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Samsung fails NVIDIA’s HBM3E memory qualification tests.

Samsung’s HBM3E memory encounters obstacles: Technical issues or strategic battle? AlphaBiz reports suggest that Samsung is struggling to meet the HBM3E memory tests set by NVIDIA. This could be a setback for the Korean giant, which has seen an upswing in its memory business in recent quarters.
Initial reports suggested that Samsung’s HBM3E 8-layer memory failed NVIDIA’s qualification tests. This was worrying as Samsung had previously attracted NVIDIA’s interest in its HBM production lines. Companies such as AMD had already integrated Samsung’s HBM3E into their Instinct AI accelerators. However, there are conflicting reports about the exact reasons for the failure of the tests. Some sources claim that Samsung’s memory was defective, while others believe that the high standards set by SK Hynix, a competitor with different manufacturing techniques, simply set the bar too high.

Additional complications arise from the relationship between Samsung and TSMC. TSMC, a key ally of NVIDIA, is reportedly reluctant to include Samsung as an HBM partner. This could be due to competition between Samsung and TSMC in other areas of the semiconductor industry. Despite these challenges, Samsung emphasizes its commitment to delivering high quality products to NVIDIA and other partners. Working with companies such as AMD shows that the reports of defective HBM shipments are not entirely true.

Samsung’s growing influence in the market poses a threat to TSMC and SK Hynix. Samsung’s ability to offer cutting-edge memory and semiconductor solutions through its various divisions such as Samsung Foundry has led to a competitive response. TSMC and SK Hynix have reportedly formed an alliance called “One Team” to defend their market positions. Regardless of the current difficulties, the growing HBM market is showing intense competition between vendors to capture the top position. The technical challenges and strategic maneuvers of the companies will shape the development of this market in the coming years.

Source: AlphaBiz

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Samir Bashir

