
Aorus X299 Master in the test lab – presentation in the video and a taste of our upcoming motherboard tests

Is he now also testing motherboards? THE question I had to listen to again and again when it came to defining the next test field. Because there have been and still are requests like sand by the sea. No matter, I let myself soften and designed a new test sequence. Our dear Frank is already building something, because it was and is my intention (and my plan) to do the whole thing a little smarter instead of just chasing bland standard benchmarks over it.

Is he now also testing motherboards? THE question I had to listen to again and again when it came to defining the next test field. Because there have been and still are requests like sand by the sea. No matter, I let myself soften and designed a new test sequence. Our dear Frank is already building something, because it was and is my intention (and my plan) to do the whole thing a little smarter instead of just chasing bland standard benchmarks over it. Kindergarten.

No, we'll do it a little bit more technically. Together with Frank and my long-time friend Aris (you know from TH US and its power supply tests), we have devised something that can really monitor and log any current-carrying line to the motherboard. The power consumption of the motherboard and its sub-areas simply cannot be measured more precisely. A nice side effect is the even better data collection during CPU tests or the recording of the interactions of CPU and GPU snychron and in real time.

The beginning is now made by an Aorus X299 Master, which firstly looks so good from the key data, that it could easily survive my extreme tests (who wants to be charcoal for the first time?) and it also offers a very special audio solution. This is exactly where I like to remind you of my article "Disadvantages of onboard sound – influence of graphics card, headphone sensitivity and motherboard layout", where I had already explained the topic beautifully and easily understandable. So the Aorus X299 Master will have to prove itself!

The equipment for this is long finished and I had already presented it in a video. Speaking of video. Of course, I'll present you with the Aorus Master X299 as a video, because it is exactly this format that has meanwhile (against expectation) also found a loyal customer base and even conquered completely new consumer circles for our website. You really never learn and I'm probably going to have to go through it now. Just pull in the following video snippet – standup without prompter and double bottom.

The motherboard makes a really good one at first glance, the second look will then, as already mentioned, go much deeper." This is followed by boards from Supermicro, MSI and others. The shelf of good deeds is already filled propper. So: we read and see each other, even if it is still unfamiliar. In order to keep me happy, of course, more subscriptions have to be made. So give your heart mouse a little push and click on Subscribe. That certainly doesn't hurt, promised! 🙂


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About the author

Igor Wallossek

Editor-in-chief and name-giver of igor'sLAB as the content successor of Tom's Hardware Germany, whose license was returned in June 2019 in order to better meet the qualitative demands of web content and challenges of new media such as YouTube with its own channel.

Computer nerd since 1983, audio freak since 1979 and pretty much open to anything with a plug or battery for over 50 years.

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