Question 5600XT BIOS flashed with mod from Red BIOS Editor, there is an issue



Hello and thank you for everything. Currently, I have a 5600XT in which I have flashed the modified bios by Red BIOS Editor. However, the BIOS did not work, the system hangs during POST. This is no problem, I am used to flashing BIOS with SPI Programmer CH341a, I am free to test anything.

I think maybe this did not work due to the fact that my card is dual BIOS, and when I read the BIOS from the memory chip, it comes out with 1024kb, rather than the 512kb saved from GPU-Z. When I try to open this extracted BIOS with RBE, it modifies fine, but does not save by stating "An unknown error occurred when accessing (filename path). This is not a permission issue, I am running admin. It works fine to save the file when I use the GPUz extracted rom. However, even with the 512KB file, it does not work to post the card.

I have tried several things, the last one was to make only a very small change on the GFX Maximum Clock to 1900MHz. It still does not work. I originally made a BIOS with a lot more changes and limits, such as 2100, 1000 memory, more power, voltage, etc, etc. but decided to make a small alteration to see if it would work-- unfortunately it doesn't.

I have also tried to open in HxD the original long file 1024kb and noticed it makes no difference, because after 000FFFF0 it is only 0's anyway. Also, in HxD, I have tried to open the original stock BIOS and overwrite the part, leaving the correct file size, but this also did not work to POST. Stock BIOS still works fine when re-flashed, card is perfect.

So, I am leaving a link to my files, to see if we can figure out why the modified BIOS is not working on my 5600XT.
Here is the URL:
on this ZIP file, there are the following:
1 - 5600xt1_gpuz.rom (Original BIOS from the card extracted with GPU-Z)
2 - 5600xt-stock_extract.rom (This is the BIOS file extracted from the Chip with SPI Programmer, it loads on RBE, but fails to save)
3 - mpt-1900_only.mpt (This is an example of a small change I tried to see if it would work, only changing maximum clock to 1900mhz)
4 - 1900-ONLY-BIOS1.rom (This is the final outcome of RED BIOS EDITOR using the GPU-Z BIOS with the MorePowerTool settings of 1900mhz)

I hope this helps, thank you so much for all your work again and let me know if anything else is needed. I am really looking forward to free up the power of this 5600XT :)

Thanks again!
Am I wrong seeing that the real Gigabyte RX 5700 XT Gaming OC bios have the power set lower:
This is the highest on techpowerup's db, but then again there are 3 with the same version number, at first I thought it was dual bios, but remembered you said the 5600 XT is not, Idk. :)

4900pm waow, I have a Sapphire Pulse first version it only goes to 3200rpm with 2 fan's it does seem massively over-engineered though.
If I set 2150MHz (1100mv) +8% extra power it settles at around 2100Mhz in Heaven spiking at 204W I have tryid let it sit for hours and it's stable with ~65c GPU temp, and ~85 at junction point, with not much noise and no melting wires (another story from really test pushing the bios that came in the rar with a unprotected PSU I had laying around lol). Unfourtunatly I have no temp measurement points at the vrm's, and yeah I have 5 too.

My memory can go to 1950MHz but I just run it at 1820 or 1850 the extra heat and what else that can come with it over time is not worth it. I see the same results in games like Metro Exodos, A plague's tale, and other intensive games, other games like Forza 4 Horizon with everything set to ultra/extreme will run at 2120MHz at ~1025mv with no extra power and only drawing 150W. Guess it is well optimized or not taking advantage of everything. Found out AMD drivers is faster for anything but DX11 comparing to Nvidia. RIS does not work in DX11 either, read somewhere that AMD would focus on DX12 first in their drivers.

I DO however only have a freesync monitor that goes to 75Hz, so I cap the framerate at 72fps, which basically sets everything back to a little above stock lol, but it does help smoothing things out when it gets rough. I also do not game that much (some related to what I wrote in the begining), but when I do it is usually for a few hours or 5 heh.
And I also have a middle profile, just like you :) Just really like making things do stuff that it should not, it pretty much applies to everything. But electronics mostly hardware have always been my hobby in general. And that there is headroom for ~300Mhz overclock is crazy amazing considering AMD came out with a new bios at launch.

I think I am just ranting a novelle now heh.

Oh BTW: GPU Scheduling, saw the beta drivers, only briefly reading here and there and thought it was nothing but trouble atm.
What is your experience?

EDIT: made a few edits.

