When Klaus-Kevin had too much strength again…
When suddenly nothing is the way it used to be on Sundays

When Klaus-Kevin had too much strength again…
Having already tested and presented several 3D printers here, it was only a matter of time before a scanner followed. After all, I can’t leave the field to Igor alone with his extremely high-resolution hardware scans. However, his devices are priced in a range that private individuals rarely reach. So what can you expect from an offer for a [...]
In August last year, I already tested the most affordable member of the new Neptune 4 series from Elegoo here without any name additions, today we are moving to the exact opposite side of the spectrum. The “Max” version offers a gigantic 420 x 420 x 480 mm print volume and is still supposed to be equipped with all the advantages of the [...]
Recently at Kaufland… This is the special landing page for weighing blueberries.
If there is a wide gap between the key technology we are striving for and reality, then it’s the weekend again and a new year begins. Have fun, we even get a day for free.
So anyone who really believes that everything used to be cheaper is very much mistaken. Just compare salaries and prices! Computers are a luxury good. And gold-plated accessories are as old as the PC price list. But who am I telling? If you browse through yesterday’s advertisements today, it can make you feel really sick. But just before [...]
I took my time with my test report as I like to wait for the first few updates, especially with brand new devices. Especially when, as here for Bambu Lab, it’s a “bed pusher” with completely new kinematics. Although this manufacturer has made a big claim that the era of this type of printer is over, they are now offering this 3D [...]
René and I have known each other for almost two decades and it was bound to happen at some point. Because while I was constantly stopping myself from picking up everything, he made it his goal in life. And that’s how his impressive collection of computer games came about, which was even entered into the Guinness Book of Records as the [...]
Unexpected errors are always the exception. Really? And with that, our teams start the weekend again. And one more thing: we can’t have a constant stream of professorial entertainment here for free every day, because every now and then you have to put your feet up and put down the good EWOCLEM carpet. Work-life balance and all that. So have [...]
When everything is too much for you, you just enjoy the suffering of others. Or you try not to make an elephant out of every molehill.
Today we’ll take a look at a device that wavers between very good and strange in many places. Large build space, active electric heating for high internal temperatures and Klipper out of the box have piqued my interest. Again, there is a lot to look at, discuss and evaluate today, so quickly cleared as large a storage space as possible and [...]
Linus presents us his new 3-piece wine bottle uncorker model “Steve”. Physics reinterpreted, for a reasonable 75 euros. And with that, welcome to the WWW (We Want Wine) weekly review.
I think that if you’re even a little bit involved with 3D printing, there’s no way around some of the manufacturers. In the past, Creality and Prusa were clearly the sole top dogs, but they are no longer alone there. Thereis a lot to say aboutthe P1S and Bambu Lab ,so let’s start right away and put some more pressure on them [...]
If you order an Intel Core i9-13900K from Wish and Temu even delivers on Saturday, then your weekend is saved. Stinginess is horny, Temu is even hornier.
It’s off again and the days are getting shorter and colder. The bathing caps disappear in the closet and the key caps gain in importance again. But before we surrender to the coming digital blanket, I have a few more reasons to try real, native fresh air instead of lukewarm to hot PC exhaust. Otherwise, the new gaming notebook will soon look [...]
Welcome to the weekend! And as always, the worst is (almost) never over. That’s exactly where we start: The first picture shows why the screwdriver is not called a puller. If you turn, there is three-phase current, if you pull: nothing more.
If, besides the milk and the bumpers of the waitress, not even the Windows is real: fast food is a ceap copy.
I have changed the title a bit, because we don’t want to provoke clickbait. But the meaning will make itself clear in the further course of the test report, one way or another. There will be a happy ending! If you want to get started with 3D printing, there is something really interesting to read today. But let’s start at the [...]
From time to time, I like to present interesting projects ranging from community careers to startups or life stories behind the scenes of a company. Today I’m going to give you a home story of a different kind, because I’m going to let Marc Gaser tell his life story and tale of woe himself. The story of and about Liquid Extasy as a [...]
Today Bruce takes on the nasty weather and makes sure everyone is back in full contact. US Engineering FTW…
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