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Update of the MoreClockTool (MCT) to version 1.1.0 – Download is online

The latest version 1.01 of the MoreClockTool is online. With the use of the AMD Device Library eXtra Software Development Kit (ADLX SDK) RDNA3 is now also included. For older cards we still recommend the MorePowerTool MPT and the use of alternative drivers, which can be found e.g. as “resurrected” Omega drivers at The new MCT offers nothing different than the Wattman, but does without all the overhead and organizes the most important versions a bit more logically. This reduces the overhead for the settings enormously and it is also much faster.

With the MoreClockTool (MCT), we now want to logically round up the MorePowerTool (MPT) and the Red BIOS Editor (RBE) and replace the Wattman from AMD’s driver packages for simple overclocking. Which also makes it clear that the MCT can only be used for newer AMD graphics cards. Even if our software seems rather manageable at first glance: all necessary functions are still on board, but you can do without the complete overhead as long as you don’t really need it. With this, Hellm as the author of this tool followed the community’s wish for a small, lightweight program that directly builds on AMD’s libraries, logically complements the MorePowerTool and in some respects is even much more user-friendly, because many long ways can be shortened (and also modified).

Download area: New version of MorePowerTool (MPT) and final release of RedBIOSEditor (RBE)

The program is self-explanatory and can be downloaded from the download area (link above). For the curious, here are the four screenshots for the new tabs and functions:




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1,502 Kommentare 1,556 Likes

Bin selber ( zur Zeit )bei der Konkurrenz,aber :

Es ist trotzdem immer wieder schön zu sehen,das einige ihre Zeit dafür investieren,
der Community solche Werkzeuge zur Verfügung zu stellen.

Danke Hellm und Igor ( und wahrscheinlich einige Freunde ) für Euren Einsatz.

Das macht einfach nur Freude :)

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2 Kommentare 1 Likes

Ik heb twee suggesties om het programma te verbeteren:
1- Definieer de ventilatorinstellingen automatisch (bios-standaard) of handmatig.
2- Voeg digitale levendigheid toe

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Igor Wallossek


10,917 Kommentare 20,694 Likes

De ventilatoren kunnen zeker worden ingebouwd, maar realtime monitoring of zelfs diagrammen zijn precies wat we niet willen met een slank programma: Overhead creëren die niemand nodig heeft. ;)

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49 Kommentare 45 Likes

Also besteht mit dem MCT nicht wie mit dem MPT die Möglichkeit bestimmte Werte über die Vorgaben des Treibers zu erhöhen?

Gibt es eigentlich die Möglichkeit Treiber Features wie Nachschärfung wie in der Adrenalin Software per Game zu setzen oder geht dies nur overall?

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655 Kommentare 880 Likes

ADLX only supports manual fan tuning. I can't set it back to an auto-setting or something.
My suggestion would be the Reset-Button. This will reset everything tuning related to default setting, this would include everything on the tuning tab and the fan tab as well. The Set-Button applies the settings for the current tab only, so if you don't press the All-Button next to it or go to the fan tab and set anything there, you should be fine.

Nein, Limits kann MCT nicht umgehen. MCT nutzt die ADLX, neueste AMD Display Library. Zwar habe ich keine Abfragen nach Limits eingebaut, also übermittelt MCT was auch immer der User wünscht, nur der Treiber akzeptiert nicht alles. Da müsste ich schon andere Wege gehen als über die Library, das wäre ein Vollzeit-Job. Außerdem würde AMD dann sicher Maßnahmen ergreifen, um das zu verhindern. Darauf möchte ich mich gar nicht einlassen, und mir fehlt auch schlicht die Zeit dafür. Diskussion hatten wir auch schon.

Profile für Games, dafür bietet die ADLX keine Schnittstelle. Das müsste ich ebenfalls unter massiven Arbeitsaufwand selbst einpflegen, das ist mir nicht möglich. Wenn ADLX in zukünftigen Versionen etwas in der Art unterstützt, werde ich überlegen wie man es in MCT einfügen kann. Aber derzeit ist das nicht möglich.

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Klicke zum Ausklappem


49 Kommentare 45 Likes

Ich danke für die ausführliche Rückmeldung. Mit ADLX habe ich mich bisher nur sehr begrenzt beschäftigt bzw. was hier möglich ist im Detail. Einfach weil mir der mögliche Nutzen im Moment noch zu gering ist persönlich.
Absolut valide und nachvollziehbare Punkte, da braucht es garkeiner Diskussionen.
Ein Dank auch wegen Zeit, Aufwand usw. solch ein Programm zu entwickeln.

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2 Kommentare 1 Likes

Ik heb alleen het tabblad "tuning" ingesteld, maar de ventilator is nog steeds ingesteld op handmatige modus

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655 Kommentare 880 Likes

I have tried it with my RX 6600, and it works for me. Did you forget to reset everything?

View image at the forums

If the fan actually is in manual mode, we can't do anything about that. MCT only sets powerlimit, memory and GPU OC-settings at the tuning tab. Nothing else. So, if the fan is in manual mode after that, this is not the behavior of ADLX or MCT, instead, as my screenshot implies a habit of the driver.
Or you forgot to hit the Reset-button.

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105 Kommentare 68 Likes

Hi! You did it! :)
Any specific reason for the lack of Vsync control?

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655 Kommentare 880 Likes

Yes. No time, no fun, considered it not relevant with enhanced sync there and freesync now available on literally every monitor. Another reason, i don't think there are too many games without the vsync ingame option.
If there is a use case where you would need vsync from the driver, i am sorry i shut you out. Maybe next update. But it will take a little while.

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105 Kommentare 68 Likes

I used to set it "always off (not recommended)" from radeon settings app (the default value is "off unless specified by app" ) to decrease mouse input lag in some games. But you're probably right, not worth it. Anyways, here is my 24/7 settings from amd soft:

View image at the forums

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Igor Wallossek


10,917 Kommentare 20,694 Likes

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About the author

Igor Wallossek

Editor-in-chief and name-giver of igor'sLAB as the content successor of Tom's Hardware Germany, whose license was returned in June 2019 in order to better meet the qualitative demands of web content and challenges of new media such as YouTube with its own channel.

Computer nerd since 1983, audio freak since 1979 and pretty much open to anything with a plug or battery for over 50 years.

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