Chorma subsampling, color depth and color space are inseparable. You can still use the wide gamut with less color depth, but then with fewer theoretically possible color variations. If you want to enjoy all this to the fullest, you need a data highway (Internet line and display cable) that can live up to it. The amount of data increases potentially and without compression it becomes quite fast – quite slow. Fast frame rates at high resolutions – unthinkable without DSC.
Since Germany is a developing country in terms of broadband expansion, we can be glad that there is no “8K” HDR streaming yet. Here, even Hollywood is worth it, because you don’t really see the added value of an 8K movie (on an 8K TV at a seating distance >2.5 m). How big does the screen need to be to make 8K seem reasonable? Yes, if you sit one meter in front of the 80-inch TV, the pixels on the UHD display will practically jump into your eye. But: Whoever buys such a large TV – given the distance between the seats – likes to sit in front of the screen even in an empty cinema. Nothing more from Ratiopharm will help!
The main thing is that there is no significant content in the Rec. 2020 color space exists. Here goes my appeal to the film and especially the games industry. We now have monitors and TVs that can display well above the sRGB (Rec. 709) and the P3 color space. Why aren’t the games at least offered as an option in other color spaces? When are the first films coming to the Rec. 2020 color space? Or, do you not see the added value of even more green variations and deliberately stay in the P3 gamut? Which brings us back to the initial question: I consider an 8-bit panel with FRC to be quite appropriate and currently completely sufficient. The extended color space Rec. 2020 lies around like a fallow field in the landscape and is not used at all. But it’s nice that there are useless things to hype.
I also have to reflect on that self-critically, hyping without thinking, I have to be careful. Nevertheless, I can say one thing from my point of view: It is high time for the gaming industry to expand the sRGB color space. Because sRGB was almost 30 years ago and even the rubber boots were still made of wood!
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