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AMD FSR 3 FidelityFX Super Resolution technology was unveiled at GDC 2023.

AMD released material earlier this month announcing an upcoming unveiling of its next-generation FidelityFX at GDC 2023. Today the hardware company officially announced that FidelityFX Super Resolution 3.0 will be available soon. This is an important step for AMD to keep up with its rival NVIDIA, which has already launched version 3.0 of its DLSS graphics enhancer/scaler for a limited number of games. AMD has indicated that FSR 3.0 is still in the early stages of development.

However, the company is confident that work on temporal upscaling will result in a number of improvements over the previous generation. FSR 3.0 is expected to offer higher image quality and better performance than the previous version. FidelityFX Super Resolution is a graphics enhancement tool designed to optimize GPU performance without compromising image quality. With FSR, game developers can achieve higher frame rates and improved graphics quality without requiring expensive and powerful graphics cards for gamers. AMD hopes that the introduction of FSR 3.0 will help strengthen its position in the gaming GPU market and intensify competition with NVIDIA. Although FSR 3.0 is still in the development phase, expectations are high that it will be a powerful tool that will impress game developers and gamers alike.

The engineering team is working to improve the performance of FSR 2.0 technology. Their goal is to improve frame performance by a factor of 2 compared to current technology. Current technology is already capable of calculating more pixels than are present in a single frame. To achieve the goal, the team plans to generate more pixels in a frame by adding interpolated frames. This means that the team will try to create more pixels by adding frames that are in between the existing frames.

This creates a larger number of pixels within the current frame. The team strives to create at least one sample for each interpolated pixel to achieve the best possible quality. However, it is important to note that the team wants to avoid feedback loops. An interpolated frame is shown only once, and any interpolation artifact would persist for only one frame. This means that the team wants to make sure that the quality of the interpolated frames is as high as possible to ensure that artifacts are not visible and that the image remains as smooth as possible. Several potential drawbacks have been identified. Applying color correction to obsolete samples using color clamping is impractical because it depends heavily on it. It turns out to be difficult to generate non-linear motion interpolation on two-dimensional motion vectors in screen space. In addition, the interpolation of the final frames requires extensive post-processing, which must also take into account the user interface in the foreground. A diagram from AMD shows the comparison between a native rendering technique and FSR 2.0 and 3.0.

Source: AMD


The FSR 3.0 (FidelityFX Super Resolution) is an advanced technology that enables an overall smoother gaming experience. This new version of the FSR tool allows developers to spend more time on the visual quality of the GPU. The technology is designed to improve the graphics quality and performance of games on various hardware platforms.An important focus of FSR 3.0 is the reduction of latency. AMD has the gamer in mind here and ensures that high frame rates and the lowest achievable latency are met as a basic requirement for an optimal gaming experience. The engineers behind FSR 3.0 are working hard to make the upgrade path of titles currently using version 2.0 of FSR smooth.FSR technology is a solution to the scaled resolution problem. It allows a high-resolution image to be output at a lower resolution without sacrificing image quality. This results in improved performance on the hardware platform and a higher frame rate in the game.

Source: AMD

FSR 3.0 takes this technology to a new level. Developers can now create even better visual effects and graphics while ensuring that the game runs smoothly and without annoying judder. The technology is compatible with various GPUs and offers gamers the ability to take the graphics quality of their games to the next level without having to upgrade their hardware.Overall, FSR 3.0 is a promising technology that offers many advantages to both developers and players. It enables a higher frame rate and better visual effects while reducing latency. It remains to be seen how this technology will develop in the future and what innovations it will bring.

Source: TechPowerUP, AMD, GPUOpen


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214 Kommentare 75 Likes

Profitieren alle Grafikkarten von FSR 3 oder nur die neueren 6000er und die 7000er?

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Gregor Kacknoob


548 Kommentare 456 Likes

Da auch FSR3 unter MIT Lizenz frei verfügbar sein wird, ist stark davon auszugehen, dass es prinzipiell für alle Grafikkarten verfügbar gemacht werden kann. Die Frage ist nur, ob für FSR3 diese KI-Einheiten benötigt werden, was im ungünstigen Fall bei älteren Grafikkarten zu viel Rechenleistung kosten könnte. Zu begrüßen ist es. Spätestens mit den ersten Reviews werden wir's erfahren :)

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258 Kommentare 72 Likes

Bin gespannt wie sich das auf die Benchmarks auswirken wird und mit aktiviertem FSR3 könnte auch wieder n bisschen Strom gespart werden 🫠

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124 Kommentare 75 Likes

AMD hat da bis jetzt sich eher unklar ausgedrückt. Man möchte es möglich machen - war glaube ich bisher der offizielle Sprech...

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About the author

Samir Bashir

