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Fractal Design: Replacing the fan hubs in the new Torrent case | Warning

Disclaimer: The following article is machine translated from the original German, and has not been edited or checked for errors. Thank you for understanding!

Important notice for buyers of the new Torrent case from Fractal Design and those who want to become one:

Some users report problems with the integrated fan hub, which causes a short circuit. In most cases, this design problem triggers short-circuit protection in the power supply, which immediately shuts down the computer without causing permanent damage.
Here is the full translated message:

We have an important announcement regarding the torrent case. Some reports of fan hubs damaged during manufacturing, which could cause a short circuit, have led us to revise the design of the board.

We care about the quality of our products and the Nexus 9P Slim Fan Hub included with the Torrent does not meet our standards. Our development team is working tirelessly to design and produce an updated version that fixes these issues as soon as possible.

If you have a Torrent case, we ask that you remove the fan hub(instructions can be found here) and fill out the form available here so we can send you a replacement kit as soon as possible.

You can use your Torrent case without the Fan Hub, but given the limited functionality, we are coordinating with our retail partners to provide a smooth refund process if you don’t want to wait for the replacement kit. We have temporarily stopped selling the torrent until the Fan Hub is updated.

Since we have only recently tested and recommended this case, we now advise a little patience and wait for a new revision. In the article about the torrent, this message was added. 

Fractal Design Torrent RGB in the test – Airflow of the superlative?

According to figures from the manufacturer, only five reports of the problem have been received from customers so far. The fact that they still pull the emergency brake immediately and don’t do anything for a long time like other manufacturers is definitely respectable. 

Click here for the full FAQ on this issue.


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1,370 Kommentare 900 Likes

Vorbildliche Vorgehensweise (y)

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49 Kommentare 4 Likes

Naja das wird in erster Linie nur gemacht weil es sonst für den Hersteller noch teurer werden kann. Hätte das Ding nur eine Macke die keinen Brand auslösen könnte...kann sich jeder selbst denken.

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269 Kommentare 73 Likes

nein, kann man nicht.
es soll noch hersteller geben, die für ihre produkte verantwortung übernehmen.

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831 Kommentare 366 Likes

Fractal ist was Service angeht recht schnell und auch kulant, meiner Erfahrung nach.
Die haben auch einen Ruf zu verlieren, ist ja kein Hersteller mit billigst Gehäusen wo das egal wäre und es nur über Menge geht...

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5,108 Kommentare 2,926 Likes

Schau mal richtung Gigabyte Netzteile oder NZXT Riser Karte.

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55 Kommentare 36 Likes

Ist das nicht ein generelles Problem der Fractal-eigenen Lüftersteuerungen? Dachte ich hätte das damals schon im Zusammenhang mit dem R5 gelesen.

Man sollte da eher aufs Mainboard oder eine dedizierte Lüftersteuerung setzen.

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274 Kommentare 49 Likes

Ich kenne bisher nur von Problemen bei den Fractal Hubs von Leuten die nicht wissen wie man die verwendet.
DC-Steuerung bei einem PWM-Hub (oder anders rum)
Kein RPM-Signal, weil am ersten Anschlus nix angesteckt ist.

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About the author

Tim Kutzner

Supporting force on cooler, periphery and 3D printing arcticles.
Linux novice and wanna-be datahorder with DIY NAS.

