Category - Gaming

MSI Radeon RX 580 Mech 2 8GB – Polaris battle suit from the crowbar

Take a chip that isn't quite as baptismal and think about which new product line you can establish and what added value you could generate for the end customer. The latter, of course, first of all from the point of view of marketing, because you have to establish the new product line somehow on the market. The older Gaming-X models are no [...]

The Crew 2 – a further test with frame times, variances, memory and CPU usage

Our French colleague Yannick Guerrini contributed a large part of the content in today's test and, as we are all on the same wavelength and also want to expand our strategic partnership in Europe, there will certainly be many more articles in the future. developed in close cooperation. I would like to put this ahead of the test, because we [...]