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Intel Socket LGA-1700 and LGA-1800 in detail – Exclusive data and drawings for the new CPUs starting with Alder Lake | Leak

Disclaimer: The following article is machine translated from the original German, and has not been edited or checked for errors. Thank you for understanding!

I had already published small excerpts about the new socket from time to time, but since the launch is getting closer and closer, I would like to show the whole socket today based on the data I was able to gather from various sources and also explain why continuing to use the old coolers even after adapting the mounting kits might not be a good idea most of the time. Today’s teaser image shows a small photo montage of an original drawing and the recently leaked cutout of the possible socket cap.

However, what I have for you today is completely sufficient to construct suitable cooling solutions for the new socket. Since I know that many of the cooler manufacturers have not yet received any documentation, but the time window for the industry, which is already shaken by the pandemic, is getting narrower and narrower for new developments, I understand today’s article also as a small assistance for those who would like to start with the development or even have to do so.

Comparison of the sockets – old against new

First, let’s take a look at the new socket compared to its predecessors and consider the obvious differences. I don’t even have to explain much, because you can see it at first glance by the dimensions and the shape. In this context, the backplate is also interesting, so I picked out the relevant construction drawing of the last three LGA sockets:

The first thing you might notice is the new heatspreader (IHS), which is now rectangular instead of square. This has a big influence on the optimal positioning of the heatpipes in air coolers and is especially in coolers with DHT (Direct Heat Touch), so without a real heatsink, quite an important factor for the possible performance. Because then only the ground heatpipes cool. If these are unfavorable, that’s it with the performance, because we know exactly this problem from AMD’s Ryzen CPUs and the asymmetrically placed dies.

Water coolers are no less affected by this, because the coldplate with the micro channels is also the focus here for an optimal design. Lucky is the one whose cooler has already been adapted for Ryzen or which is already designed for rectangular sockets (Ryzen, Threadripper, Xeon) (picture above). Then it should be enough even with a new mounting kit loose. Smaller, round coolers in all-in-one compact water coolers should be able to get her, however, as already on the current Ryzens, quite problems.

The exemplary superposition shows here a well-suited block (Alphacool XPX Pro), whose microchannels cover more than just the IHS, however, it would make more sense to limit the dimensions somewhat. The best would probably be a mix of rectangular shape and width reduced to the IHS for the area with the flow. On the following page you will now learn everything about the mounting, the heights and also about the necessary contact pressures and the limits of what is acceptable.



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7,244 Kommentare 3,803 Likes

Tipptopp sowas - nicht für mich aber dann gibt's keine Ausreden mehr, warum das mit den neuen Kühlern so lange dauert... (freundliches "hallo" @Watercool zu den diversen Grafikkarten-Kühlern...) ;)

Davon ab: bin ECHT mal gespannt, was da Ende des Jahres Leistungsmäßig auf uns zu kommt. Gen 11 war bei Intel ja eher so "meh" und ich bin schon gespannt wie ein Flitzebogen, ob man ein paar der diversen Kniffe zur Leistungssteigerung auf 14nm dann auch auf die kleineren Strukturen "mitnehmen" kann. Ich erwarte eigentlich schon, dass da mal ein dickes Leistungsplus bei IPC und idealerweise auch Takt heraus kommt.

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66 Kommentare 37 Likes


66 Kommentare 37 Likes

irgendwie waren Generationen vier bis elf irgendwie meh. Ich wollte jahrelang upgraden, verstand aber nicht, warum ich 1000.- für +4% Performancezuwachs ausgeben sollte.

Intel wird dem Schicksal von Quark Express und Blackberry erleiden, wenn Sie ihre Erfolgsbehäbigkeit nicht endgültig abschütteln kann. Jeder Leitwolf ist ein Führer auf Zeit.

Jetzt bin ich Ryzen-Fanboy ... zumindest bis was besseres kommt.

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2,198 Kommentare 1,403 Likes

Igor, danke! Und nach dieser Dienstleistung für diverse Hersteller von Kühlern (denn das ist der Artikel ja auch) hoffe ich, daß sich zumindest die ein oder anderen Hersteller erkenntlich zeigen und Mal hier ein paar Anzeigen schalten, oder was für PR-wirksame Verlosungen rausrücken usw!

Und, da werden die Eier und Tomaten fliegen, hier gleich noch eine Ketzerei: Ich wünschte mir ja, daß Intel anstelle ihrer grottig schlechten "boxed cooler" auch wenigstens eine (große) Variante von AL bringt die serienmäßig mit Vapor Chamber direkt am Die gekühlt kommt, also kein Heatspreader oder sonst irgendein Zeug. Sollen sie Mal zeigen, was sie können! Wenn Konsolen wie die PS 5 und die Series X damit dem Ansatz 150 - 200 Watt gut und leise wegkriegen, dann müsste das doch hier auch gehen. Das wäre doch Mal etwas "innovatives", und mE schon lange überfällig. Auf geht's, Intel, kühlt Mal was!

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About the author

Igor Wallossek

Editor-in-chief and name-giver of igor'sLAB as the content successor of Tom's Hardware Germany, whose license was returned in June 2019 in order to better meet the qualitative demands of web content and challenges of new media such as YouTube with its own channel.

Computer nerd since 1983, audio freak since 1979 and pretty much open to anything with a plug or battery for over 50 years.

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