Software and user-friendliness
Now equipped, we can start measuring, but we still need to have a quick look at the software. And I’m quite serious about the stumbling block, because as well thought-out as many things may seem, this software is rather user-hostile for semi-professional use and has driven me up the wall more than once. I will explain why and give InfiRay a few very easy-to-implement tips on how to make the software more customer-oriented. You just have to want to do it, it’s guaranteed not to fail. At first, everything looks completely normal and you will find the usual menus.
The submenus are also intuitive to use and are completely adequate for the camera. I find it very important that you can easily change the emissivity. However, this is unfortunately only a global setting and cannot be individually adjusted for individual measuring points. This, in turn, is a shortcoming that should not be there.
Camera menus and problems
You can set several measuring points or a line or area for an average measurement in this area. I think this is practical, because I also use this very excessively with my large camera. However, I would like to point out that this is exactly where I start to hate this software. Because if you have laboriously entered and defined all the following things, but then realize that you still want to change the emissivity or the room temperature has risen, then you can go back and change this in the global menu, but then all entries are lost when you return to camera mode! Hello? Why can’t you save these things or the software remembers them as long as the camera is connected and the session has not ended? No, you have to start all over again from scratch! But exactly THAT is a complete knock-out criterion for me, regardless of whether you use the camera privately or commercially. This is user hostility in its purest form and costs useless time and nerves!
What the camera also doesn’t remember is the selected color palette. The selection is large and there is even a very practical real-time preview
Showing the original smartphone camera in a (transparent) window is a nice gimmick, but mostly useless.
And another thing that annoys me is that you have to select things that you can activate and deactivate in an extra pop-up menu instead of switching them on and off directly via the icon. Two more pointless and superfluous clicks. Did the programmers ever have to work with the camera or were they just paid per button? Unfortunately, I had exactly this impression more than once. And just as an aside: the software doesn’t remember anything here either and if you want to quickly change the emission level, you have to start all over again. How annoying…
Ok, enough complaining. Now we’re finally measuring and there’s a lot of positive things to report.
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