Today’s editorial could be published every year, because these thoughts are not new and especially the Christmas season should be reason enough to practice some inner reflection. And I would like to and must thank all our readers at this point, who have remained loyal to us even after the rededication of the site from Tom’s Hardware Germany to igorsLAB, who have perhaps also joined us, and who also actively participate in the forum and thus also fill our offers with new life every day.
And so I wish all of you, no matter whether you are a long-time resident or a newcomer, a good pre-Christmas period, and later a blessed Christmas and of course a few contemplative days, which we should also use to reflect a little on the past and to think about the future. This is all and everyone from the bottom of our hearts and put to selbiges. I’m also deliberately writing before Christmas because things like self-denial seem to be so nicely in vogue right now. In spite of everything, religion and faith play only a secondary role, so that everyone can and should take with them what fits best into their own life plan. But if I wish something for someone, then it is out of my own conviction and my own will and not because it just fits so nicely into the calendar.
Therefore, I would also like to point out traditions and values that are really worth standing up for, even against the general trend of indifference, superficiality and even culturelessness. This applies both to what people like to call Western values and culture and to what those who have not lived in Germany for very long and to whom our concerns, values and rules are foreign should preserve at all costs. And I wish these people in particular a satisfying self-discovery in a new homeland that is not appropriated and abused by well-meaning third parties for their ideological purposes.
For the forced abandonment of one’s own values and convictions is always also a great deal of loss of personality, i.e. something that should not be demanded of anyone. But respect for one’s own ideas and traditions also implies conceding this right to all and accepting, not merely tolerating, other ideas. This is not a one-way street and is always based on reciprocity. So this applies to everyone, and especially to those who are on the two edges of the political color spectrum and always have the loudest opinion.
Migration, integration and togetherness – it always comes down to the will first, and that in turn can only be achieved through one’s own conviction, not through coercion. Here, on a large scale as well as on a small scale, it is above all a matter of fair and respectful cooperation and not of a uniformed and streamlined mass that blindly submits to a single, predefined marching direction. Dictation does not work, on the contrary. It makes poorer and even lonely. This also includes the sometimes rampant “wokeness” in the forum, in which one then immediately suspects and insinuates latent racism, where things were meant completely differently. In the end, this too is nothing other than what you actually think you are fighting against. Nothing against a necessary world improvement, but it is and remains a technology site with very clearly defined content, to which I will continue to adhere. This also includes my writing style and the one or other not-so-ivory-tower-compatible admission. That, in turn, I will not be forbidden, because that is part of the tolerance theme.
By the way, I am proud of our forum, which in the end is also just a mirror of our society. The more people, i.e. individuals with very personal ideas and opinions, meet, the greater the potential for conflict. Pluralism of opinion can work, but only if one accepts sensibly defined boundaries and unconditionally grants others your own opinion. This also applies to the house right of those who give the forum a home. There are rules that everyone has to follow, and then the diversity of opinions in such a small microcosm as our forum will work. But only then. It is no different with society on a large scale and therefore everyone should think about where they see themselves, where they would like to see themselves and what bothers them about the current coexistence. The ways to be able to solve problems optimally are often long, difficult and mostly not immediately recognizable. The only thing is that you shouldn’t just sit down and wait for someone to pick you up.
Alienation and over-alienation first begin in one’s own head. Of course, this also applies to all those who join the ranks every day or who have preferred to sit on the sidelines in the dark for generations. Rights are always associated with duties, and those who deliberately exclude and shut themselves off have no right to demand anything from anyone in any form. Building bridges instead of always tearing open new trenches is certainly a good approach. These offered bridges but then also to walk, the logical consequence.
We now have a functioning community here with very different readers from many walks of life, with different personal backgrounds and, in some cases, extremely conflicting views. There’s something I’m personally very grateful for because it’s working really well so far. And if it works on a small scale, it should be possible to do the same on a large scale. And if the child has already fallen into the well, then it should darn well learn to swim as well,
But my thoughts are also with all those who cannot celebrate Christmas as usual this year because they have become direct or indirect victims of senseless wars of aggression. Imperialist megalomania and contempt for humanity are highly dangerous for everyone and should give everyone food for thought, because this madness knows no borders. Today the others, tomorrow perhaps we too. Nothing is guaranteed to last and you really have to think and be clear on which side you are on and what you yourself are willing to give. A little peace is like a little pregnancy, namely a contradiction in terms.
With this in mind, I wish everyone a good time and some reflection on the essentials. So inner contemplation instead of outer renunciation! Then it also works out with 2023 🙂
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