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Telekom has the best mobile internet performance in Germany in 2023 – 12-month barometer in the nPerf Speed Test

We have been hosting the nPerf Speed Test on our website for some time now. The French company, which is based in Lyon, offers comprehensive network test solutions and analyses. As a result, it is also interesting to see which network provider stood out best in this country with the mobile Internet. Data from the period from January 2023 to December 2023 was used.

Over 124,289 test data were collected for the analysis. But where does this data come from? Quite simply, it is the end customers who provide the data. The company collects the thousands of tests per month that come from the end customer’s testing and thus compiles this evaluation. This makes this evaluation a “crowdsourcing” study with one of the most extensive panels in the country. These tests reflect the actual experiences that the general public has with the networks of the various Internet operators. In addition to the website integration, there is also a free app application for IOS and Android devices. The results presented here are also based on this. Now enough of the story, let’s get to the results.

Telekom can still claim the leading role here in Germany for mobile Internet by a wide margin. Vodafone and O2 had no chance, especially in the download rate in the 5G network, which is around 223 Mb/s. Of course, Telekom’s small position of power was also clearly noticeable in the other categories. But it is clear that the other providers are slowly closing in.

For Vodafone, however, there are one or two interesting results and you can see that the company is establishing itself as a robust competitor in the market. In terms of average latency, it has even overtaken Telekom. Although there are more slower latencies than Telekom in percentage terms, there are more excellent ones.

But what about third-placed O2? After further expanding its 5G network, there is still too much room for improvement for the provider. It was only able to stand out a little in the individual categories. However, it is clear that it is catching up with the other providers when it comes to browsing and streaming. On the whole, the overall rating is still a little behind, but the performance is certainly consistent.

We definitely see further improvements between the individual providers. The competitor Vodafone is getting closer and closer to Telekom, while O2 is still lagging behind in the rating, but that there is also a recognizable development. How will things look this year? Will one or the other provider perhaps spring a surprise or will Telekom remain the undefeated leader in mobile Internet? It will be interesting to see and if the results are published, we will of course report on them for you. You can of course find all the individual results for 2023 here.

It makes you want to test your own Internet! Of course, the service not only offers tests for mobile Internet connections, but you can also test your Internet connection at home. So let off steam!






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Die FRAGE lautet IGOR : IST DAS NEU oder hat der Kollege mit dem Telkombeitrag diese Seite verseucht?
Weil: Wenn Du auf einen Standort zugreifst greifst Du ins leere und man gibt dir halt einen.
Aber: Mit dem Zugriff und so weiter, beginnt das Ende.
Oder sind wir beide Bundeswehrköpfe die gerade das Internet aus dem Jahr 2001 testen? ( Kamerad0: " Och guck Kammerad..watt datt den?" Kamerad1: " Splitter")

Noch mal die FRAGE : IST DAS NEU? weil dann melde ich ab.. peace :)

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1,525 Kommentare 777 Likes

Liebes Elektropelzilein,
gerne kannst Du Deinen Netzwerk Traffic via Wireshark etc. analysieren.

Wenn Du einen DSL Geschwindigkeitstest mit den im Beitrag verlinkten zur Verfügung stehenden Servern durchführen lassen möchtest, wird hierfür (Ping) als auch für die Latenz-, Geschwindigkeitsmessung Dein Standort benötigt.
Gerne kannst Du auch einen VPN zwischenschalten, so kannst du letzteren auf seine Performance testen.
Alternativ kannst Du aber auch andere Geschwindigkeitstests durchführen lassen, so z.B. auf (auch mit freier Serverwahl) etc.

Ich hoffe ich konnte Deine Frage damit trotz "Demenz" beantworten. Kann aber manchmal auch Menschen wie @Yumiko missverstehen, daher bitte ich um Verständnis für PCBF und dessen Auswirkungen auf die neuronalen Verknüpfungen PEACE

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Igor Wallossek


11,245 Kommentare 21,321 Likes

nPerf habe ich seit Jahren als kostenlosen Service auf der Seite - damit man sich nicht immer mit Oakla & Co. rumärgern muss. Das, was wirklich an Daten abgefragt wird, ist minimal und - das wurde gerade erwähnt, auch notwendig. Der Test der Bundesnetzagentur spiegelt mein subjektives Empfinden hingegen nicht wirklich wieder, das ist immer alles so schön schnell, auch wenn der Knoten in Frankfurt mal wieder messbar laggt. Altes Thema, immer das gleiche. :D

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About the author

Hoang Minh Le

