What’s next week, where I’ll continue to work ahead even on the weekend? Quite a lot! By popular demand, we will start with the Sapphire RX 7900XT Pulse, which I have not only tested extensively, but which we (Igor’s magnetic fingers!) are allowed to keep and raffle off in the community. I would like to thank Sapphire in advance for their generous gesture and the community for asking me to test “cheaper” cards in the last few weeks. So let’s do it straight! And I may spoil that this map is guaranteed NOT to suffer from vapor chamber drama. What’s not in can’t be broken. And the XTX as a nitro I then push as a steam chamber card in a timely manner. Why did I have to think of Hammer in particular? Well…
12VHPWR connection and no end! New findings including adapter and workaround!
Since I know that mostly people like to read along and write off, I like to let the whole thing mature a bit, of course, and push my lab results from the last 2 days into next week as well. Primarily I wanted to test the final version of the new CabeMod adapter, so that the Go! for final mass production can finally be given. But as it is, when measuring (even with special lenses in the macro range) and evaluating radiometric video, one finds something that one would not have expected at all. The picture shows one of the measurements on an adapter, but the macros including the setup remain my personal secret for now. You’ll have to be patient, but it will be very interesting.
What you can measure from up there is the passively cooled CableMod adapter (here at a constant 450 watts after one hour), which I gave some special, previously calibrated measuring tape with known emissivity. Unfortunately, only YouTubers can measure metallic surfaces. This also applies to the measurements on the board with applied special varnish.
And then you can of course take a look at the adapter, because I experimented with different thermal pads beforehand. We also see for 12 volts three massive copper bridges in addition to the 2 oz PCB, which are cooled here to pull the waste heat out of the board, which by the way does NOT result from the contact resistances of the connectors!
Where the heat really comes from, what really heats up the plugs and how you can even counteract it with simple mods, will be covered in an extra article with elaborate IR time-lapse videos. That’s why I have to see how I get along with the time, because maybe there will be a gap of one day. But the whole thing is too important to just throw down.
In this sense, I wish you a nice weekend and not quite so much snow. Me today has namely fully snowed-in. As the owner of a parking heater, you can say “You lose!”, even if I still had to manually de-ice my wife’s car without it. Even the doors on the outside were frozen shut. Shit happens 😀
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