- It looks like the Gigabyte 5700 XT has slightly higher power and clock targets than the 5600 XT.

- MPT said 4900rpm, so that's the value I copied over to the MSI bios, but the bios value on Techpowerup says 4200. In practice, my fans ran at the same speeds before and after the bios flash based on my saved profile's custom curve in Adrenalin, so who knows...

- 1950MHz is quite high! On the stock bios, I start having stability issues right around 1900, but it's probably a memory timing thing that I could remedy with some tweaking. I've done hours and hours of research on DDR4 timings so that I could get the most out of the Samsung B-Die on my desktop's memory modules, but after a peek at the timing chart in RBE, I've got many more hours of research ahead of me to wrap my head around the GDDR6 timings that I didn't recognize. I may fiddle with it, I may not. Tweaking memory is a time-consuming mess, and I think I've had my fill of the thrill with B-Die (3200C14 kit at 3800 15-15-15-32 with secondaries VERY tightened).

- I too LOVE modifying hardware and overclocking and tinkering and getting the most out of my hardware. It's a thrill for me, and my main gaming rig and 'old' build PC's are pushed close-ish to their limits. I overclock for "push-button" stability, as in, ANY error is an error too many, when it comes to hours-long runs of Memtest86, Prime95 SFFT/LFFT non-avx, and Intel XTU when testing for stability of an overclock. I enjoy fiddling with hardware, but I also enjoy my PC not crashing mid-game, nor do I push things so hard that premature hardware failure is a concern.

- I've had no issues with HAGS/HWS on both my main gaming rig with a 2070 Super, nor with my 'old' setup that houses the 5600 XT. It does bupkis for performance, but one benefit is that it treats each monitor as its own entity. So, instead of drawing the ENTIRE desktop as one entity, monitors with different refresh rates won't interfere with one another when content (game + video, for example) are playing simultaneously.

Rock on!
Zuletzt bearbeitet :
Ahhh ok, I did not know that. Nice to know, thanks.

I guess we 2 are a like. :)

And I think that I am just lucky being stable at 1950. Tradition said he could go to 1900 but with stability issues, and his friend could go to 1950 but also with stability issues. I tried 1980Mhz but here things began flicker, and behaving bad. The straps are from my stock bios, it is mostly just a lottery like with all the other silicon. :) I never spent much time on ram tweaking, the cmos resets and tweaking takes hours as you say, but now you must have quite some experience so maybe you can get there if you want it.

Right back at you!
Best regards.

EDIT: Maybe try the last straps from the red panda bios, they are miners thus really like ram speed for their megahash (cookies?) heh.
(you probably already did)
Zuletzt bearbeitet :
EDIT: Maybe try the last straps from the red panda bios, they are miners thus really like ram speed for their megahash (cookies?) heh.
(you probably already did)

In a truly Buildzoid moment, I caught myself saying out loud to myself, an admission that I must truly hate myself...

For today, I went to look memory timings from the Gigabyte firmware, and compare them to what RedPanda had done.

... wait, what? All RedPanda did to the MSI bios was copy the 1550MHz line and paste it onto subsequent lines. Certainly not the tweaking level that I expected. And while I'm shocked that it's stable at all, it does tell me that the memory has a weeeeeeeeee bit of headroom to work with in regards to timings (I see him running the 1550MHz timings at 1860MHz in one of his videos).

I compared the 1550MHz settings of Gigabyte and MSI, and they are exactly the same, with the exception of RedPanda-altered tRFC and tREF, two of the easiest timings to change on DDR4.

It's a place to start, I suppose. Some of the relationships of other settings one would use for DDR4, aren't the same with GDDR6, so I've some research to do.... but, it should be a fun distraction from the state of the world.
Hello all. I have been eagerly following this thread for many weeks now, and am excited that a few of you have figured out a way to flash the RX 5600 XT bios with an increased core clock boost speed.

It appears that so far, all of you that have successfully flashed a modded bios, have done so on a dual-bios card. I have a Gigabyte RX 5600 XT Gaming OC 6G (Revision 1.0), which is a single-bios model.

Just so I am following the thread correctly, was it the RedPanda bios itself that enabled yall to flash, was it a certain modification to the bios itself, was it the procedure of flashing, or a combination of some/all of the above?

I would ~love~ to modify the bios of my 5600 XT, and I do have the means to recover from a botched flash, I'm only looking for clarity before I give the process a try.

Thank you all for the work you do!


