In this section we test the output of lines. This is where there were the biggest differences in the tests in the first part of the article. Please be sure to read our conclusion to this test, because the problems described in the first part could meanwhile be reproduced on more than 40 different systems of our testers and readers in advance.
Content of the test
A total of 150,000 lines of random length and color are rendered at a random position. The initial value for the random generator is always identical, so that all test runs always reproduce the same content. All objects are within the drawing area, so no clipping is needed.
GDI functions used:
for the pure line benchmark:
- CreatePen
- MoveToEx
- LineTo
- SelectObject
- DeleteObject
additionally for DIB buffer (test with buffering):
- CreateCompatibleDC
- CreateDIBSection
- CreateSolidBrush
- Rectangle
- BitBlt
Direct drawing without buffer
Drawing with buffer
In direct drawing, the total failure of the tested HD 5xxx is unfortunately confirmed once again. However, we ask our readers to assess the relevance for themselves based on the previous chapters. We also do not understand this test as a call to avoid certain products, but rather demand that the manufacturer rectifies what has already been paid for by the customer in the interest of those affected. Interestingly, the value increases to the level of the line count measured without Aero, if we make another program window (e.g. Mozilla Firefox) the full screen and then the icon screen again before the test run, or start the Notepad program! Then an increased measured value can be reproduced within a few seconds. A second run is no longer possible after a system-dependent time has elapsed, and the performance drops occur again. This is clearly a driver problem where the manufacturer is challenged. The rest of the results speak for themselves. Again, the performance of the GMA 940 Atom under Aero and the remarkably low values of the GTX285 when drawing directly without Aero are astonishing. However, anything significantly above 20,000 lines should not visibly disturb normal everyday use.
- 1 - Einführung: Die Relevanz der 2D-Grafikausgabe über das GDI
- 2 - Das 2D-GDI und dessen Grafikausgabe von XP bis Windows 7 im Detail
- 3 - 2D-Grafikausgabe über das GDI: direkt oder gepuffert?
- 4 - Die Symptome der HD 5xxx-Serie und deren Relevanz unter Windows 7
- 5 - Tom2D: Unser einfacher 2D-GDI-Benchmark
- 6 - Tom2D: Textausgabe
- 7 - Tom2D: Linien
- 8 - Tom2D: Kurven
- 9 - Tom2D: Polygone
- 10 - Tom2D: Rechtecke
- 11 - Tom2D: Ellipsen
- 12 - Tom2D: Blitting
- 13 - Tom2D: Stretching
- 14 - Fazit
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