Gaming GPUs Graphics Reviews

Sapphire Radeon RX 7900 XT 20GB Review – The cheaper variant isn’t the worst!

RDNA3 has been on the market for quite some time and besides AMD’s reference cards, you usually only see reviews of the RX 7900XTX and usually only of the more expensive custom models. The RX 7900 XT currently plays a kind of shadowy existence, especially the somewhat cheaper models of the respective board partners. That was reason enough for me to test the Sapphire RX 7900 XT Pulse, which is currently just under the 900 euro mark at around 895 euros and about 250 euros cheaper than its sister model, the Sapphire RX 7900 XTX Pulse.

Well, the card is about 20 percentage points slower than the XTX, but it also costs almost 30 percent less. So it is a fair story, especially since it can usually beat the GeForce RTX 4070 Ti of about the same price in the grid performance and the sum of all my tested games. Except for the thing with the socket, but I’ll get to that later.

But what I can already spoil: Sapphire generously gave us this card to raffle in the community. With which, if you win, you will receive a card assembled by myself, which certainly won’t hurt the long-term durability (pads, thermal paste). The conditions of participation can be found at the end of the article. So please read everything, what awaits you there beautiful and not just as always pre-scroll!

The Sapphire Radeon RX 7900 XT Pulse 20 GB

The card has 84 CUs and 20 GBytes of GDDR6. Everything is connected to a 320-bit interface. This means that the card has a maximum bandwidth of 800 GB/s. However, AMD also specifies an “effective” bandwidth of 2.9 TB/s for the RX 7900XT. This number is related to 96 MB and 80 MB of Infinity Cache located in the six MCD chips. We have to reckon with 315 watts of power consumption for the smaller card and our test model was also only just above this limit.

The card looks a bit smaller, more graceful and unagitated than the Nitro models, even though the proportions are of course correct. With a length of 31.5 cm from the outer edge of the slot bezel to the opposite end of the cooler cover, the card is already a bit longer. The height of the inserted card turns out rather normal with the measured 12.7 cm from the upper edge of the PCIe slot to the upper edge of the cooler cover. The installation depth of 5 cm plus 0.5 cm for the backplate is within the scope of a decent 2.5 slot design.

On the top, we primarily see the two 8-pin sockets for the external power supply. We don’t have to discuss the bending radii for the power supply connections at AMD this time either, everything is still oldschool. The red Radeon lettering is not missing this time either and Sapphire has also immortalized itself as a company. Well, the card is also a bit cheaper, so the LED fireworks are missing this time. I did not miss it.

If you turn the 1416 gram (medium) heavy card backwards, you will see a massive backplate like on the XTX, but without any lightning. Color imprints will have to do.  We end the navel-gazing of the Sapphire RX 7900XT Pulse 20 GB with the two familiar DisplayPort 2.1 ports, an HDMI 2.1 jack, and a true USB Type-C port.

Overview of RDNA3 cards – Technical data

The RDNA3 cards are quite different and not only on the outside. Sapphire’s card is similar to the reference and is more of a real reason card. Inflated OC candidates are hardly faster in total, just significantly thirstier. We will see later that the concept has also worked.

Once again the tabular comparison:

  RX 7900 XTX RX 7900 XT
Compute units 96 84
AI accelerators 192 168
Ray tracing accelerators 96 84
Memory 24 GB GDDR6 20 GB GDDR6
Memory speed 20 Gbps 20 Gbps
Memory bus size 384-bit 320-bit
Game clock speed 2.3 GHz 2 GHz
Output DisplayPort 2.1 DisplayPort 2.1
TBP 355 W 315 W
MSRP 1000 USD 900 USD


Test setup

By popular demand, I am again relying on a closed system, which offers a truly practical basis in the form of a PC specially assembled for igor’sLAB by MIFCOM(exemplary product link, not an affiliate). The case used is really good, has enough internal volume and also an excellent airflow. The used AiO compact water cooling in the form of Be Quiet’s Silen Loop II fits visually to the overall concept and the RGB accents of RAM and motherboard can either be set to plain white or turned off completely in case of doubt. When things get too colorful again.

The PC was assembled nice and neat by MIFCOM (I’m always like that with the cables) and can be purchased in this configuration (see below) exactly the same or modified at the dealer. It was simply important to me here to use a commercially available solution and not my extremely chilled lab hardware in the climate oasis. There is enough space between the side panel (glass) and the graphics card and the storage space of the XL case was not even close to being used. Thus, even all other RTX 4080 (and RTX 4090) with the unspeakable adapter still have enough room to breathe. This should therefore fit, since the Radeon cards do not have a problem with sprawling bending radii. I also only need two fans in the front.

However, the measurement of the detailed power consumption and other, more in-depth things is done in the lab on two tracks using high-resolution oscilloscope technology (there are also various follow-ups!) and the self-created, MCU-based measurement setup for motherboards and graphics cards (pictures below) or NVIDIA’s PCAT. For this, of course, I use a redundant system, with the same components, because such measurements in the housing are rather difficult.

The audio measurements are done outside in my Chamber (room within a room).

