How quickly one can be wrong with a superficial and visual evaluation is shown by the video of Austin Evans, which is an example that the size of a YouTube channel does not always stand for the quality of the content. Sure, the PS5’s new cooler is lighter, smaller, and looks slimmer in other ways, but it’s got it all together with the new PCB, so we’re going to prove that the new PS5 is even better than the old one.
For today’s article I (Igor) lend my keyboard to my friend Aris and write the whole thing as a “ghostwriter” on his behalf, to show you what he has found out in his own investigations. Of course, I have also embedded his video at the end and who liked this article should not be afraid to leave a like or subscription there. As always, a lot of work went into today’s investigation, but it was worth it. It’s not about badmouthing a YouTuber or their channel, but it is about the truth. The basis for Austin’s misjudgement is only the optical comparison (picture above) which we have taken from his video.
Important update from 10.09.2021 – 06:30 am
After another rather long day and half the night, we already have the follow-up article in progress. With such tests it is like with the new cooler of the Playstation 5, because you also have to (want to) understand it. Since some readers and also colleagues had questioned the measurements at the selected points, there is now a second series of measurements with a total of 12 new sensors. On purpose, they also stick to the points that our colleagues used and that were used for comparison.
If you take into account the different room temperatures, for example, then even with direct measurements on the components, the differences we found in this first test are almost exactly the same as those of our colleagues from Gamers Nexus and their old PS 5. Even though our first, indirect measurement did not yield any real absolute values, we were primarily interested in the difference between old and new in the non-destructive measurement.
Without spoiling too much, I can confirm that in the second measurement with the new PS5, the difference between the APU temperatures of both versions is exactly the same as what you can read in this test. There is therefore nothing to “take back” but it will certainly surprise some of the critics of this test that we can even go a bit further. The core message of this article remains the same, of course, except that there will be more exciting details. Therefore, we ask for a few more hours of patience to get everything into the necessary form as a video and article. Stay tuned, there’s more to come! 🙂
Not only the cooler is new, but also the PCB!
What the video fails to mention is the fact that Sony has also significantly optimized the circuit board and probably parts of the power supply. Such revisions have nothing (or not only) to do with cost-down, but arise from the normal flow of a continuous incorporation of feedback from the operation of the finished products at the customer. You even have to give Sony credit for changing certain details once again. However, this is not about profit maximization, even if this can never be completely ruled out. Let’s compare new to old (and look at 3 revisions):
What Evan’s video doesn’t show is the fact that the board is now at least in its third revision and that there have been other structural changes as well. Significant changes were made in the area of power supply and partial voltages, which are anything but a cost-down, but real engineering to improve a product in the end.
Removal, Sensors & Radiator Comparison
To compare the whole thing, two PS5s were obtained and taken apart, measured and weighed in the lab. In the first gallery we see the new PS5 on the left, and the old PS5 from last year on the right, which still weighs 304 grams more:
We would like to point out that all measurements were taken with the two original PS5s before the complete teardown, and they were only opened enough to allow the temperature sensors to be glued on. Only then was the radiator removed in each case. First, let’s look at the supposedly better cooler on the old PS5. It is quite an elaborate design with 6 normal heatpipes and a large copper heatsink.
Now let’s look at the new one with the supposedly worse cooler, which also has 6 (optimized) heatpipes, but is positioned slightly differently.
However, we don’t want to commit ourselves to appearances alone, so the next thing we’ll examine is the temperature. So now it’s getting serious, please turn the page!
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