Audio/Peripherals Furniture Raffle Reviews

Adept Holo Gaming-Chair Review – Customizable Exoskeleton made in Germany

With the Adept Holo and Adept Hemi, there are officially two more new seats for the gamer of the world on the market as of today. Why I even made myself available as a test person in advance this time and am now writing about it has exactly two reasons: healthy distrust and even stronger curiosity. I’m combining today’s review (I’m not really allowed to call it a review because it’s also a giveaway) with a giveaway from Adept for you. This is then quasi the countervalue for the increased visibility of the new product and automatically also a thank you to you. So you can look forward to that, because on the last page you will find, besides the usual summary, the further details.

If I had thought the part was terrible, it would (like so many things in the past) either have long since been passed on for a good cause or shredded, and this article would certainly never have been written. But I’ve cleaned out the chair here a bit and now I’m still sitting on it at the gaming table. I’m not going to give it back that quickly, and I’m going to make it into a 115-kilo endurance test. Which would also clear up the issue of my weight. And what makes the chair I tested over several weeks so special now?

When an established Franconian manufacturer of professional seating and lounge furniture with a perfidious penchant for ergonomics and build quality (in these circles, that’s how you have to handle it) and inner-European production opens up to a startup like Adept as an OEM to gaming as well, patiently letting them tweak the look and at the same time relying on proven high-volume parts, the end result is a constellation that is already somewhat different from well-known verdicts like Backforce and Interstuhl.

The looks are again a matter of taste and opinion, but you really shouldn’t tolerate any compromises in the workmanship in this price range. The fact is, and this justified my curiosity, that it is just not a hundredth rehash of Chinese OEM skills, where the same rocker mechanisms and basic elements meet again and again and one can only articulate individually via the stitch patterns and cushions. This is still merchandise from here, except for certain small parts, although that’s exactly what you can’t do otherwise. Production largely takes place in Germany, and it is not only the added value that ultimately allows the coveted “made in Germany” to be awarded.

Hemi and Holo: variants, prices and features

No, this is finally something really different and so rock-solid that my distrust vanished with the use. The only downside is that it’s also a bit more expensive than the usual suspects, unfortunately. But it’s still cheaper than certain high-end stuff with unmixed Asian genes, which only defines itself as such through marketing. The entry-level Hemi is certainly not cheap at just under 550 Euros, but for what it offers, that’s quite alright.  Nevertheless, I (myself) would rather go for the Holo, if only for comfort reasons, because seat depth adjustment and front tilt are already important to me. The rest is up to the individual. Since I detest PU leather, I sit on completely microfiber and the cover is (like Alcantara) haptically pleasant and also nice and easy to clean (yes, I have also spilled). I would always prefer that to normal fabric.

The advantage of the Holo also applies to the integrated lumbar support, the better foot rollers and the microfiber cover, which are still an extra charge on the Hemi. If you add it all up, you get about the same price difference between Hemi and Holo, but the solid aluminum base isn’t even available for extra dough. Of course, the First Edition is currently the best offer, because you could also let the chair mutate into Maya the Bee for free, but I already wrote it: each according to his fason. The differences and dimensions as a comparison are of course also available, whereby the Hemi should be about 1 kilo lighter than specified here (foot cross!):

And since the parts are also available in nice color (keyword individualization), I now also have a picture gallery with render images for you, because my chair has rather the self-imposed noblesse of an unexciting grayscale graphic. I wanted it that way, by the way. Otherwise my colorful shirts won’t work anymore. Ouch!

I had already mentioned that the “montage” can hardly be described as such. That’s why the following page simply contains the unboxing and the navel-gazing of the expensively purchased parts including an explanation of all functions and buttons, because the synchro mechanism is always on board, but has received useful additions along the way.


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72 Kommentare 34 Likes

Dann starte ich mal: der Stuhl sieht Vielversprechend aus! Bei meine 203 cm ist es nämlich echt schwer einen passenden Stuhl zu finden, der mir schmerzfreies Arbeiten ermöglicht. von daher hoffe ich mal auf den Gewinn :)

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1,490 Kommentare 1,542 Likes

Bin auch dabei...:)
Danke Igor

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192 Kommentare 138 Likes

Seit langen mal ein Stuhl der mich wirklich reizt. Könnte bei meinen 195cm und 100kg auch mal endlich wieder was sein das was taugt.
Gewinnen wäre natürlich noch genialer :-)

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15 Kommentare 2 Likes

Fürs Home-Office hatte ich mir meinen Bürostuhl mit nach Hause genommen. Mit diesem neuen Sitzmöbel könnte ich endlich an beiden Orten vernünftig ohne Rückenschmerzen arbeiten.

