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The RTX 4090 only just misses the 4 GHz limit by 70 MHz

The PC community is known for its ability to push hardware performance to ever new peaks. The days there was an impressive benchmark from a user called CENS on HWbot. CENS managed to overclock an Nvidia GeForce RTX 4090 GPU to an amazing 3,930 MHz. This graphics card, which is one of the absolute top models, already has a boost clock of 2,520 MHz and is known for its impressive high-speed performance.

Source: Nvidia

After testing the Nvidia GeForce RTX 4090 when it launched in October 2022, people were so impressed with its performance that they dubbed it the “Queen of the Castle.” The brute performance of Nvidia’s Ada-Lovelace architecture makes it by far the fastest GPU on the market. Although it is already remarkably fast, users are still eager to test the GPU beyond its commercial limits.

Source: CENS

To understand how CENS broke the 3,900 MHz barrier, it’s important to know what hardware he used for this record benchmark. CENS reports that he used a Z790 motherboard with an Intel Core i9-13900K processor from the Raptor Lake S architecture. Additionally, the system was equipped with 32 GB of DDR5-4300 RAM and cooled by liquid nitrogen cooling. The record is 46 seconds and 383 ms at a clock of 2.63 GHz to 3.93 GHz. This is the highest GPUPI benchmark recorded for the RTX 4090 at HWbot. GPUPI is not the most graphics-intensive benchmark, unlike 3DMark. Still, it’s an important achievement as it’s the first time a graphics card has come this close to 4 GHz.

Source: TomsHardware


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7,517 Kommentare 2,035 Likes

'Diese Grafikkarte, die zu den absoluten Spitzenmodellen gehört (...)'

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163 Kommentare 39 Likes

Ich frage mich immer noch, wozu solche "Rekorde" gut sein sollen, denn benutzen kann man diese Einstellung ja eh nicht.......Wenn das stabil zu bekommen wäre und man damit was ordentlich beschleunigtes zocken könnte, sähe ich es ja ein.

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110 Kommentare 38 Likes

Läuft dem sein Speicher nicht mit 8600 MHz?
Ich muss bei mir den Wert (DRAM Frequency) im CPU-Z verdoppeln, damit ich meinen Speichertakt habe?

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2,183 Kommentare 1,395 Likes

Aus genau dem Grund ignoriere ich derartige Berichte auch. Wenn es umgekehrt darum ging, mit so wenig Energieverbrauch wie möglich eine bestimmte mindest FPS zu erreichen, wär ich sofort am Lesen. Daher finde ich Themen wie Untervolten etc auch spannend. Solche Infos kann man uU auch selbst gut gebrauchen.

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4,668 Kommentare 2,557 Likes

Ja, traurig, vielen bleibt halt auch nur undervolten und Powerlimits als neue Option für Rekorde. :)
Ernsthaft: ich muss meine 4090 wegen der momentanen Raumtemperaturen auch im PL drosseln, damit sie Ihre im Herbst-Frühjahr gewohnten sehr leisen 65°C halten kann. Von 450W (bis zu 430W im Spiel) maximaler Aufnahme auf 380W kostet immerhin 8 fps in Cyberpunk, also merkt man es nicht.

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About the author

Igor Wallossek

Editor-in-chief and name-giver of igor'sLAB as the content successor of Tom's Hardware Germany, whose license was returned in June 2019 in order to better meet the qualitative demands of web content and challenges of new media such as YouTube with its own channel.

Computer nerd since 1983, audio freak since 1979 and pretty much open to anything with a plug or battery for over 50 years.

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