AMD MorePowerTool - AMD Radeon RX 5700 und RX 5700 XT Tweaking and Overclocking Software | Download

Igor Wallossek

Mitglied seit
Jun 1, 2018
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The MorePowerTool for the AMD Radeon RX 5700 and RX 5700 XT

We are happy that our community member hellm has finished the software MorePowerTool (MPT for short) for the release and that we can offer this software here on our RTG page exclusively for download as well as the direct support in the forum. For the installation and use of the software you have to follow some hints and rules, which we would like to put in front of our manual and the download.

>>> Please click here for the original review <<<
Доброго времени суток Игорь. А вы могли бы добавить в MPT и RBE видеокарты Vega56-64 с возможностью перезаписи bios pptable timings pstate?
Вега уже мертв, но, возможно, еще есть время. Проблема в драйверах и постоянных изменениях, что значительно увеличивает усилия. :(
Make a backup first. But it works for all 😉
Hello everyone, is it possible to use "morepowertool" on a computer without the card, I have the software on another computer and I downloaded the original bios but I cannot load the bios, if I click on the load, nothing happens
If we download msi afterburner would that be same as this software is what i am trying to say is this software maximizes strength of ur msi graphic card
Afterburner and programs like it, Wattman/OverdriveNTool/Trixx/ASRockTweak, will allow you overclock your GPU. However, these tools are limited in how far they allow overclocking by values set within your graphics card's BIOS. The MorePowerTool and RedBiosEditor allow you to edit these values and extend the possible range of clock speed and voltage that your card can ATTEMPT. Be warned that if you are not careful in how you use any of these tools, you can cause permanent damage to your card, especially with the MPT and RBE.

Hello everyone, is it possible to use "morepowertool" on a computer without the card, I have the software on another computer and I downloaded the original bios but I cannot load the bios, if I click on the load, nothing happens
Anhang anzeigen 4392
I may be wrong, but I don't believe so. That top drop down menu should list a compatible graphics card at which point you can load values from that particular card or a completely different .rom/.mpt file. I suggest placing the installers for MPT and RBE on a thumbdrive and installing them to computer with the graphics card you wish to modify. They can always be uninstalled afterwards and your modifications will persist in your graphics card's firmware.
Hello everyone, is it possible to use "morepowertool" on a computer without the card, I have the software on another computer and I downloaded the original bios but I cannot load the bios, if I click on the load, nothing happens
Yes, that is possible. You have to make an entry in the registry. You can copy this in a txt file and name it .reg:
Code :
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


The last two digits is a random number, you have to delete the whole registry key with that number afterwards with regedit. No reboot required, and doesn't do any harm to the system if forgotten.
can i change the ID of my rx 5600 xt in bios to mimic a rx 5700 and then unlock the core clock? since its driver limited
I tried using this tool with my new RX 6800 reference. So far it seems I can only adjust maximum power draw. Will there be updates to this tool that unlocks the rx 6xxx family further? :)
Hello and thanks for a fantastic tool!
Modifying the fan curves on the 5700XT is no near easy if you dont rely on radeon software (which resets during unstable OC). I have used your Morepowertool to change the bios settings on the fan curves but 1/6 Powercolor Red devil cards wont accept the new settings and instead revert to near 100% fan speed.

Have you come across this and do you have any suggestions?

These are my settings in morepowertool Fan table:
PMW MIN = 43%
Fan accoustic limit = 2000RPM
Fan throtteling = 2300RPM
Fan maximum = 3500RPM (unchanged)
Target temp = 90C (unchanged)

The other 5 cards adapt to the new settings but one of the cards remain at near 100% fan speed regardless of low temps. Any suggestions?

Big thanks!
Yes. Since v1.3 you can read any Navi/VII BIOS-Files without having a Radeon card or even a registry key installed.
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