Anyone who thinks that it has become quiet here and that we let ourselves commute a little too comfortably in the heat is wrong. Because you don't see most of what's going on here. And I'm not allowed to write about many things (even) yet. And that with the daily rumour articles, where you quote third parties broadly and long, just to scurry around the NDAs like a worm and have to write nonsense in order not to be punished with the withdrawal of love from the manufacturers, that's not mine.
But a lot has happened in the last week. Almost too much. Also with regard to the cooperation between the individual localizations of the site. All this and even more can be found in the Pott-Cast #1. Because sometimes you have to let your soul speak without producing five kilometers of text. A video just goes better. Grab a dignified cage and just take a look. Igor's week, so to speak. You will find the rest between the spoken lines. Uncut and in a piece. The fidget children are allowed to hampeln. 🙂