I did it! TL;DR: RBE the RedPanda firmware with your values, save as a 5700XT, Flash it, uninstall drivers, reboot, DDU, reboot, ????, Profit :D

Time will tell if I need to do more for stability, but I'm VERY excited to have done this. My gpu core was stable at max default clocks, at .965V, so it has headroom for days. I'll update this post with more later on!
I got soft-bricked on my powercolor basic oc 5600xt card.
I've tried use amdvbflash 2.93+ to flash the RedPanda rom, failed
I've also tried flash the rom on reddit tutorial, same soft bricked.
I also modified RedPanda rom with my stock memory timings, no help.
I don't know which step can go wrong, probably my card can not work with the MSI bios?

For anyone want to try this, make sure you have a spare card.
In case you got soft brick, you can boot from the other card and restore the stock bios.
In a truly Buildzoid moment, I caught myself saying out loud to myself, an admission that I must truly hate myself...

Some of the relationships of other settings one would use for DDR4, aren't the same with GDDR6, so I've some research to do.... but, it should be a fun distraction from the state of the world.

I spent the afternoon slogging through the JEDEC GDDR6 Standards publication. My brain hurts.... send ibuprofen.

But! I gathered some good information from it and have an idea of what values I should and shouldn't muck with. TL;DR: The process of tightening up primary and secondary timings on the 5600 XT will be much like my experience overclocking my B-Die DDR4 desktop memory... a slow, steady process to see where limits are for each of the values, and benchmarks to see if any of the changes make a damn bit of difference.

Stock and overclocked baselines with the Gigabyte stock firmware values is almost complete. Tomorrow begins the flash-test-repeat marathon. Wish me luck!
Zuletzt bearbeitet :
I got soft-bricked on my powercolor basic oc 5600xt card.
I've tried use amdvbflash 2.93+ to flash the RedPanda rom, failed
I've also tried flash the rom on reddit tutorial, same soft bricked.
I also modified RedPanda rom with my stock memory timings, no help.
I don't know which step can go wrong, probably my card can not work with the MSI bios?

For anyone want to try this, make sure you have a spare card.
In case you got soft brick, you can boot from the other card and restore the stock bios.

Okay, here's what I believe worked for me (I experimented after soft-bricking again last night, I'm back working now):
- Download Red Bios Editor, More Power Tool, and flash tool 2.93+, ALL from IgorsLAB.
- Download the RedPanda bios from youtube
- Open a copy of your card's official bios in MPT, save the MPT config file
- Open a copy of your card's official bios in Red Bios Editor, copy all of the ram strings to notepad, and close RBE
- Open a copy of RedPanda's bios in RBE, click the radio button next to "5700XT", load your MPT file on the next tab, and copy your ram strings on the next tabl
- Save the bios and make a few backup copies, this will be your baseline.
- Open a command prompt (not powershell) in administrator mode
- "cd c:\location_of_amdvbflash"
- "amdvbflash -i" It should show that it can read your card successfully
- "amdvbflash -unlockrom 0" It should pause for a moment, then say that your bios is unlocked
- "amdvbflash -f -p 0 nameofyourfile.rom" After a moment, it should flash and say that it was successfully written.

These steps -should- get the RedPanda rom on there if it's possible. Use the rom file you made as a template and modify from there!
Okay, here's what I believe worked for me (I experimented after soft-bricking again last night, I'm back working now):
- Download Red Bios Editor, More Power Tool, and flash tool 2.93+, ALL from IgorsLAB.
- Download the RedPanda bios from youtube
- Open a copy of your card's official bios in MPT, save the MPT config file
- Open a copy of your card's official bios in Red Bios Editor, copy all of the ram strings to notepad, and close RBE
- Open a copy of RedPanda's bios in RBE, click the radio button next to "5700XT", load your MPT file on the next tab, and copy your ram strings on the next tabl
- Save the bios and make a few backup copies, this will be your baseline.
- Open a command prompt (not powershell) in administrator mode
- "cd c:\location_of_amdvbflash"
- "amdvbflash -i" It should show that it can read your card successfully
- "amdvbflash -unlockrom 0" It should pause for a moment, then say that your bios is unlocked
- "amdvbflash -f -p 0 nameofyourfile.rom" After a moment, it should flash and say that it was successfully written.

