GPUs Graphics Latest news

Is intel preparing its own Video Super Resolution (VSR) variant for Chrome browser? You can already activate them!

Intel is also working on its own super-resolution technology for videos in Chrome browsers. There were already hints of such technology that Intel engineers referred to in Chrome development, but it was not entirely clear how and if it would work at all. As it turns out, this technology is already enabled for certain Intel GPUs, but it is not officially supported yet and requires a manual change to be enabled.

That is, there is no magic switch in the Intel graphics control panel of the driver, but a command that has to be entered manually for Chrome. Technology support depends on the architecture, but is reportedly available for 10th generation integrated GPUs. Generation and newer activated. Furthermore, it also works for Intel Arc, so the quality and performance will probably primarily depend on the hardware used as well. As for the requirements, Chrome must be at least version 109 (so it may be older than what is required for NVIDIA), hardware acceleration must be enabled for Chrome, and there must be a compatible GPU. Then a special command must be added to the app shortcut:

Some users were quite lucky during activation and testing. Here are some examples of Intel VSR working for different video sources (Twitch, Bilibili):

Results may vary depending on the video source and GPU processing power. So far, VSR technology for video shows a visible performance load for GPUs, so it does not always justify its use. It is important to note that VSR is not officially supported by Intel, so we strongly recommend waiting for official support if it is a production system. In fact, Intel has not even confirmed that such a feature is planned yet. But as a curious user, experimenting with it is allowed.

Source: @SquashBionic, hddvddegogo, QuasarZone, Dcinside


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So, wir Intel aktuell agiert, könnte es passieren, dass man mit der nächsten Gen einen ernst zunehmenden dritten Player am Start hat.

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Was auch sehr interessant ist: scheint ja sogar auf einigen iGPUs ab der 10ten Generation zu funktionieren. Der Artikel warnt schon zu Recht, daß die Leistung der SRT sehr wahrscheinlich mit der GPU skalieren wird. Allerdings hoffe ich, daß die iGPUs es auch einigermaßen gut hinbekommen, denn die sind ja in ihrem Stromhunger begrenzt. Die ersten Tests von NVIDIAs Lösung haben eben auch ziemlich hohen Stromverbrauch gemessen. Und wenn das so bleibt, wäre es nicht so toll.

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Samir Bashir

