Problems and solutions
Qidi always seems to have problems getting their printers over the finish line before release. There were already problems with quality control with the X-Plus3, and the teething troubles with the Q1 Pro, which has since been released, made me refrain from writing a test report. And unfortunately, this behavior continues here as well.
Even before my test copy was delivered, I received the first email informing me that the screw on the heating element may not have been tightened properly. To be fair, however, I have to add that everything was fine with my Plus4.
Not with the printing results, however, despite a well-set Z-offset, there were always problems with the first layer. Until I noticed this:
The print head is totally loose, so of course it can’t work.
I was then sent this video on request, so it doesn’t seem to be an isolated case.
In the case of the fix shown with the two screws, I had to touch it up several times until everything really sat as desired. But as you can see, even really demanding first coats were usually no problem after that.
And there is also – once again – a problem with the internal heating on a Qidi 3D printer. I recommend watching the linked video, but here is a brief summary: In regions with 110-120 volt mains voltage with an older firmware, too much power is sent via the solid-state relay, which therefore gets too hot and starts to scorch.
Here is the official statement. In addition to fixing the error in the firmware, the SSR will also be replaced and the warranty extended by one year. If you keep the printer, the new SSR will be sent to you. Newer models then have it installed straight from the factory.
Because it will certainly worry some people, the apparently very high temperature of the stepper drivers is not a problem in itself. According to the data sheet, they are designed for up to 125°C, even with very long print jobs I have never seen more than 110°C.

And if you want to be on the safe side, simply retrofit a 120mm fan yourself and print the matching adapter plate from VZSO.
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