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Computex 2023 – News at MSI and an annoying data glitch

Before we bring another launch article today around 8 am (so please check back), I’ll quickly close the gap of my Computex coverage. I had already put some videos online, but unfortunately the very first video from the MSI booth is missing, as the infrastructure had set me a nasty trap. Since I had scheduled everything floor and row by row this time, MSI was my very first video station on Tuesday, which was the first day of the show. And, from good experience, I had also sneaked into the booth sooner, using my own exhibitor badge that entitled me to enter earlier.

According to the event organiser, over 200 new access points had been set up, powerful uplinks had been installed, and in general – the WLAN was supposed to be a phenomenal and trend-setting technical marvel. I had already tested it on Monday and was really satisfied with the quality of the streams. Even on the opening day, just before the exhibitor entrance, everything still looked really good. So I live streamed the first booth visit, as planned. However, I was shocked by the result. Compared to the first test runs, the clips were full of artifacts and the sound, well. Greetings from Mars or from inside the earth. Beautiful was something else. A few minutes later, the network was completely flat and I had to rely on my data line in the cell phone and the local memory of the iPhone again. Therefore, based on the stream catastrophe, I have summarized everything for you in pictures and text, so really nice oldschool. That works, too.

Of course, MSI also presented the latest GPUs from their lineup at this event, including the just-launched GeForce RTX 4060 Ti in various variants. The graphics card is equipped with a variety of ports to connect various monitors and VR headsets within its memory-conditioned possibilities. But you can still implement such cards very well in purely technical terms. With an efficient cooling system, temperatures stay low even under heavy load, ensuring stable and reliable performance. RTX-On is a must, and on top of that, the cards have a wide range of software features and tools that allow users to customize their graphics settings, optimize performance, and personalize their gaming experience. I’ll spare you the rest of the marketing at this point, that’s what we had the launch article for and yes, sometimes writing is quite a good filter.

FusionChill: the innovative and futuristic AIO graphics card

MSI has developed a new patented all-in-one hybrid cooling technology that is used on their dedicated graphics cards. This technology offers several improvements over conventional cooling methods. One important aspect of the hybrid cooling technology is the extended radiator. The graphics card has an integrated radiator that is mounted directly on the card. Compared to conventional coolers, this one offers an increased number of fins and a larger distance between the fins in the hot water channel.

This allows for improved heat dissipation and increases overall cooling performance. Another feature of the hybrid cooling technology is a larger water tank. Compared to traditional graphics card coolers, the MSI card’s water tank has a 15% higher water volume, which can minimize temperature peaks. This allows for more efficient cooling, as more heat energy can also be absorbed and dissipated via the larger cooling surface at the end. Furthermore, the copper socket including the heatsink of the graphics card has been improved. This copper socket, which connects the GPU to the water cooling system, has beveled fins. These ribs serve to reduce the memory temperatures. The beveled shape results in improved heat transfer from the memory chips to the water cooling system, resulting in lower memory temperatures.

MSI DynaVC Technology

MSI DynaVC uses a technology called 3DVC (three-dimensional vapor chamber) to improve the cooling efficiency of graphics cards. Unlike conventional thermal modules, the MSI DynaVC integrates a flat vapor chamber with foldable heat pipes. This integration eliminates solder joints between the vapor chamber and the heat pipes, resulting in a reduction of the heat transfer distance (lower heat transfer resistance). This means that heat can be dissipated from the graphics card more efficiently.

The use of 3DVC technology in the MSI DynaVC allows for better cooling of the graphics cards, which in turn can lead to improved performance and reliability. So by reducing the heat transfer distance and optimizing heat dissipation, the system can be cooled effectively, minimizing overheating issues and allowing for more stable operating performance. A test has been requested, so we’ll wait and see.

Dual SPATIUM M570 PRO FROZR in RAID 0: 19+ GB/s

RAID 0 is a configuration for hard drives or SSDs where multiple drives are combined into one logical drive to improve performance. In this case, it’s a real-world setup with RAID 0 offering impressive transfer rates of over 19000/22000 MB/s. These transfer rates are exceptionally high and indicate a very high performance configuration. The PHISON E26, which is optimized for the PCIe Gen5 interface, should also have contributed here.

