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Eos unveiled: NVIDIA’s next-generation supercomputer revolutionizes the AI landscape with 18.4 exaflops

Supercomputers have taken on a significant role in today’s world as the world increasingly moves towards AI developments. Integrating this technology into consumer applications requires far more than just ‘brain power’. This is where data centers like Eos come into play, providing the computing power needed to achieve the desired development goal. NVIDIA’s “AI factory” Eos was ranked ninth in the list.

The Eos supercomputer is equipped with a total of 576 NVIDIA DGX H100 systems. Each system contains eight of Team Green’s H100 AI GPUs, giving a total of exactly 4608 GPUs. To connect them, NVIDIA uses the Quantum-2 InfiniBand architecture, which takes the performance of the Eos to a new level. The combination of all these elements enables the Eos supercomputer to deliver an impressive 18.4 exaflops of FP8 AI performance. This makes it an important tool for NVIDIA to advance in the generative AI industry, as this computing power provides a clear competitive advantage.

Eos’s architecture is optimized for AI workloads demanding ultra-low-latency and high-throughput interconnectivity across a large cluster of accelerated computing nodes, making it an ideal solution for enterprises looking to scale their AI capabilities.

As enterprises and developers worldwide seek to harness the power of AI, Eos stands as a pivotal resource, promising to accelerate the journey towards AI-infused applications that fuel every organization.


The Eos supercomputer is a technological marvel and a major contributor to the AI industry. Team Green is continuously working to keep the system up to date and running. EOS is one of several applications in supercomputing where AI GPUs will dominate. 2024 will be a significant year for this segment.

Source: NVIDIA


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Vieleicht kommt der " Supercomputer " auf die Idee, wie ES den FRIEDEN, MENSCHLICHKEIT, WÜRDE, etz berechnet.

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Wenn nicht, dann war die Spezies Mensch ein unfähige Erscheinung, die von der Evolution weg rationalisiert wurde.
Oder der Computer kommt auf Ideen. Das ERgebnis wird das selbe sein.


Moderiert. Über abgeschlossene Räume mit gasförmigen Einleitungen möchte ich hier nichts lesen.


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Ich fand es nie sehr lustig, nur anstrengend.

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Samir Bashir

