According to MyDrivers, the Chinese company Intellifusion has announced the launch of a new AI box called “DeepEye”, which is set to enter the market. The first standard version of the AI module box “Shenmu” is equipped with the company’s own DeepEdge10 Max chip. The chip has a chiplet configuration with a D2D interface and also includes its own RISC-V architecture. It has 48 TOPS and a 14 nm process.
A lighter version of the “DeepEye” model is due to be released in the second half of the year. Here, the TOPS will be halved, which will then only mean a number of 24. This is equipped with a DeepEdge10Pro chip. Next year, the aim is to upgrade properly. The AI module box will be upgraded to the flagship version. This contains the company’s own DeepEdge10Ultra chip and should have twice as many TOPS as the standard version. This results in 96 TOPS.
The modules are designed to support the training of large models and the use of inference. It can also transfer large model operations such as SAM with billions of parameters and Llama2 with tens of billions of parameters. There is also the possibility of using the modules on a large scale in AIoT edge videos, mobile robots and other scenarios.
But what is really interesting and will also shake up the market is the price. The aim here is to be 90% cheaper and to withstand 90% of scenarios. That’s a big promise when you look at the current market. The first box will only cost 1000 yuan, around 128 euros. The aim is to target small and medium-sized companies that can meet their AI needs. Above all, it is possible for China to continue to participate in the global market, as it is restricted due to trade restrictions and sanctions.
Source: MyDrivers
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