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4 Kommentare 0 Likes

Schickes Möbel! Da werde ich mich doch gleich mal eintragen. Wer weiß, vielleicht gewinne ich ein erstes Mal etwas ;-)
Danke für die tolle Gelegenheit dazu!

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5,100 Kommentare 2,924 Likes

Da mache ich doch mit : )

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318 Kommentare 325 Likes


37 Kommentare 3 Likes

Warum ich den Stuhl brauche? Ich hab aktuell, aufgrund mangelnder Informationssuche meinerseits, einen billig China DX Razer der mir ebenso im Freundeskreis empfohlen wurde. Naja ich sag mal so, mein Freundeskreis hat einfach keine Ahnung. Weder von Hifi (das wusste ich schon länger) als von Stühlen ...
Deswegen, liebend gerne her damit!

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1,522 Kommentare 1,186 Likes

Ich mach mit, weil bei meinem "Billig-Stuhl" der Dämpfer im Popo ist... :ROFLMAO:
Ein neues Sitzmöbel käme da gerade recht. (y)

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38 Kommentare 27 Likes

Na, das wär doch (hoffentlich) genau das richtige für mein geschundenes Kreuz mit meinen 4 Implantaten und 6 OP´s.
Mein Rücken ist mittlerweile echt ne Diva :ROFLMAO: .
Danke für die Chance ;).

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28 Kommentare 2 Likes

Im Gegensatz zu den Erstposter-Riesen passt meine Größe (und mein Gewicht) mit 1,87 m zu den Spezifikationen(1,5-1,91m; bis 125 kg) des Stuhls ;-P.
Momentan stützt daheim meine 85 kg ein sehr einfacher aber zugegebenermaßen bequemer ehemaliger Bürostuhl. Bei meinen zwei Schreibtischen wäre ein zweiter Schreibtisch-Stuhl aber auch sehr willkommen.

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6,828 Kommentare 2,258 Likes

Sieht sehr interessant aus, könnte meinem armen Rücken helfen.

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17 Kommentare 1 Likes

Schöner Stuhl, da mache ich doch auch mit

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28 Kommentare 8 Likes

Ich liebäugel auch schon seit längerem mit einem neuen Bürostuhl. Mein alter Stuhl ist jetzt in seinem siebten Lebensjahr und hält mit den beim Anwender hinzukommenden Zipperlein nicht mehr mit. ^^

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34 Kommentare 11 Likes

Ich komme gerade erst wieder von der Physio… ein ordentlicher Stuhl ist ein Muss. Auf der Arbeit hab ich auch einen, aber durch das mehr an Homeoffice muss man inzwischen ja auch zuhause richtig gut ausgestattet sein, um keine Schäden zu bekommen.
Der Stuhl sieht echt richtig gut aus. Nicht nur, weils Gamer-like ist, sondern auch ergonomisch.

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29 Kommentare 11 Likes

Gegen kaufen hätte jemand aus meinem nächsten Umfeld definitiv was, aber im Angesicht der Unschuld eines Gewinns, wer kann da denn hart bleiben..!? Count me in!

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41 Kommentare 6 Likes

Sieht interessant aus, da es mit der Grafikkarte nichts geworden ist hier ein weiterer versuch :D

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25 Kommentare 1 Likes

Da ich eh auf der Suche nach einem neuen Stuhl fürs Homeoffice bin mache ich doch direkt einmal mit.

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36 Kommentare 0 Likes

Genau das Richtige für mich :-)

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About the author

Igor Wallossek

Editor-in-chief and name-giver of igor'sLAB as the content successor of Tom's Hardware Germany, whose license was returned in June 2019 in order to better meet the qualitative demands of web content and challenges of new media such as YouTube with its own channel.

Computer nerd since 1983, audio freak since 1979 and pretty much open to anything with a plug or battery for over 50 years.

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