intel has now officially confirmed that the integrated graphics of the Intel 6. Generation Core CPUs will not receive any more driver updates. This announcement has many users worried, as it means that the series will no longer receive support from Intel. In December 2022, the product series reached “End of Life” status. This means that Intel will no longer maintain drivers for the series, which can ultimately lead to a decrease in the performance of the integrated graphics in new applications.
Users who rely on this product series should therefore consider upgrading to a newer CPU generation to ensure that their systems run optimally, even though there will probably still be so-called “legacy” drivers on a frozen state. Intel’s decision to end support for the Intel 6. The decision to discontinue the first-generation Core CPUs could be due to various reasons, including the pursuit of more advanced technologies and ensuring efficient use of resources. Still, many users are concerned about how this decision will affect their systems and how long their computers will be able to meet the demands of modern applications.
It is unfortunate that Intel has decided to end driver support for the 6th generation. Generation Core series to be discontinued. Although this product line was launched in 2015 and thus has impressive longevity, it is still disappointing that support for integrated graphics is now being discontinued almost 8 years after the product’s is questionable whether it is really true that systems with the 6th Gen Core series do not need frequent GPU drivers.
Many users may still rely on this product line, and the discontinuation of driver support could lead to a limitation in their ability to run modern applications that also rely on hardware acceleration through the iGP. It is also important to consider that the performance of the integrated graphics is not sufficient for all applications and requirements. It is also problematic that Intel might provide fewer security updates for the Skylake CPU in the future. As security threats continue to increase, it would be irresponsible to leave a platform without proper security updates. This could expose users to increased security risks and force them to upgrade to a new CPU generation to ensure their systems remain secure.
Intel keeps the support for the 7th to 10th generation. Generation upright. In fact, the GPU driver has been updated to include support for the 7th through 10th generations. This means that users of these processor generations can still expect updates and improvements for their integrated graphics.
Source: Intel
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