Division of labour is a nice thing, especially if your system has to be "persuaded" manually for the 1809 update of Windows and you are unfortunately not one of those who have been pampered with pre-keys. But better late than never and together with colleagues, working and playing is twice as much fun. This is written by someone who hardly finds time to play really enjoyable, unfortunately.
The benchmarks for the game still follow, of course, but so that the first hunger can be served again here, today there are beautiful, high-resolution pictures and a hot video on the hand for the attunement. Without buns and mustard, but with RTX On sweet, medium-sharp, extra-sharp and wasabi edition, as well as with dripped and boring off-ketchup without power.
Yannick's video shows what RTX On can look like:
Of course, we talk about the performance another time, we want to benchmark this again and also look at where there is still potential for optimization and whether or not. where, perhaps, was also a little cheating. Incidentally, this is not something of honour, as long as it is not completely contrary to the project or even noticeable. But the knowledge of the detail at least calms the technical conscience immensely. At least mine.
On the following pages we compare selected scenes with the individual RTX levels from Off to Ultra. And if I'm to be honest, everything under "Normal" can probably be saved. It's like wine schorle from the supermarket. Unsuitable for children, too expensive to throw away and far too watery to forget a hard day of labor. Not to mention taste. So it's kind of a compromise that no one can and wants to live with. But we have them all: from Off, to Low, Normal and High to Ultra.
On the go… Today is Leaves Day!