Tag - Shop

Order trick with Amazon: How the 1-day delivery of several scarce items with Prime then works after all (self-test)

The NAS article actually planned for today has to wait until next week, the delivery delays for certain components has unfortunately (once again) put a spoke in my wheel. But at least a nice workaround fell in front of my feet, with which you can also beat Amazon a bargain with your own stock. Sure, the whole thing is no big deal, but with a [...]

Galaxus tops Media Markt – Nasty scam with false delivery dates and a fictitious “external warehouse” (Investigative)

Anyone who buys from Amazon Marketplace generally knows the risk they are getting into with third-party retailers, because Amazon is then only a sales platform, but not the seller. That is at least sufficiently transparent. Galaxus, on the other hand, has refined the whole thing gallantly and if you try price search engines, you will find the [...]