These steps -should- get the RedPanda rom on there if it's possible. Use the rom file you made as a template and modify from there!
Thanks for this detailed tutorial. I followed and still got soft-bricked.
The windows device manager can see the card with Error 43. The AMD driver just won't load. hmm...
Thanks for this detailed tutorial. I followed and still got soft-bricked.
The windows device manager can see the card with Error 43. The AMD driver just won't load. hmm...
Aww, bummer. Hmm, hopefully someone with your card will figure it out. I wish I could be of more help, but alas...

As far as RBE and memory timings go, I've met with limited success.

Some observations:
- For gaming, copying the 1550MHz timings to the higher frequency tiers is a bad idea
- If you change tCL or tWR, each have three other (four total) timings that have to be changed along with them
- Changing timings of a higher speed tier without changing those timings of previous/slower tiers, doesn't work properly works, I'm just impatient
- Changing timings on slower tiers to "slope up" to the setting/tier you want, doesn't work for tCL/tWR, but did works for all timings; again, I'm impatient

As for overclocking:
- tRFC and tREFI were easy enough to set and get a few FPS out of

There's a system/art/something I'm missing to getting timings to work out favorably. I'll figure it out eventually.

*edit* Patience. It was patience that I was missing. As usual :p
Zuletzt bearbeitet :
So, much like with overclocking and tuning desktop memory, doing the same to GDDR6 is a long, arduous process filled with random bsod's, driver crashes, and over 9000 restarts to reflash the bios.

Interestingly, I've only been able to consistently flash the bios in Windows' Safe Mode, as something with the driver or the flash program will hang the system 4 out of 5 flashes on the standard-startup desktop.

TL;DR: Since I don't dare raise vdimm, there's not a whole lot of tweaking headroom for GDDR6 as it is implemented on the RX 5600 XT. tRFC and tREFI are the two big ones that did indeed make a tangible improvement, but it seems that raw speed is the winner with the RX 5600 XT.

I've tried tightening timings at my card's 1900MHz highest stock-stable setting, to no real-world performance increase (results were within margin of error, even if they were 'higher'). However, even slightly tweaking (not all at once) tCL, tWR, tRP/tRAS/tRC, all lead to a tangible decrease in stability and/or performance when the CRC saw errors and re-requested data.

Some time today or this week, I'll see if I can relax timings to get my memory stable at 1925MHz or 1950MHz.
Zuletzt bearbeitet :
So, my tRFC and tREFI changes weren't stable. tREFI is heat-sensetive, and I sadly couldn't find a way to get the memory to run cooler with the Gigabyte air cooler. Despite being a 3-fan longboi, the memory chips are just thermal-padded to a thin slab of stainless that sits under the heatpipes and cooks the poor memory chips.

Ah well, I'm done trying to tighten timings. I will still put a little time into loosening timings to try and achieve the mythical 16GHz marker, but for now, I'm cookin' along at 15.2GHz memory and 1970MHz-ish on the core... and that's okay :3

Thank you again for the tool, hellm, and to you, RedPandaMining, for taking a crowbar to the lock on the bios door for the RX 5600 XT.
Zuletzt bearbeitet :
Last update: I thankfully didn't waste much time on it, but 1900MHz wasn't stable for me. I'm quite happy I figured that out early on, else I'd have wasted a LOT of time trying to modify timings with a speed setting that wasn't stable in the first place.

I've found stability at two speeds: 1850MHz and 1876MHz (the 1800 and 1875 speed tiers, respectively). I used Furmark 30+ minutes @1080p Heaven 4.0 Benchmark @ 1080p, and Superposition 1080p Extreme.

After many hours of google searches on GDDR6 behaviour, reading through the JEDEC GDDR6 Specification publication, (not so many) hours of trying timing combinations, and using the experience I have from tuning my Samsung B-Die 3200C14 kit to 3800 15-15-15-32 with VERY tightened secondaries, my results are this:

Changing GDDR6 timings at a set, known-stable speed setting does not push performance out of the margin of error of the control tests.

That's the bad news...

The good news is, all that you need to do is reasonably simple:
- Grab MPT, RBE, and the RedPanda bios
- Copy your stock bios settings into MPT, set your core and boost clocks higher, set your power limit % higher
- Copy your stock ram strings into RBE, set RBE to "5700 XT", import your .mpt file
- Flash the rom, find yourself a memory speed that works at stock core clocks
- Find a core clock and voltage combination that works at stock memory speeds
- Test your overclocks together
- Tweak settings
- ????????
- Enjoy your new "RX 5700" :3
Zuletzt bearbeitet :
Hello everyone,

Finally I was able to flash the unlocked/modified BIOS.

