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New chipset driver for all Ryzen under Windows 11 – AMD declares CPPC2 bug solved

Even before the launch of Windows 11 on October 5, it had become apparent that AMD's Ryzen processors were no longer performing as well as they used to in Winsows 10 in certain scenarios. The core allocation under Windows 11 in the scheduler showed weaknesses and also the CPU cache was no longer optionally addressed and utilized. According to AMD, the scheduler problems were particularly apparent on CPUs with more than eight cores, where Windows 11 was no longer able to cleanly allocate the fastest core at any given time.

The negative influence was even more obvious in the memory system, where the cache throughput dropped significantly and the latencies increased visibly. This part, which was also called the L3 bug, has already been released as an update on Windows 11 (first in the Insider program). The new chipset driver is now intended for all Zen processors and is supposed to improve the performance under Windows 11 with version number 22000.189 (and newer) – AMD considers the issue as settled in the meantime.  You can also read an excerpt here, so ADL can come and the conspiracy theories should be wastepaper.

The download can be done as usual on the AMD homepage: https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-ryzen-chipset-3-10-08-506


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58 Kommentare 46 Likes

muss ich ja direkt mal gegentesten mit der 11er win2go usb platte 🧐🥸 da wollte ich eh mal wieder 'reinschauen, da es mich interessiert, ob das insider image (ohne insider program mitgliedschaft) auf das finale windoze updated wird :)

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2 Kommentare 4 Likes

Gut wäre es noch zu erwähnen, dass der L3-Bug mit dem optionalen Update KB5006746 nun auch in der Mainstream-Version behoben ist. Das Update muss allerdings manuell in den Windows-Updates zum Installieren ausgewählt werden.

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2,577 Kommentare 985 Likes

Das wird wohl das erste Windows, bei dem ich mir so richtig Zeit zur Installation lasse.

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58 Kommentare 46 Likes

seh ich ebenfalls so. es wird nebenher immer wieder mal getestet werden, aber als haupt-/ produktivsystem eingesetzt wird wohl noch ein wenig dauern.

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7,075 Kommentare 3,661 Likes

Hab gestern meinen Laptop auf Win11 gebracht einfach über Windows Update. Läuft.

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66 Kommentare 41 Likes

Ein Schelm, wer böses dabei denkt. Für mich eine konzertierte Aktion zum Abverkauf von INTEL Hardware. Ich jedenfalls habe Meltdown und Spectre nicht vergessen. Ich kann nicht glauben, daß der Durchschnittskäufer einem Hersteller so gleichgültig ist. Aber zum Glück gibt es ja igorsLAB in dem Klartext gesprochen wird und das uns vor Dummheit bewahrt.

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About the author

Igor Wallossek

Editor-in-chief and name-giver of igor'sLAB as the content successor of Tom's Hardware Germany, whose license was returned in June 2019 in order to better meet the qualitative demands of web content and challenges of new media such as YouTube with its own channel.

Computer nerd since 1983, audio freak since 1979 and pretty much open to anything with a plug or battery for over 50 years.

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