Gaming Reviews

Metro 2033: Ingenious End Time Drama with Tunnel View and Lots of Information about The Story and Location | 10 years ago

Pretty much exactly 10 years ago, I not only played and benchmarked Metro 2033, but also examined the story behind it. Because I was not only once in Moscow and know the also Metro from my own excursions quite well. I was also able to find something new, because as a student and foreigner, in the days of the Soviet regime, one always had the ubiquitous watchdog beside you and the information was, let's say politely, filtered a little. But I, too, have been walking in the tubes before - without a comfortable train and coin insertion.

Dmitry Glukhovsky, b. 1979Review. It must have been a cloudy Moscow morning in 2002. A young man stares motionlessly out of the window of a 9-storey concrete block in one of Moscow's bleak satellite suburbs at the many puddles and the non-soft mud, annoyed by half-finished streets and missing sidewalks, and so hangs on for minutes. He sees in the corners of his eyes how the old postman is heading towards the house and thinks that it would be better not to stay too long, because the rickety letterboxes too often empty themselves as if by ghost, if post is lost here. And it is as always, in the unsightly grey envelope there is a short-connected rejection. After all, let's get an answer. Others don't even bother. The novel does not fit into the portfolio and at all, such a thing would not be sold.

Dmitry Glukhovsky, b. 1979The young man is called Dmitry Gluchowsky, a journalist and editor for various TV stations. His problem is called "Metro 2033", is his first novel and after seven rejections does not really offer him the feeling of fulfillment. He has to slowly admit that the abrupt death of his character and the uncertain outcome may not quite fit into the mindset of the emerging yet fragmented Russian society in 2002. And so he decides to publish his first work at least on the Internet. 


2002 homepage
2002 homepage


Under, the author published the novel free of charge in 2002, and interestingly, the site still exists today. The response from the community was overwhelming after the author published the links in various SF forums. That is why he decided to completely revise the novel and realize it together with the Internet community.

New homepage – new version of "Metro 2033"On the new page has now been published chapter by chapter, publicly discussed, rewritten, perfected in the blog. Thus, in the interplay of author and Internet community, a completely new version of "Metro 2033" was created over time. The author added a total of 8 chapters and left his hero… – stop. We do not want to give too much away. Only so much: the book was finished in 2005 and has been an absolute bestseller since 2007. Worldwide.

The author in the Moscow Metro That the novel would once serve as a template for a game and that he, the author and even "Fallout" lover, would once actively participate in the design of a computer game, he really could not have guessed on this rainy morning in 2002.

Macho pose: Russians still love their AK47 to this day ("Photo shoot for Metro 2033)It's a novel that only a Russian could have written. And so is the implementation by a Ukrainian studio former "S.T.A.L.K.E.R." developer only logically.

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About the author

Igor Wallossek

Editor-in-chief and name-giver of igor'sLAB as the content successor of Tom's Hardware Germany, whose license was returned in June 2019 in order to better meet the qualitative demands of web content and challenges of new media such as YouTube with its own channel.

Computer nerd since 1983, audio freak since 1979 and pretty much open to anything with a plug or battery for over 50 years.

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