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MSI delivers a “mandatory” BIOS update for AMD Ryzen 7000 and also increases the compatible memory sizes

MSI, in cooperation with AMD, has released new updates for its motherboards that are compatible with the Ryzen 7000 CPUs. Although the Ryzen 7000X3D CPU does not support full overclocking or overvoltage adjustment according to AMD’s design specifications, AMD EXPO technology can be used to optimize memory performance by increasing the CPU SoC voltage accordingly. AMD’s team advises keeping the maximum CPU SoC voltage for the Ryzen 7000X3D series within a safe range to avoid possible damage from inappropriate overclocking or overvoltage.

Source: MSI

MSI will also apply this safety approach to the regular Ryzen 7000 CPU series on AMD’s recommendation (we had already reported about it) and will limit the CPU-SoC voltage in this new BIOS version. MSI is giving this limit top priority and so Ryzen 7000 CPU series users are urged to update their BIOS and ensure proper CPU cooling. It is unusual for a BIOS to be classified as “mandatory” and it certainly shows the seriousness of the situation.

Source: MSI

However, as already described by Igor in the preview of the latest AGESA version, much more has happened in the UEFI. MSI announces that all AMD AM5 series motherboards now support up to 192GB of DDR5 memory capacity. This update ensures that the new 24GB and 48GB DDR5 memory module kits can be easily used on all 4 DIMMs or on 2 DIMMs slots of the AM5 series, allowing up to 96GB. The combination of high speed and large capacity of the new DDR5 memory modules is especially suitable for creatives, gamers and other demanding users.

Source: MSI

Configuration: MPG X670E CARBON WIFI (current BIOS AGESA paired with Ryzen 9 7950X and 192GB memory module:

Source: MSI


AGESA ComboAM5 für AMDs Ryzen 7000 im Detail: Speicher-Verwaltung und ein wichtiges Update der Schutzfunktionen gegen Überhitzung

Source: MSI



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62 Kommentare 47 Likes

Die Überschrift
"MSI liefert BIOS-Update mit AGESA für AMD Ryzen 7000 und erhöht auch die kompatiblen Speichergrößen"
stimmt nicht wirklich, die Updates vom 28. April sind alle noch wird später erwartet:
laut HKEPC.

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1,452 Kommentare 625 Likes

Die Überschrift wurde scheinbar angepasst; Threadtitel im Forum geht glaub ich nicht.

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263 Kommentare 76 Likes

Am Donnerstag gab's n neues BIOS für Asus Boards mit der agesa ... leider wieder nur beta 😕

Mal gucken, evtl noch nal ne 48h crunch time reingeballert und Montag (8.Mai) ist es denn endlich offiziell da.

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Igor Wallossek

Editor-in-chief and name-giver of igor'sLAB as the content successor of Tom's Hardware Germany, whose license was returned in June 2019 in order to better meet the qualitative demands of web content and challenges of new media such as YouTube with its own channel.

Computer nerd since 1983, audio freak since 1979 and pretty much open to anything with a plug or battery for over 50 years.

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