Today’s test of the two BOYA dual channel wireless lavalier microphones BY XM6 S6 (USB-C) and BY XM6 S4/K4 (Lightning) has a very personal background and even a longer history. I will now briefly introduce this, as it is also a longer practical test. The only difference between the K4 and the S4 is the additional charging cradle. Incidentally, both microphones are in my private possession and that’s how it came about…
Last year, as always, I visited Computex in Taipei and decided for the first time to accompany the stand and company visits with a smartphone and gimbal. But as nice as an iPhone may be for video blogging, the built-in microphones are not. At least not when the surroundings are already very loud. That’s exactly why I got myself a set of wireless microphones to plug in while I was still in Germany and tested them in the office. Everything worked as it should, so off I went to Taiwan.
In the evening after arriving, I wanted to talk to my family on the phone and went out into the hustle and bustle for a nice walk with a live link to my living room at home. Picture perfect, sound like something out of a barrel. But I’m not Diogenes and it was technically impossible to fix – the receiving station for the two microphones was obviously broken, however that happened. Saturday, late in the evening, everything already closed and now? The nice thing about Taipei, however, is that almost everything is open on Sundays and large department stores such as Syntrend open earlier than during the week. And a simple street store with Bluetooth solutions doesn’t help either, it should be a real wireless connection.
I was told the arguments for this by the salesman of the new wireless range, who pointed out that (a) normal people work during the week and can’t go shopping and (b) he sees his vocation as a salesman and likes to work at weekends, especially as this is better paid. I gladly agreed with this reasoning and was even allowed to test all the products extensively on my own iPhone (and after paying a small deposit), even outside the sales area. This almost 45-minute service would certainly have been unthinkable in Germany. In the end, I ended up with the BY XM6 S4/K4 (Lightning) for my iPhone 13 Pro Max at the time.
However, as I now use the iPhone 15 Pro Max, which, as you know, now also uses USB-C, but I wanted to continue using my beloved product including the convenient charging cradle (no longer available in Germany), I bought the BY XM6 S6 (USB-C) and passed on the S4 (without the charging cradle) to the rest of the family. As a result, I now own two of these wireless devices (paid for by myself and not sponsored), so that a comparison was also possible. Of course, some details have changed visually, but not technically. On the left you can see the new S6, on the right the S4:
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