Cooling Latest news Thermal grease and pads

Thermal Grizzly launches TG Putty as a flexible “gap filler” and real alternative to conventional thermal pads | Teaser

Igor always preaches putty, putty, putty, but the procurement situation has so far been rather modest and many customers have had to resort to platforms such as Aliexpress, Amazon or eBay, where there were often enough products of unclear origin. With TG Putty, Thermal Grizzly has now launched an innovative heat dissipation solution on the market that serves as a flexible alternative to conventional thermal pads. This special paste can be applied in variable layer thicknesses of 0.25 to 3 mm, making it very versatile. It is applied between the electronic components on the printed circuit board (PCB) and the surface of the heat sink. A major advantage of TG Putty compared to traditional thermal pads is that it is not necessary to adjust the thickness of the paste exactly to the gap to be bridged. This enables simple and efficient adaptation to different height differences. In addition, no great pressure is exerted on the components.

Why putty?

The flexibility makes TG Putty particularly useful in scenarios where there are components with varying heights on the PCB or where uniform heat distribution is required despite an irregular surface structure. The flexibility of the putty also facilitates the installation process and can lead to improved thermal performance as it ensures an even distribution of the thermal conductive material. This property is particularly important when converting to water cooling systems. Specific thermal pads are often supplied with such conversions and are usually matched to the required thicknesses. However, if the radiator needs to be refitted or the thermal pads replaced, it is often necessary to procure new pads in exactly the right thickness. The putty eliminates this problem as it has the ability to compensate for different heights without the need for special pads in different thicknesses.

Before applying the putty, it is important to thoroughly clean and degrease the surfaces to ensure optimum adhesion and thermal conductivity. This can be done with commercially available isopropanol, which effectively removes dirt and grease. Thermal Grizzly supplies the new putty in a convenient 30g quantity and it includes three spatulas to facilitate the application of the putty. These spatulas are particularly useful for spreading the paste evenly and creating an optimal contact surface between the components and the heat sink.

In addition, all three variants of TG Putty offer high thermal conductivity, which can lead to more efficient heat transfer and therefore improved cooling performance. The putty is also non-conductive, which minimizes the risk of short circuits and ensures the safety of electronic components. Putty is therefore a versatile and reliable solution for various applications in the field of electronics cooling.

Variants, prices and a teaser

The TG Putty product range comprises three variants, which differ mainly in terms of their thermal conductivity and therefore, of course, their price. We don’t want to spoil anything at this point, but Igor has of course already tested the putty intensively in advance and will publish the review soon. As usual, Thermal Grizzly has not provided any information on thermal conductivity, but I can already spoil the fact that the values of the two more expensive products will be particularly surprising, as Igor will reveal them. There will be more about the exact results and the feel of the putties in the review.

TG Putty Basic TG Putty Advance TG Putty Pro

medium thermal conductivity good thermal conductivity very good thermal conductivity
14,90 Euro incl. VAT 24.90 Euro incl. VAT 39,90 Euro incl. VAT
EAN 4260711991196 EAN 4260711991202 EAN 4260711991189


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248 Kommentare 176 Likes

Wo Vaddern Recht hat, da sollen seine Predigten mir ebenso Recht sein ;)

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48 Kommentare 35 Likes

Danke für die Info, schöner Artikel!

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1,718 Kommentare 979 Likes

Wohl falscher thread, weil etwas ab vom Schuss.
Aber wie sieht es mit der Wiederverwendbarkeit vom Putty aus? Sagen wir Mal, ich kleister mir die Speicherchips der Grafikkarte voll und zerlege die nach nem Jahr wieder. Ziehe ich mir das Putty per Spatel und Zahnbürste wieder ab und kann es bei fest gleicher Leistung weiter verwenden?

Antwort Gefällt mir

Igor Wallossek


11,543 Kommentare 22,236 Likes

Nö. Ich hatte nicht beachtet, das neu zugefügte Putties in alten Artikeln auftauchen, ist behoben

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248 Kommentare 176 Likes

Also nach einem Jahr wird das vermutlich nicht mehr "reusable" sein (Ausgetrocknet, ausgehärtet), aber wenn man kurz nach dem Zusammenbau nochmal zerlegen muss, kann ich mir vorstellen, dass das Zeug dann entweder eingesammelt und wiederverwendbar ist (solange da nicht zu viel Schmutz mit dabei ist), oder man lässt es einfach an den vorgesehenen Stellen drauf und setzt den Kühler ein weiteres Mal zusammen, ohne das Putty jedesmal neu machen zu müssen...

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56 Kommentare 12 Likes

Wie lange hält so ein Putty ? Muss man nach einem Jahr schon Sorgen haben.

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156 Kommentare 77 Likes

Freut mich das dein Sohn immer aktiver hier wird. 🫣 ;)
Nachdem er schon als Fotomodell für das Sofa Ding herhalten musste.

Hab fast überlesen das es ein Teaser ist.
Dachte schon ist Werbung aber so aufwendig.

Vielleicht Teaser am Anfang für die alten Leute. 🥳

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212 Kommentare 80 Likes

Ich denke da wird man noch mehr hören. Gamersnexus wurde vom DerBauer eingeladen.
Vermutlich um die brandenburgische Produktionsstätte der Puttys zu besichtigen und um über TIMs und den aktuellen Umbruch zu fachsimpeln.

Da helfen ihm die Connections nach Amerika schon gut um Werbung zu machen.

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156 Kommentare 77 Likes

Also wenn das mit dem Bradenburg so bleibt, dann kaufe ich es gerne.

Spannend ist wie es sich im Vergleich zu 607 oder 236 schlägt oder Langzeittest.
Deswegen freue ich mich auf den Test.

Antwort Gefällt mir

Igor Wallossek


11,543 Kommentare 22,236 Likes

Der Test zum Putty kommt morgen, exklusiv bei mir. Und die Fabrik schaue ich mir auch noch an :)
GN kann ja Gott sei Dank nichts messen :D

Da das TG Putty Advance ein weiterentwickeltes 607 ist, darf man sich überraschen lassen. Nur der Preis ist leider fies, deshalb auch keine Awards.

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56 Kommentare 12 Likes

Wer schön sein will, muss bezahlen.

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About the author

Igor Wallossek

Editor-in-chief and name-giver of igor'sLAB as the content successor of Tom's Hardware Germany, whose license was returned in June 2019 in order to better meet the qualitative demands of web content and challenges of new media such as YouTube with its own channel.

Computer nerd since 1983, audio freak since 1979 and pretty much open to anything with a plug or battery for over 50 years.

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