Editor's Desk PSU Reviews

Lian Li EG1200G ATX v3.1 power supply review – L-shaped drawer design for more elegant cabling

Lian Li is mainly known for its cases, but is also trying to conquer the power supply market. The EG1200G is the manufacturer’s new high-end model, which offers 1200 watts of power, ATX v3.1 compliance and a unique L-shaped design which, according to the manufacturer, is ideal for dual-compartment cases. Reason enough for me to once again let my friend Aris from Hardwarebusters have his say (and picture) on this on our site, as he has not only intensively tested this power supply, which costs around 160 euros, but has also officially certified it through his company Cybenetics. As this will certainly be of interest to you, I am happy to offer him the platform to share his findings with you on a case-by-case basis. And don’t forget, his website and YouTube channel also offer real gems in terms of really well-founded reviews! The power supply is also featured in his article on the best ATX v3.x & PCIe 5.x power supplies.

I didn’t test the first generation of Lian Li’s L-shaped power supplies, but I decided to take a closer look at the second generation. This now offers a detachable USB/fan hub with four USB and six fan connectors. This concept might be interesting for users who need more USB ports and don’t want to buy a separate PWM/RGB controller for their fans. Nevertheless, I will focus on the performance of the power supply in this article, as this extra is not relevant for everyone. The MSRP is within the expected range, the first generation currently still offered in Germany via Geizhals with 1000 watts and 1300 watts is similar with conversion and VAT surcharge. The newer generation can be recognized by the G in the model name, i.e. EG 1200G instead of EG 1200.

EDGE 1200W Black / White $179.99
EDGE 1000W Black / White $154.99
EDGE 850W White $119.99
EDGE 850W Black $109.99
EDGE 750W Black $99.99
EDGE Hub White $16.99
EDGE Hub Black $16.99

The 1200W and 1000W models will ship with the EDGE Hub, which will be available as an option on the remaining models in the series. This unit is manufactured by Helly, an OEM that has a close partnership with Lian Li. Helly has gained attention especially among small and medium sized brands as the company offers good platforms at reasonable prices. It is always pleasing to see new players in the manufacturing industry as it expands choice and improves performance and quality through competition.

View Cybenetics review

Manufacturer (OEM): Helly
Max Power: 1200 W
Cybenetics Efficiency: 115V] Cybenetics Platinum (88.998%), [230V] Cybenetics Platinum (91.518%)
80 Plus Efficiency: n.a.
Noise: Cybenetics A (20-25 dB[A])
Compliance: ATX v3.1, EPS 2.92
Alternative Low Power Mode support: Yes
Operating Temperature: (Continuous Full Load): 0 – 40 °C
Power 12V (Combined): 1200 W on one single rail
Power 5V 3.3v: 120 W
Power 5VSB: 15 W
Cooling: 135mm Hydro Dynamic Bearing Fan (PLA13525S12M)
Semi-Passive Operation: ✓ (Selectable)
Modular Design: Yes (Fully)
High Power Connectors: 2x EPS (2x cables), 5x PCIe 6 2 pin (4x cables), 2x PCIe 12 4 pin (600W)
Peripheral Connectors: 12x SATA (4x cables), 4x 4-pin Molex (1x cable)
Cable Length: ATX Cable Length: 625mm
EPS Cable Length: 745mm
12 4 pin PCIe Cable Length: 650mm
6 2 pin PCIe Cable Length: 650mm
Distance between SATA/Molex connectors: 115/115 mm
In-cable capacitors: No
Dimensions (W x H x D): 150 mm x 85 mm x 180 mm
Weight: 1.72 kg (3.79 lb)
Warranty: 10 years

Power Specifications

Rail 3.3V 5V 12V 5VSB -12V
Max. Power Amps 20 20 100 3 0.3
Watts 120 1200 15 3.6
Total Max. Power (W) 1200

Lian Li EDGE Platinum 1000 schwarz 1000W ATX 3.1 (EG1000 Black)

Caseking.deLagernd189,90 €*Stand: 14.02.25 08:46
AlternateBestellt, versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen189,90 €*Stand: 14.02.25 09:14
Proshop.deBestellt: auf Lager erwartet 11-03-2025192,73 €*Stand: 14.02.25 07:55
*Alle Preise inkl. gesetzl. MwSt zzgl. Versandkosten und ggf. Nachnahmegebühren, wenn nicht anders beschriebenmit freundlicher Unterstützung von geizhals.de

Lian Li EDGE Platinum 1300 schwarz 1300W ATX 3.1 (EG1300 Black / G9P.EG1300.BE00.EU)

Caseking.deLagernd229,90 €*Stand: 14.02.25 08:46
AlternateBestellt, versandfertig in 3-5 Werktagen229,90 €*Stand: 14.02.25 09:14
Proshop.deVerfügbar - 4-6 Werktage Lieferzeit (Auf Lager ab 19-02-2025)230,90 €*Stand: 14.02.25 07:55
*Alle Preise inkl. gesetzl. MwSt zzgl. Versandkosten und ggf. Nachnahmegebühren, wenn nicht anders beschriebenmit freundlicher Unterstützung von geizhals.de




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260 Kommentare 185 Likes

Ich vermute mal, bestenfalls für Liebhaber der Gehäuse speziell dieses HErstellers auf Grund der besonderen Form interessant, für alle Anderen gibts im Stadard-ATX-Formfaktor gemessen an den "inneren" WErten bessere Alternativen...mögl., dass hier sogar die vom Standard abweichende Form gar zu Kompatibilitätsproblemen führt...

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95 Kommentare 34 Likes

Das sieht so als als ob es in Tower-Gehäusen nur für die Installation oben, also wie früher, geeignet erscheint.

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184 Kommentare 71 Likes

Warum wird hier so viel auf 115v rummgeritten? Hat in Europa doch faktisch keinerlei Bedeutung.

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299 Kommentare 258 Likes

Weil Europa nicht der Mittelpunkt der Welt ist – und Deutschland schon gar nicht. Ich picke mir halt die für uns hier (230V) relevanten Bewertungen heraus. Die PSU Tests und Zertifizierungen von Aris (https://hwbusters.com) sind für mich der Gold Standard.

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7,266 Kommentare 3,814 Likes

Endlich mal was Neues bei Netzteilen. Die Idee mit dem internen USB Hub gefällt mir auch, denn mir gehen bisweilen durchaus die internen USB-Header aus (Aquacomputer & Co. sei Dank). Was ICH gerne noch mehr sehen würde, wäre die Auslesemöglichkeit der Leistungsdaten wie bei den Corsair i-Modellen!

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About the author

Dr. Aristeidis Bitziopoulos

Chief Test Engineer at Cybenetics LTD

Ph.D. in Wireless Sensor Networks
Bachelor in Computer Science and Electronics
Telecommunications Engineer Degree

