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The two faces of the GeForce RTX 3050 8GB – different chips and different thirst | Leak

Only 115 instead of 130 watts TBP: The GeForce RTX 3050 8GB will, that is for sure, come soon with two different GPUs, which definitely makes a difference for the end customer. Not only is the card now readily available, but the street price is also dropping more and more. This makes them quite interesting, but you will soon have to be careful which version you actually buy. The current prices starting at around 409 Euros are still beyond good or bad, but at least a trend is visible. Of course, the MSRP is still far away, but the glut of cards is unmissable. And that’s where it gets interesting.

All cards available at launch relied on the GA106-150, a chip slimmed down from 30 to 20 SM, which had probably accumulated in heaps due to the poor yield rate of Samsung’s 8 nm process and of course still drops. Hence the slimming down to the 2 GPC with the 20 SM, 2560 shading units, 80 TMUs, 32 ROPs, 80 tensor cores and 20 RT cores. However, as I could also learn from various board partners, NVIDIA currently puts a lot of emphasis on the availability of just this card.

In this context, it is of course also interesting that the chip, which is actually connected with 16 PCIe 4.0 lanes, was artificially cut to 8 lanes shortly before the launch. The question of why this was done was also quickly answered. This is because NVIDIA wants to keep all options open with this model and also be able to reach for the GA107, which only offers 8 lanes out of the box (and also offers 20 SM and 2560 CUDA cores), in case of a lack of salvage chips of the GA106. The only thing was that they were afraid that customers would then revolt due to different specifications for the bus. Bad press for different configurations has been a “good” experience since the GT 640 at the latest, which even made it to the market in five (!) versions (and 3 more OEM versions as GT 645). Pure confusion, then.

Nothing changes for the customer when switching between the GA106 and GA107, because NVIDIA has really paid attention to the important key data this time. And there will be no problems for the manufacturers either, because the chips remain pin-compatible even for the layout of the board, so that a change during ongoing production is absolutely feasible without major interventions. Therefore, the boards can be used 1:1 and only the BIOS will differ slightly. So everything else really stays the same? Well, not quite, because there is one serious difference, I guess.

While the GeForce RTX 3050 8GB with the GA106 is specified for 130 watts TBP, the cards with the GA107, so I was able to find out, will be at a maximum of 115 watts TBP, and thus turn out to be even more frugal. The OC potential should also be a bit higher (in theory) as long as the manufacturer does not limit the maximum power limit more clearly. The margin for the board partners is at least 150 watts with the GA106 Salvage chip, which could be given to the card as AIC. The GA107, on the other hand, is supposed to be only 130 to 140 watts, but I still have to have that confirmed in more detail.

However, the GA107 should also generally cut a better figure in economy mode, i.e. when undervolting. This actually makes it the more interesting chip. However, as I was able to learn, this will only ever be used if there are no longer enough partially defective GA106s accumulated and available. From this point of view, a purchased card with the GA107 would also be a good indication that the GeForce RTX 3050 will find more buyers than previously planned. Samsung will not be able to improve the yield rate that quickly, and it will certainly remain modest for the time being.


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1,943 Kommentare 926 Likes

Man stelle sich vor, NV hätte auch nen 6nm Chip, dann wäre evtl. sogar 75W ohne zusätzlichen Stromanschluss drin.
(auch wenns dann nur evtl. nur 2...4GB-Vram sein dürften)

Wieviel W verbraucht eigentlich der Notebook-Vram vgl. mit dem Desktop-Vram?
(gibts da weniger V)

Bei Gurdi warte ich immer noch auf sein 85W asisc -Setting von seiner 6600xt Hellhound.
Falls mal Einer ne 6500xt gut UVen kann, wäre eine Info auch net schlecht.

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352 Kommentare 365 Likes

Hier ne Übersicht wo der GA106-150 überall verbaut ist.

Hier der GA107

Ich bin gespannt ob Nvidia die Produktion bei Samsung einfach weiter laufen lässt, wenn im Herbst die nächste Generation vorgestellt wird. Die wird ja bei tsmc vom Band rollen.
Aktuell bekommst ja alles verkauft...

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1,943 Kommentare 926 Likes

Vermutlich kommen ja erstmal die großen Chips und die Kleinen dann später.
(damit wird die Produktion vom GA106+107 wohl noch ne Weile bei Samsung bleiben)

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1,399 Kommentare 923 Likes

Mir fehlte einfach die Zeit dass in einen Artikel zu gießen, Beruf, Kinder und zweites Haus waren einfach too much mit zwei Verletzungen.

Hier hast du alles was du wissen musst, ohne Laienübersetzung.
180Watt Gesamtsystem mit einem X570 samt 12 Kerner übertaktet.

View image at the forums

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1,943 Kommentare 926 Likes

Dann gute Genesung!
(hoffentlich nix Schlimmes)

92W asic bei dem Takt = not bad!
(ist im Prinzip genauso gut wie stock@warm beim Launch-Review)

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1,399 Kommentare 923 Likes

Ja danke, heilt langsam (Miniskus rechtes Knie + doppelten Bandscheibenvorfall)

Es sind eigentlich nur 85Watt Average in der ASIC, das ist quasi ein 100Watt Build.

View image at the forums

View image at the forums

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1,696 Kommentare 642 Likes

Autsch - gute Besserung

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396 Kommentare 277 Likes

Ufff, gute und schnelle Besserung. Was ist denn passiert? Baustellenunfall?

Hammer Build. Will das auch haben 🙃

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1,399 Kommentare 923 Likes

Chronische Überlastung + Triggerereignis

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5 Kommentare 0 Likes

Der konkretor von Rivastation?

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831 Kommentare 364 Likes

@Gurdi gute Besserung

Da bekomme ich auch Lust doch nochmal ein wenig zu basteln.
Aber die nächsten Tage ist auch erstmal Familie dran, sind ja Ferien 🥴;):cool:

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About the author

Igor Wallossek

Editor-in-chief and name-giver of igor'sLAB as the content successor of Tom's Hardware Germany, whose license was returned in June 2019 in order to better meet the qualitative demands of web content and challenges of new media such as YouTube with its own channel.

Computer nerd since 1983, audio freak since 1979 and pretty much open to anything with a plug or battery for over 50 years.

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