In view of the fact that I am currently reorganising my warehouse and have also parted with various things that have accumulated over almost 15 years, today I am posting a photo series that deals with various residues and deposits, even though it definitely does not describe the state of my own warehouse. But the general rule is: when inner values are no longer recognisable, only professional cleaning can help. I present a few really hopelessly dusty cases here.
And if you remember – this photo series is also quite dusty, because it dates back to 2018, which is why the quality of the pictures is not quite as crisp as usual. But since I’m physically working hard at the moment (hardware clearing service), you’ll have to get through it now. So please continue to browse carefully and don’t stir up any dust, your lungs will certainly thank you. Let’s start with a PC dusted off by my grandfather with rather dusty technology:
PC dusted by grandpa with quite dusty technology;
Buttons on the tip or tilt on the button? This is real custom design!
Black humour can be dirty…
High-timedust mites (note especially the pellets)
- 1 - Bloß keinen Staub aufwirbeln!
- 2 - Abkratzen oder ab kratzen?
- 3 - Bioligische saubere Unsauberkeit
- 4 - Green IT und schmutzige Geschäfte mit dem Dreck
- 5 - Frischzellenkur für Staubfänger
- 6 - Spinnende Klodeckel?
- 7 - Unfreiwillige Passiv-Hardware
- 8 - Landwirtschaftliche Nutzfläche
- 9 - Vom Puzzle zum Tarnnetz
- 10 - Fieser Freezer und Schluss mit lustig!
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