Latest news Notebooks

Unsustainable: YouTuber built a 43-inch "gaming" laptop with Intel’s NUC

YouTubers Evan and Katelyn designed and made their own super-sized laptop that weighs over 100 pounds (about 45 kg). With the weight, you might wonder how it’s even possible to hold something that heavy on your lap, but for a very short time (assuming massive thighs) it might be doable (for a quick photo).

Source: Evan and Katelyn
Source: Evan and Katelyn

This project involves a 43-inch TV screen, although it has not been declared is suspected that this consumes around 260W at peak. The case is made of wood, vinyl and ABS and is powered by two large batteries and a hidden Intel NUC 11 system. This mini PC features Core i7-1165G7 processors and RTX 2060 graphics. Inside there are USB hubs, lots of cables and controllers for RGB strips placed around the case.

Source: Evan and Katelyn
Source: Evan and Katelyn
Source: Evan and Katelyn

The largest laptops ever made

In 2017, the Acer Predator X21 was launched, and its design is still one of the most ridiculous. This notebook at the time featured a full-size desktop keyboard, an extremely wide, curved 21-inch screen, and two GTX 1080 GPUs (yes, still in SLI). The complete system weighs a proud 8.5 kg and is still considered one of the heaviest consumer notebooks ever made. Probably for this reason, it was shipped with a rolling case.

Source: Acer
Source: Acer

In 2016, ASUS launched the ROG GX700 notebook from its flagship gaming series. Equipped with Intel’s 6. With the 3rd generation CPU and the GTX 980 GPU, it was indeed one of the most powerful laptops at the time. Although it was only a 17.3-inch system, it was offered with a ROG Hydro Cooling system and advertised as the first notebook with water cooling. The cooling system was optionally connected to the laptop and once everything was connected, the performance could be increased by up to 48% thanks to overclocking. The good news is that this notebook wasn’t quite as heavy as the Predator. In fact, it was only 3.8 kg, but with the ROG Hydro component, the total weight increased to 4.8 kg. Also quite neat…

Source: Asus
Source: Asus

In 2006, Dell then launched its XPS M2010 notebook, or should we say a desktop PC in case format. This laptop had a 20-inch screen and a detachable keyboard. It was (and still is) considered one of the most impractical laptop designs of all time. This laptop weighs 21 pounds (about 10 kg). It was recently tested by Linus Tech Tips.

Source: Dell
Source: Dell

Source: YouTube


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Vielleicht was für Ralf Möller.

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Ganz ehrlich? Ich glaube, wenn man das vernünftig umsetzt, hat das ein gewisses Marktpotential. Jeder zweite Vertreter, der irgendwelche Messtechnik präsentiert schleppt bei uns einen 24"-Monitor rein oder größer. Der Laptop ist dann unter dem anderen Arm oder sogar der Desktop im Trolley. Da wäre ein großer Laptop definitiv praktischer. ;)

Und dann gibt es ja noch die Leute, die gar keinen Laptop brauchen, sondern einen mobilen Desktop suchen. Mir sind die 17"-Dinger viel zu klein und ein paar Kilo extra würden mich nicht jucken. Ich kann auch mit einer Akkulaufzeit von unter einer Stunde gut leben. Wie gesagt, mobiler Desktop halt.


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Ich vermisse in der Liste der größten Laptops mein ehemaliges HP HDX mit 20,1 Zoll. Ich war damals sehr zufrieden mit dem Teil.

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About the author

Samir Bashir