I have also summarized the individual components of the test system in a table:


Sapphire Pulse Radeon RX 7900 XT, 20GB GDDR6, 2x HDMI, 2x DP, lite retail (11323-02-20G)

nullprozentshop.desiehe Shop729,67 €*Stand: 16.09.24 11:01
MindfactoryLagernd, Lieferung 1-2 WerktageStand: 16.09.24 11:22729,67 €*Stand: 16.09.24 11:23
notebooksbilliger.deOnlineshop: lagernd, 24-h Service möglich, Lieferung 2-3 WerktageHamburg, Hannover/Laatzen: lagernd (keine Online-Reservierung möglich)Berlin, Dortmund, Düsseldorf, München, Stuttgart: nicht lagerndStand: 16.09.24 11:05729,67 €*Stand: 16.09.24 11:07
*Alle Preise inkl. gesetzl. MwSt zzgl. Versandkosten und ggf. Nachnahmegebühren, wenn nicht anders beschriebenmit freundlicher Unterstützung von



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5,108 Kommentare 2,926 Likes

Danke für den Test : ) . Gibt fast keine zur aktuellen gen. ( außer MBA ).

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572 Kommentare 352 Likes

Eins zwei drei, da bin ich doch dabei! 🥳

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1,579 Kommentare 663 Likes

Schöner Test, da sag ich auch nicht nein zur 7900XT 😅

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60 Kommentare 9 Likes

@Igor Wallossek , warum sollte ich denn diese Grafikkarte gewinnen 🤷 Denke einfach, einmal muss man doch auch Glück haben und dieses Upgrade wäre der Knaller, Welten liegen da zwischen meiner RX 580 8G Sapphire Pulse und dieser Pulse.... Aber ich wünsche allen viel Erfolg 😀

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39 Kommentare 2 Likes

Schöner Test. Und ein Unikat von Igor wär ja fast schon etwas für die Ausstell-Vitrine.
Da meine 6 Jahre alte Pascal ihr Ende fast erreicht hat würde ich mich natürlich sehr über dieses Upgrade freuen.

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20 Kommentare 14 Likes

Der frühe Vogel wurmt mich sehr, oder wie war das? Allen viel Glück bei der Verlosung.

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10 Kommentare 0 Likes

Weil ich amd Fan bin 😋

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25 Kommentare 11 Likes

Wie gewohnt klasse Test.
Nach der Ankündigung von Samstag hätte ich nicht so früh damit gerechnet.

So ein Unikat nimmt man doch gerne, da bin ich dabei.
Für den Gewinnfall gäbe es mal wieder eine Runde durchwechseln, dann freuen sich gleich mehrere Leute

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48 Kommentare 2 Likes


34 Kommentare 5 Likes

Vielen Dank, würde mich super freuen!

Ich brauche die Karte, weil ich die 2K Auflösung meines neuen Monitors vollkommen unterschätzt habe und die Framedrops zum weinen sind.

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1,511 Kommentare 518 Likes

"Wenn sich Gewinner(innen) nicht bis zum 12.01.2023 melden (Antwort auf die Gewinner-PN im Forum oder E-Mail), wird der betreffende Preis im Forum erneut nachverlost."

Hoffentlich schaff ich das auch noch bis zu dem Datum.... Tippfehlerteufel...

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135 Kommentare 128 Likes

Schicke Karte und für WQHD und >144Hz eine echt gute Wahl.

Das Lüfter und Spulen Gezappel sollte doch bei einem festen FPS Cap dann weg sein oder?

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7 Kommentare 0 Likes

Danke schön für die Chance hier mitmachen zu dürfen, testen wir mal unser Glück.
Allen viel Glück bei der Verlosung.

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16 Kommentare 6 Likes

Danke für den Test, lese ich heute Nachmittag ausführlich, dann schreibe ich auch meinen Text für die Verlosung. Bis dahin zum zweiten Absatz, der hakelt bissl:-)

Zum Thema Tippfehlerteufel, habe die Anmerkungen eingeklammert zwecks Erkennen.
Gut, die Karte ist rund 20 Prozentpunkte langsamer als die XTX, nur kostet sie eben auch weit auch fast (auch weit ider auch fast) 30 Prozent weniger(.) So ge(se)hen ist das also durchaus eine faire Geschichte,

Schönen Tag und bis später dann;-)

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38 Kommentare 27 Likes

Das ist doch echt ne interessante Karte. Preis/Leistung stimmt hier mMn.

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1,824 Kommentare 1,141 Likes

A. Bin ich dabei!
B. Danke für den ausführlichen Test! Eine Frage, vielleicht hab ich es ja übersehen: wie laufen denn die (berühmten) Produktivanwendungen auf dieser/allgemein den RDNA3 Karten so? Ist das immer noch so ein Gefrickel wie vor nicht allzu langer Zeit mit den vorherigen Radeons? Denn ansonsten liegt gerade die XT 7900 schon sehr gut im Rennen mit den Grünen (v.a. im Preis/Leistungsverhältnis). Wenn jetzt noch DaVinci usw brauchbar laufen würde, wär das schon was!

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633 Kommentare 259 Likes

Sowas. Ganz ohne Blingbling. Völlig ungewohnt :)

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8 Kommentare 1 Likes

Tolle Aktion, da bin doch gern wieder dabei!
Allen anderen auch viel Glück :)


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152 Kommentare 137 Likes

Dann versuchen wir mal unser Glück.
Euch allen viel Glück auch :)

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About the author

Igor Wallossek

Editor-in-chief and name-giver of igor'sLAB as the content successor of Tom's Hardware Germany, whose license was returned in June 2019 in order to better meet the qualitative demands of web content and challenges of new media such as YouTube with its own channel.

Computer nerd since 1983, audio freak since 1979 and pretty much open to anything with a plug or battery for over 50 years.

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