Male vocals
Male games, soldiers, first-person shooters – here, of course, we use a snappy, tight “Yes, sir!” as an example. Let’s start from the bottom and look at the basic speech frequency of the male voice, which ends at around 150 Hz towards the top. Overemphasis makes the voice booming to the point of unintelligibility, without appearing natural in any way. Incidentally, overemphasized basses are much worse than more restrained interpretations.
Between around 1.5 and 3.5 kHz lies the overtone reproduction of the male voice, which primarily determines timbre and recognition. If the sound is tinkered with here, the voices lose their character and the spatial allocation suffers considerably. The actual intelligibility of speech is decided in the range between 3.5 and approx. 6.5 kHz; depending on the pitch of the voice, sometimes up to approx. 10 kHz. In the spectrum, we can clearly see the sibilance of the contracted S between Yes and Sir. In the range around 8 kHz, we also see breath and air noises, which are particularly important for softly whispered voices.
Female vocals
The fundamental frequency is now slightly higher and, depending on the voice pitch, is between approx. 150 Hz and 450 Hz in the lower mid-range. The statements on overtone reproduction and sibilants as well as speech and breath sounds then coincide again with the male voices. The sibilant “sh” at the beginning of the lustfully breathed word “sugar” is clearly recognizable, as are the air noises that are still measurable and audible.
Intermediate conclusion
In a direct comparison between neutral sound and gaming headsets, the good headphones (almost) always win. While the popular dip at 400 to 500 Hz has a negative impact on female vocals and long-barrelled guns, only the overemphasis at around eight to 10 kHz can slightly increase the perception of whispered or slightly breathy speech fragments. However, this can also be achieved with a neutral device and any equalizer if required, but is not punished with a permanent peak.
Result: Neutral wins over sounding.
- 1 - Fragestellung: Marketing oder echter Vorteil?
- 2 - Räumliches Hören und jede Menge Voodoo
- 3 - Von Tönen, Klängen und Geräuschen
- 4 - Analysiert: Die menschliche Sprache
- 5 - Analysiert: Schritte und Bewegungen
- 6 - Analysiert: Schusswaffengeräusche und Explosionen
- 7 - Analysiert: Transportmittel und örtliche Situationen
- 8 - Zusammenfassung und Fazit
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