The PHISON E26 is a high-end SSD controller optimized for the PCIe Gen5 interface, specifically designed for use in fast solid-state drives. Another feature, is the FROZR heatsink (everything at MSI has somehow been called FROZR for years). The heatsink is a special cooling system developed by MSI. It is designed to lower the temperatures of components like the SSD and improve cooling performance. By reducing temperatures by up to 20°C, the FROZR heatsink can help increase the stability and longevity of components and ensure optimal performance. Needless to say, this also cries out for testing.

Dynamic bimetallic fins – a trio that conquers heat with ease

MSI’s patented technology is based on a concept that consists of two aluminum fins surrounding a copper fin. This creates a composite fin structure. This structure allows for efficient heat transfer in the familiar air coolers. The use of copper in this design is quite decisive here, as copper has a higher thermal conductivity than aluminum. Unfortunately, however, it is also a cost factor.

By using copper, heat can be efficiently transferred from the copper fin to the surrounding aluminum fins. The combination of aluminum and copper in the dynamic bimetallic fins optimizes the cooling performance of the system at a still reasonable cost. This combination leverages the advantages of both materials to ensure effective dissipation of heat from the CPU or GPU.

Finger exercises and ear cinema

It’s always in the eye (or ear) of the customer what demands and preferences one has when it comes to peripherals. And so there is again new gear (new German for gaming gear), which is supposed to make the gamer’s heart beat faster, among others the Vigor Gk71 Sonic. Here, the in-house MSI Sonic Switches are installed and the whole thing is then spiced up with some RGB lighting MSI ClearCaps. There is also a new mouse called Clutch GM51 Lightwight Wireless. The high quality PAW-3395 optical sensor is a feature that should help the mouse get up to speed. This sensor offers precise and responsive tracking on different surfaces and allows for accurate pointer control. The patented MSI DIAMOND LIGHTGRIPS are special grips on the mouse designed for added comfort and grip strength. They help ensure that the mouse sits comfortably in your hand even during long gaming sessions and does not slip out of your hand easily.

The mouse has a classic ergonomic shape that aims to provide a natural and comfortable hand position during use. This helps to reduce fatigue and ensure a pleasant user experience. Moreover, the mouse weighs only 85g, which makes it lightweight and handy. Another feature that the mouse supports is the MSI SNAP CHARGING and charging cradle. This allows users to simply place the mouse on the charging station to charge it, instead of having to plug it directly into the computer with a cable. This can be especially handy for reducing desk clutter and providing a convenient charging option. Tri-mode connectivity with MSI SWIFTSPEED wireless technology allows the mouse to connect to the computer in three different ways. It can be used over a wireless connection, which offers freedom of movement, or over a wired connection for a more stable and reliable connection. In addition, the mouse also offers the ability to connect to other devices such as laptops or tablets via Bluetooth, which adds to its versatility.

So, enough with the marketing-speak, because you now know what it’s all about and what we’re supposed to buy. Unfortunately, no moving pictures, but a short summary of what I had to delete again as “Lost in artifacts”. You really don’t have to watch such crap. But I learned from it and now appreciate the 1 TB memory of my smartphone even more. I actually wanted to spare my smartphone that, but it turned out to be much safer. The rest is well known 🙂



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7,517 Kommentare 2,032 Likes

Irgendwer wird bestimmt fushion. Mal gucken, ob dann wer chill bleibt.

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1,831 Kommentare 1,143 Likes

Cold fushion (oder so ähnlich 😁) war doch Mal was. War aber wohl am Ende doch nichts, und ist auch eiskalt gechillt worden.

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1,831 Kommentare 1,143 Likes

Zum Thema WLAN und große Messen: leider sieht man da oft erst was wirklich geht oder auch nicht, nachdem zig Tausende Besucher alle gleichzeitig ins Netz wollten. Gerade bei sowas wie Computex denke ich mir auch, daß hier die angeforderte Bandbreite pro User auch noch eine ganze Ecke größer ist als bei anderen Messen. Allerdings ist es schon peinlich für die Betreiber, ausgerechnet bei einer Expo die sich mit Computern und dazugehöriger Tech wie schnelle WiFi 7 Routern usw. dann eine so schwache Leistung hinzulegen. Wie heißt denn der oder die Schuldige, Pardon, Verantwortliche Firma? Kennt man die?

Zurück zu MSI: die 3DVC Technologie wäre doch auch interessant für schnelle Notebooks, oder? Da ist gute Hitzeabfuhr mit kleinem Gewicht und Volumen immer willkommen.

