Artificial Intelligence CES CPU Latest news

CES: New mobile CPUs with improved AI capability

AMD’s Ryzen 8040 series, also known as “Hawk Point”, is based on the Zen 4 architecture and represents a major advance in AMD’s mobile processor offering. These processors, which are expected to launch on January 31, 2024, are designed as an update to the previous Phoenix 7040 series and do not represent a complete overhaul. The Ryzen 8040 series comprises nine SKUs, ranging from 8C/16T to an entry-level model with 4C/8T. These chips are manufactured by TSMC using the 4 nm process. A special feature of this series is the integration of the Ryzen AI NPU, developed by Xilinx, in seven of the nine SKUs, indicating a strong focus on AI capabilities.

AMD promises up to 1.4x improvement in AI performance compared to the previous Ryzen 7040 series, using technologies such as PyTorch in Eager mode, ONNX Runtime and the ONNX Performance Tool quantized to INT8. The frequency of the NPU has been increased by 60% in the 8040 series, which promises up to 16 TOPS performance from the NPU. In addition, the series includes architectural improvements such as firmware updates, bug fixes and minor optimizations.

This has led to significant improvements in AI-related functionality that can be seen in software applications such as Adobe Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Lightroom, After Effects and Black Magic DaVinci Resolve. These applications benefit from features such as automatic equalization, DNN-based deinterlacing and AI-driven speech isolation.

AMD Client Processor Update AI - CES 2024


As such, the Ryzen 8040 series represents AMD’s ongoing commitment to integrating powerful AI capabilities directly into their mobile processor line, improving both performance and functionality across a range of applications. For more, check out the slides above, which can also provide an initial preview of the new CPUs’ capabilities.


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12 Kommentare 5 Likes

Ich bin ja mal gespannt wann die ersten must have Features kommen oder die wirklich nice to have Features, um von einer "nicht KI" zu einer "KI" CPU umzusteigen.

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2,180 Kommentare 1,394 Likes

Also erst mal kein neues Silizium, sondern etwas härter auf die Frequenztube gedrückt. Wobei es für Hawk hoffentlich mehr "KI" Anwendungen geben wird als für Phoenix, denn da gab es ja 10 Monate lang - nichts. Ich hatte mich eigentlich schon für ein Phoenix Notebook entschieden, aber mit dem ellenlangen Anlauf bis es die ersten Laptops damit gab (erst seit Spätherbst 2023) warte ich jetzt noch die nächsten Wochen und schau mal, wie sich Meteor Lake so schlägt. Im Moment scheint Intel jedenfalls schneller dabei zu sein, Treiber, BIOS usw auf Vordermann zu bringen. Und um den Bogen zum Thema KI zu schließen: hier hat Intel ja auch schon eine Reihe von Partnerschaften offiziell gemacht. AMD muß sich hier sputen, denn sonst wird die derzeitig (IMHO) immer noch beste APU nur zweite Wahl werden. Die Software macht eben die Hardware interessant, nicht umgekehrt.

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About the author

Igor Wallossek

Editor-in-chief and name-giver of igor'sLAB as the content successor of Tom's Hardware Germany, whose license was returned in June 2019 in order to better meet the qualitative demands of web content and challenges of new media such as YouTube with its own channel.

Computer nerd since 1983, audio freak since 1979 and pretty much open to anything with a plug or battery for over 50 years.

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