11305-01-20G, I changed it via MPT (few things) and then saved it but when I want to open the stocked bios (.rom file) via RBE then I have the "Not supported" message. Can you help me solve this problem? I used Hive OS and I cannot really update the setting via MPT in Windows. If I know well HiveOS supported only the .rom file extension.
MPT: v.1.3.4
RBE: v.1.0.7

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About the author

Igor Wallossek

Editor-in-chief and name-giver of igor'sLAB as the content successor of Tom's Hardware Germany, whose license was returned in June 2019 in order to better meet the qualitative demands of web content and challenges of new media such as YouTube with its own channel.

Computer nerd since 1983, audio freak since 1979 and pretty much open to anything with a plug or battery for over 50 years.

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