Allgemein Audio/Peripherals Headsets Reviews

SHARKOON SKILLER SGH30 Review – Low-priced USB headset with above-average microphone

Disclaimer: The following article is machine translated from the original German, and has not been edited or checked for errors. Thank you for understanding!

Sound impression

Regarding the sound, I always start by pointing out that it is a very subjective perception. Everyone feels it differently and has different preferences and ideas about the ideal sound.

In gaming headsets, or headsets optimized for communication in general, the sound is always “optimized” so that speech is reproduced as clearly as possible. The SGH30 is no exception and features the exaggerated, but unfortunately common, emphasis on the frequency range from about 250Hz to about 4,000Hz. The disadvantage of this implementation is that music or games then sometimes sound somewhat “hollow” and “tinny”. Unfortunately I have no way to measure the frequency response, so you’ll have to make do with this description.

However, with the help of the 10-band equalizer built into the accompanying Sharkoon software, this shortcoming can be corrected to a considerable degree. That you now get out of a 30 € headset of course no 300 € sound, that should be clear to everyone. It is and remains a gaming headset.

Personally, though, I’m quite happy with the corrected sound, at least considering the price. The highs are present, the mids “tolerable” with correction, and the lows quite powerful, if a bit boomy.

Microphone Check

When I entered our Discord channel unannounced for a mic check and asked if I could be understood, I was immediately asked to turn my mic down a bit. A quick look into the software revealed: Oops, Mic Boost activated. When I deactivated this and moved the microphone a little further away from my mouth, I received praise for the voice quality and it was immediately assumed that I had finally acquired a condenser microphone so that the recently acquired audio interface could do its proper job. When I resolved that it was actually the microphone of a 30€ headset from Sharkoon, they didn’t want to believe me at first. That would sound way too good for a headset, even more so for one this cheap. After seeing it for myself, I couldn’t believe it. Honestly, the SGH30 microphone is the best microphone I’ve heard in a headset. Even the 200€ Boliden, which I have already presented here, can not keep up with it from laughing. Is it possible to get “golden samples” with microphones, like with chips, or has Sharkoon hit the big time here? To demonstrate, I once spoke a short sentence into the microphone.

There is one small downer, however. In addition to speech, all other sounds are also transmitted very cleanly. For example, typing on a mechanical keyboard with blue switches. Unfortunately, the noise reduction integrated in the software only minimally reduces this noise, but significantly worsens the quality of the voice transmission. Then better do without it.



Lade neue Kommentare


Finde SHARKOON immer sehr gut, sie bieten gute Hardware zu niedrigen Preise.

Habe schon oft Tastaturen und Mäuse von diesem Hersteller gehabt und wurde bisher noch nie enttäuscht. Momentan habe ich noch eine schöne mechanische Tastatur von Sharkoon auf meinem Schreibtisch stehen.

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32 Kommentare 13 Likes

Warum Mute da so ein winziges Schalterchen sein muss....War jetzt vorne oder hinten stumm? - ist im Alltag dann wohl häufiger die Frage.
Da geht mMn nichts über Hochklappen des Arms (im Rahmen von Headsets).

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About the author

Alexander Brose

