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MSI unveils its GeForce RTX 4070 Ti SUPER Ventus 3X Black with AD102 GPU

Some time ago, we reported that MSI, among others, uses a trimmed AD103 GPU instead of an AD104 GPU for the RTX 4070 graphics card. NVIDIA has apparently started to use this variant more frequently, but it is not supposed to make a big difference. Now the user wxnod has published a data sheet on the social media platform Twitter, which apparently announces the next GeForce RTX 4070 Ti SUPER from MSI. This is said to have a quasi halved AD102 GPU.

The card is very similar to the existing version, the GeForce RTX 4070 Ti SUPER Ventus 3X, and comes in a black design. The memory of the GeForce RTX 4070 Ti SUPER Ventus 3X Black is 16 GB GDDR6X and runs via a 256-bit bus interface, allowing a maximum bandwidth of 21 Gbps to be achieved. The new card from MSI is said to have 8448 CUDA cores and the boost clock can be increased to 2640 MHz. For users who want even more performance, the Extreme Performance mode can be activated via the MSI Center, MSI’s own software, whereby the clock can be increased to up to 2655 MHz.

At 295 watts, the power consumption is slightly higher than that of the other variant, which only requires 280 watts. The recommended power supply remains at 700 watts. The dimensions of the card are 322 mm x 136 mm x 22 mm. In other words, it’s a somewhat larger card.

In terms of cooling, little has changed in contrast to the currently available GeForce RTX™ 4070 Ti SUPER 16G VENTUS 3X. The card continues to be cooled with three fans, the so-called TORX FAN 4.0, which are highly praised by MSI. 2x DisplayPort v1.4a and 2x HDMI connections are available to the customer.

However, MSI has not yet made an official announcement. For example, there is no release date for when the card will appear on the market. This also means that no price is listed for it. However, as the card is relatively close to the other version, it will cost around 949 euros. Quite a high price. It therefore remains to be seen when more concrete details will be revealed.

Source: wxnod via Twitter


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17 Kommentare 3 Likes

Hmm Ob Resteverwertung, oder sonstige Gründe für den Schritt ausschlagend sind,
wichtiger ist doch die Frage, ob da die Zuverlässigkeit und Leistung der Karten stimmen bzw wie stark diese von den originalen abweichen.

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140 Kommentare 75 Likes

"Diese soll soagr eine quasi halbierte AD102-GPU verbaut haben."

Nicht mal das ... :rolleyes:

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35 Kommentare 8 Likes

Hallo zusammen,

ich habe etwas interessantes gefunden.

Die ZOTAC GAMING RTX 4070 TI SUPER SOLID 16GB GDDR6X hat nicht nur den Chip, sondern auch das gesamte PCB der RTX 4090.

Spannungswandler, Kondensatoren und GPU-Chip AD-102 mit 76Mrd. Transistoren (statt 4070 TI S mit 45Mrd.) stammen von der 4090.

Auch der riesige Kühlkörper stammt von der 4090.

12VHPWR-Stromversorgung: 3x 8Pin PCIe statt wie üblich 2x 8Pin PCie

Links: Zotac TI Super Solid im 4090er PCB, .... Rechts: PNY XLR8 im 4070TI S "Standard"-Design

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Im deutschsprachigem Raum hat sich das noch niemand wirklich angesehen.

Durch die größerer Fläche des Chips und den für die 4090 dimensionierten Kühlkörper müsste die Kühlung ja wirklich spitze sein.

Dazu Spannungswandler und Caps in höherwertiger Qualität (Mutmaßung, bin kein Fachmann)?

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Hoang Minh Le