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Igor Wallossek


10,846 Kommentare 20,548 Likes

Schaun wir mal ;)

Und zum Netzwerk: Ja, auf dem Papier zumindest WiFi 6 und Mesh. Der missratene Stream war BEVOR die Leute alle reindurften, also sollten die Uplinks schon da verstopft gewesen sein. Der Mega-Propfen war mit Sicherheit das Internet, nicht das Netzwerk selbst. Soweit ich das herausfinden konnte, waren es nur zwei 10 gbps Leitungen für BEIDE Hallen. Das ist aber echt zu wenig. Allein mein Server hat ja einen 1 gbps Uplink (ok, redundant) und das ist schon mal knapp geworden, als der Cache gelöscht wurde,

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447 Kommentare 224 Likes

Bei den ganzen neuen "lightweight"-Mäusen...wäre es doch mal eine echte Marktlücke eine "heavyweight"-Maus raus zu bringen..
Das ultimative Erlebnis! Verbinden Sie ihr Bizepstraining mit ihren Gaminggenüssen!
Dafür müsste man sich dann nur irgendeinen abstrakten Namen noch für das Teil ausdenken^^

Aber mal so im Enrst.. man kann einem ja viel erzählen und um die Ohren hauen.. in der Praxis trennt sich dann aber in der Regel die Spreu vom Weizen bzw der Marketingsprech fällt dann auf den harten Boden der Tatsachen.

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70 Kommentare 40 Likes

Dafür gibts ja Gaming-Mäuse mit tauschbaren (hinzufügbaren) Gewichten. Meine ist z.B. komplett bestückt - ich will ja mit der Maus was in der Hand haben.

So eine leichte Maus würde ich kaum wahrnehmen und daher würde mir das physische Feedback fehlen. Außerdem kommt mir leicht billig vor.

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2,226 Kommentare 860 Likes

Ne Maus mit nem Gehäuse aus eloxiertem Aluminium? :D

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7,517 Kommentare 2,032 Likes

Abstrakt? Nö. Elke. Fragen sie ihre Ärzte.

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Igor Wallossek


10,846 Kommentare 20,548 Likes

Meine tonnenschwere Thermaltake Level 10M wird mittlerweile auf eBay mit über 200 Euro gehandelt, wenn der Zustand wie neu ist. Warum wohl? :D

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93 Kommentare 46 Likes

Die sind aber inzwischen seltener geworden.

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1,831 Kommentare 1,143 Likes

Für maximale Masse, extrem hohem Preis und top Snob Faktor: Spezialmaus aus Wolfram. Ein Schwermetall das den Namen verdient (spezifische Dichte 19.25 g/cm³) und zerkratzt wird das so schnell auch nicht. Der Preis würde allerdings schon sehr hoch sein, sowohl wegen des Materials (Wolfram kostet richtig Geld) aber vor allem weil es wirklich schwierig ist, das zu bearbeiten.
Warum nicht aus Blei, oder Gold? Na, Blei ist weich, und doch etwas zu giftig. Wolfram hat auch deutlich größere spezifische Dichte. Reines Gold ist schön schwer, aber auch zu weich, und der "Dampfdruck" von Gold ist auch sehr hoch. Sowas diffundiert eben schnell aus dem Haus, und Gold spiegelt auch das RGB Mäusekino zu sehr - stört beim Spielen.

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70 Kommentare 40 Likes

Ja, leider. Wobei das eigentlich die optimale -weil flexible- Lösung ist: will man ein (relatives) Leichtgewicht, nimmt man alle Gewichte heraus. Will man die Maus schwer(er) haben, packt man die entsprechenden Gewichte dazu.

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93 Kommentare 46 Likes

Eigentlich wäre es Optimal, ja. Ich hab auch eine mit Gewichtssystem, und dieses ist voll bestückt, nachdem ich es auch mal ohne Gewichte versuchte. Kann dem Trend nach immer leichteren Mäusen daher nicht viel abgewinnen.

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700 Kommentare 341 Likes

Also würde gut zu den Wofram und Gold D&D Würfelsets passen XD Kackteuer das Zeug.

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About the author

Igor Wallossek

Editor-in-chief and name-giver of igor'sLAB as the content successor of Tom's Hardware Germany, whose license was returned in June 2019 in order to better meet the qualitative demands of web content and challenges of new media such as YouTube with its own channel.

Computer nerd since 1983, audio freak since 1979 and pretty much open to anything with a plug or battery for over 50 years.

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