After a few trials I've got already some interesting numbers:
Anhang anzeigen 8114

What did u do to get it working? I'm starting to run out of ideas with my TUF 5600 xt, cant get anything but the stock bios to give picture, anything else just blackscreens.

Even when I take the stock bios, load the stock MPT file without any modifications on RBE and flash it, doesn't work.
Zuletzt bearbeitet :
Hello Community,

I also flashed the modified Bios to my 5600xt Red Devil.
Interestingly I can only flash the "silent" Bios, the other one keeps locked.
The sweetspot of my card is 2100 for core with 1170mv and 200W Powerlimit.
With these settings the card boost and holds 2050-60 Mhz!
The limiting factor seems to be my powersupply(corsair VS650) as i can't go higher than 210 watts, then it randomly reboots.
with the the sweetspot settings it is rockstable. Best stability test for me is the shadow of the tomb raider ingame benchmark.


  • Rx5600xt.JPG
    70,5 KB · Aufrufe : 29
  • Test OC2.JPG
    Test OC2.JPG
    158,6 KB · Aufrufe : 23
Hello! The flashing is absolutely successful. My Red Devil is able to reach 2042MHz core 1900MHz mem@1062 mV totally stable and compatible with the latest adrenalin drivers. This is just magic!

I made a guide with the procedure that worked for me. Thank you guys so much for your knowedgle and effort
Those miners were really keeping the secret! (and stock :ROFLMAO:)

The only concern left is maximum voltage (5600XT´s factory limit is supossed to be 1050mV but 5700s with the same architecture have around ~1.2mV, should be safe¿?)
Hello! The flashing is absolutely successful. My Red Devil is able to reach 2042MHz core 1900MHz mem@1062 mV totally stable and compatible with the latest adrenalin drivers. This is just magic!

I made a guide with the procedure that worked for me. Thank you guys so much for your knowedgle and effort
Those miners were really keeping the secret! (and stock :ROFLMAO:)

The only concern left is maximum voltage (5600XT´s factory limit is supossed to be 1050mV but 5700s with the same architecture have around ~1.2mV, should be safe¿?)
Hello Kryogenic,

This should be totally safe, the pcbs are almost the same. the red devil 5600xt has one less vrm than the 5700 which in turn has the same amount than the 5700xt, which is rated for 220 W powerlimit. I even tried to overvolt my card, while stable at higher clocks overall performance degraded.
These cards have great potential at 1080p or even 1440p, and now we know why amd cutted performance.
Hello and thank you for your investment. I am French and I do not speak German and I am poor in English. I took the trouble to read all the topic to fully understand the risks, consequences and benefits.
But I have two questions:
1 / Does it work with the Sapphire pulse radeon RX 5600 XT. (has someone flashed the bios with this model)
2 / In the hypothesis of a yes, does it work with the MSI bios mentioned just above and / or with a "homemade" bios with MPT, RBE and amdvbflash.

Thank you for your answers.
Danke für deine Antworten.
Hello and thank you for your investment. I am French and I do not speak German and I am poor in English. I took the trouble to read all the topic to fully understand the risks, consequences and benefits.
But I have two questions:
1 / Does it work with the Sapphire pulse radeon RX 5600 XT. (has someone flashed the bios with this model)
2 / In the hypothesis of a yes, does it work with the MSI bios mentioned just above and / or with a "homemade" bios with MPT, RBE and amdvbflash.

Thank you for your answers.
Danke für deine Antworten.
Greetings and welcome,

Send your card vbios backup and even if it does not have Micron memory type still I may be able to help in unlocking your vbios for modifying, however it might take a bit of time.
Greetings and welcome,

Send your card vbios backup and even if it does not have Micron memory type still I may be able to help in unlocking your vbios for modifying, however it might take a bit of time.
Hello and thank you for the proposal that I accept Mini_me. I am doing this tomorrow.

To complete my previous message.

The technique proposed above by kryogenic with vbios ati files works, no brick. The changes are then operational in wattman. Unfortunately the results are disappointing in terms of benchmark performance. So I re-installed my original vbios and based on it I prepared a vbios similar to that of the sapphire pulse Radeon XR 5700 XS using powertool and red bios editor. So I will try tomorrow to integrate a homemade vbios on my Radeon pulse XT 5600 XS sapphire, based on the data from the 5700 (especially for fans and tensions) with the same Kryogenic method.
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