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Cybenetics strives for ISO 17025 and 17065 certifications not only for power supply units

Nicosia, Cyprus, December 13, 2024 – Cybenetics has officially submitted the applications for the international certifications ISO 17025 and ISO 17065. With this step, the company continues its focus on improving efficiency and performance in the field of IT components. In the coming months, Cybenetics will work to fulfill the requirements of the two certifications while continuing regular operations.

Source: HWbusters

An overview of the certifications

ISO 17025: Requirements for testing and calibration laboratories
ISO 17025 certification enables laboratories to prove that they work competently and deliver reliable results. This strengthens confidence in their work at both national and international level. The main criteria include

Source: HWbusters
  • Calibrated devices: All test devices used must be regularly checked and calibrated.
  • Qualified professionals: Employees must have the necessary expertise to perform tests and interpret results correctly.
  • Comparative tests: Laboratories must compare their results with other laboratories to ensure accuracy.
  • Uncertainty assessments: The uncertainty factor must be documented for each measurement performed.


ISO 17065: Certification of products, processes and services
ISO 17065 specifies requirements for organizations that offer certification services. The aim is to ensure that certification processes are transparent, independent and reliable. The main aspects are:

Source: HWbusters
  • Impartiality and independence: Certification bodies must ensure that their assessments are objective.
  • Competence of staff: Assessors and auditors must be qualified and trained.
  • Complaints procedures: Clear processes for handling complaints and disputes must be in place.
  • Confidentiality: Protection of sensitive data is a priority.

Importance for cybenetics and access to Energy Star

ISO 17065 certification is a basic requirement to participate in the Energy Star program. Energy Star is a voluntary program of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that promotes energy-efficient products and buildings. Products that meet the Energy Star criteria are characterized by lower energy consumption and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Participation in this program offers companies the opportunity to highlight their products on the market for energy-efficient solutions.

After receiving ISO 17065 certification, Cybenetics plans to apply for the Energy Star program. The aim is to contribute to the promotion of sustainable technologies.


The process of obtaining ISO certification places high demands on Cybenetics, particularly in terms of internal processes and quality assurance. Nevertheless, the company sees this as an important step towards achieving its strategic goals. Successful completion of the certifications would not only underline the company’s expertise, but also strengthen its position in the field of IT technologies.

Source: hwbusters


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3,279 Kommentare 1,042 Likes

Oha, wenn er eine Akkreditierung von 0 an machen möchte ist das kein Einfaches Unterfangen:

Was aber Logischerweise schon gegeben ist, wenn das Zertifikat eine Unterschrift hat. ;)

Antwort Gefällt mir



4,575 Kommentare 2,508 Likes

Gemeint ist vielleicht: keine Personengesellschaft ohne eigene juristische Persönlichkeit. Zertifizierungen sind auf jeden Fall immer aufwändig und kostspielig, sicher auch in GR/Zypern. Haben gerade eine 27001 zur Informationssicherheit mitbekommen und teilweise begleitet, oh weia, war das aufwändig, nervig und teuer. Die IT-Leute taten mir leid.

Antwort 2 Likes



3,279 Kommentare 1,042 Likes

Das Assessement nach 9001 kostet ja nach Auditor zwischen 2000 und 4000 €.

Hier ein kleines Quiz:

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4,575 Kommentare 2,508 Likes

11 von 15, das kann aber auch an meinen mediokren Englischkenntnissen liegen. :)

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About the author

Samir Bashir

