Aircooling Basics Cooling Reviews Wärmeleitpaste und Pads Watercooling

Roundup: Cooler Master CryoFuze 7, CryoFuze 5 Violet, MasterGel Maker and Pro V2 Review – Thermal compound from gray to colorful

Today we’re doing a Cooler Master special with a total of four pastes, because unfortunately Cooler Master doesn’t offer any other pastes in Germany. Amazon also sells the various pastes as imports from North America and so I will perhaps update this when the pastes are available. Let’s just be surprised at a later date. I still have to compile all these tests by hand, but the database is already in its final stages, then I can finally publish pastes on a daily basis and the overall comparison will also be easier for you. Today, however, I have to put together another really old-school roundup.

But even four pastes want and need to be tested first, so I’m just going to get to work without much preamble. And I also have to point out the article numbers in advance, as the packaging itself usually doesn’t have an immediately recognizable imprint with the version numbers, which could cause some confusion. The article numbers are only printed in small letters and hidden on the back of the packaging. Here is the internal coding for you, because I also fell for it at first:

CryoFuze 5 Purple (Violet) MGY-NOSG-N07M-R1
MasterGel Pro v2 MGY-ZOSG-N15M-R3
CryooFuze 7 MGZ-NDSG-N07M-R2
MasterGel Maker MGZ-NDSG-N15M-R2

Cooler Master CryoFuze 7

Let’s start at the top end of the food chain this time with the CryoFuze 7, which is clearly superior to the other pastes in terms of performance. I can’t and won’t comment on the prices at the moment, as there were only a few offers, some of which were over 18 euros for 2 grams. I think this is completely exaggerated, but I can’t change it. Let’s wait and see if anything happens and let the facts speak for themselves. The stated 14 W/m-K is of course another fairy tale, but everyone seems to do it that way. More on this later.

Cooler Master CryoFuze 5 Violet

The CryoFuze 5 Violet is significantly cheaper, but it is also significantly worse than the paste without the colored name suffix and therefore also the weakest of all four pastes tested today. I had the pleasure of using it once before, but at least the paste is now complete and it also contains Al2O3, which used to be missing. Nevertheless, the advertised 12.6 W/m-K is misleading and false. As for the violet version, we’ll see that in a moment. It currently costs from around 7 euros for 2 grams, which is around 3.50 euros per gram.

Cooler Master MasterGel Maker V2

This paste with the bulky name comes to the customer in an eye-catching wide-gauge tube, which is more reminiscent of a fat marker. You are supposed to be able to leave a broad trace of thermal paste on the cooling object of your hot dreams, but in everyday practice this is really just a waste. Because the layer is always a little too thick and nothing can be placed precisely with it. And if you only need a little bit: too much always comes out and the tube empties faster than you can earn the money to buy more. The 4 gram tube is available from around 10 euros. At 2.50 euros per gram, this may just about be enough, even if the advertised 11 W/m-K is of course outrageous nonsense.

Cooler Master MasterGel Pro V2

This paste is in the middle of the thermal field, neither top nor flop. And even if the stated 9 W/m-K seem more modest for the other three pastes, they are also grossly exaggerated if you measure correctly. However, even if it is nominally the weakest paste according to the label, it is better than the actual bottom of today’s roundup. And at around 2 euros per gram, it is also the cheapest. But I don’t want to get ahead of the conclusion.

An important foreword on “bulk thermal conductivity” and false marketing promises

I am now deliberately including two quotes that not only speak to me from the heart, but also absolutely agree with my laboratory measurements. Much more than 4 to 5 W/(m-K), or even 6 W/(m-K) with very, very good pastes, is not possible at all with conventional means under the usual conditions on a GPU or CPU in terms of layer thickness, temperature and pressure. Because these quotes are honest and unfortunately correspond to reality, I will use this part from now on as a standard quote in all paste tests of all manufacturers and put it in front. You can’t bend physics.

For those who wonder how you can even arrive at figures above this limit, it should be noted that test conditions can certainly be adapted to achieve astronomically high figures. However, testing in a bucket has nothing to do with reality, even if a known measurement method is used. Without knowledge of the exact circumstances, such values are completely misleading and meaningless. You could give many suppliers credit for simply not knowing any better and just copying the OEM’s data sheets, but it doesn’t make misleading consumers any better.

Thermal Grizzly
The mostly theoretically determined thermal conductivity values differ greatly depending on the application, as important factors such as contact pressure, temperature or surface cannot be taken into account uniformly. All our cooling products have therefore no longer given specific thermal conductivity values since the 4th quarter of 2020. We continue to rely on the test results of independent tests and reviews so that our customers can get a more realistic impression of the performance of our products in practice under comparable circumstances.

ARCTIC has made a conscious decision not to provide thermal conductivity values for thermal pastes and thermal pads, as many manufacturers invent, artificially inflate or embellish these values. Thermally conductive paste has a thermal conductivity of 1 to 4 W/mK. Values outside this range, such as 12.5 W/mK, do not correspond to the truth. Many competitors state values above 4 W/mK to suggest better performance. This often leads to false expectations and dissatisfied users..

Real long-term simulations (3000 hours in 1000 cycles up to 90°C) are not feasible in terms of effort. That’s why I can only make predictions, but I want them to be understood as such. It is virtually impossible to make scientifically sound statements in just a few days. Yes, you can identify a trend and scale it as a forecast based on existing data, but this is not something that allows you to make really reliable statements. Therefore, I am sorry to say that I have to leave out this important point. However, as far as time permits, I will take community feedback into account and add the comments and long-term experience of third parties to the database as a note in due course, if it seems necessary. In both a positive and negative sense. However, this is a subjective value that has no place in a comparative database.

The data sheets, as far as they exist, are quite useless. But that’s what the measurements are for, and it’s precisely these that are really interesting. Let’s go!

Further links and basics


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108 Kommentare 115 Likes

Mal wieder sehr aufschlussreich. Danke Igor. Erschreckend finde ich, dass der Kunde keine Chance hat zu erkennen, welche Paste ihren Job gut macht und welche reine Zeit- und Geldverschwendung ist. Ohne Dich wäre es noch immer so, dass man als Kunde im Dunkeln tappt. Du bereicherst uns :)

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5,102 Kommentare 2,926 Likes

Das, die sich überhaupt die Mühe machen verschiedene Pasten abfüllen zu lassen.
Könnten doch überall die gleiche Pampe reinfüllen, die Angaben passen sowieso nicht.

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1,821 Kommentare 1,139 Likes

Da ich momentan keine CPU oder GPU verarzten muss, bin ich irgendwie froh, daß ich jetzt erstmal darauf warten kann, bis die ja wirklich gute Honeywell Paste auch für Endabnehmer zu einem einigermaßen fairen Preis erhältlich ist.
Was bei einigen dieser teuren Pasten (v.a. den dünnen mit solala Testwerten) ja auch noch dazu kommt ist, daß man die ganze Prozedur dann in 6-12 Monaten gleich nochmal machen darf. Und die dafür notwendige Zeit ist auch was wert.

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5,102 Kommentare 2,926 Likes

Ich will eine grüne Paste!

View image at the forums

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304 Kommentare 154 Likes

Die Maker hab ich auch mal ausprobiert. Der Applikator macht überhaupt keinen Sinn.

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10 Kommentare 11 Likes

Sehr spannende Ergebnisse für eine Firma, die sich Cooler Master nennt.
Ich bin sehr auf den Testbericht der Kooling Monster KOLD-01 gespannt, weil die hat sich mit in das Diagramm geschlichen :)
Die Werte sehen sehr gut aus, jetzt ist nur noch die Frage der Handhabbarkeit.

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Igor Wallossek


10,833 Kommentare 20,526 Likes


10 Kommentare 11 Likes

Beton hat laut dem allwissenden Internet eine Wärmeleitfähigkeit zwischen 1,3 und 2,5 W/(mK)
Könnte schlechter aber für eine CPU sicher nicht die beste Wahl :D

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Igor Wallossek


10,833 Kommentare 20,526 Likes

BTW: Zur KOLD wird es noch eine Art Investigativartikel geben, aber da warte ich noch auf Details ;)

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274 Kommentare 184 Likes

Mal eine Frage, gibt es schon eine Datenbank wo man alles vergleichen kann, oder ist diese noch in Arbeit? Danke für den Test.

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1,116 Kommentare 483 Likes

Tja, Marketing und was soll ich dir sagen, es funktioniert bestens :D

Du sprichst unterschiedliche Käuferschichten damit an und es gibt genug die für gefühlt Premium auch Premiumpreise zahlen, auch wenns das identische Produkt wie die billigversion ist... Da sie die nicht kaufen, stellen sie das garnicht erst fest, andersherum genauso.

Das ist ne simple Marketing-/Wirtschaftlichkeitsentscheidung. Ist der Erlös größer als die Kosten das identische Produkt in 2, 3 oder 4 Verpackungen und Preisregionen anzubieten, wird es gemacht.

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Igor Wallossek


10,833 Kommentare 20,526 Likes

Es kommen demnächst in drei Schritten auch drei Datenbanken, also Paste, Putty und Sheet. Aber vorher kloppe ich noch etwas mehr Inhalt rein. :)

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29 Kommentare 16 Likes

@Igor Wallossek

Ich habe hier noch eine alte ungeöffnete Cooler Master IC Essential E1. Ist die interessant oder eher nicht weil alt und nicht mehr wirklich verfügbar?

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Igor Wallossek


10,833 Kommentare 20,526 Likes


66 Kommentare 25 Likes

Stimmt schon. Aber warum nicht aus einer Paste vier machen? So kann man verschiedene Kunden abholen.
Die wo sparen wollen oder müssen und die wo denken, für 18 € das beste vom Besten für ihre Hardware zu bekommen.

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375 Kommentare 270 Likes

Auf Hanfbasis, ja Mann! Wenn die dann warm wird, ist die Stimmung beim Zocken sicher sehr relaxt und intensiver 🙃

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59 Kommentare 37 Likes

Hab die MasterGel Maker seit 2017 eigentlich immer auf den CPUs verwendet und nie Probleme damit gehabt.
Auch beim Entfernen nach 3-4 Jahren hat man immer gesehen dass die nicht unkontrolliert ausgeblutet ist.
Schön dass die Tests bestätigen dass das ein grundsolides Produkt ist.

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About the author

Igor Wallossek

Editor-in-chief and name-giver of igor'sLAB as the content successor of Tom's Hardware Germany, whose license was returned in June 2019 in order to better meet the qualitative demands of web content and challenges of new media such as YouTube with its own channel.

Computer nerd since 1983, audio freak since 1979 and pretty much open to anything with a plug or battery for over 50 years.

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