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CES 2025: NVIDIA introduces the GeForce RTX 50 series with Blackwell architecture and sets new standards

The GeForce RTX 50 series sets a new standard in graphics card technology and is based on the advanced Blackwell architecture. This architecture was developed by NVIDIA to deliver outstanding performance, efficiency and adaptability for modern graphics and AI applications. Jensen Huang, the charismatic CEO of Nvidia, presented the GeForce RTX 50 series with his usual enthusiasm and in a distinctive crocodile-style leather jacket.

In his usual role as visionary (this time without the oven), he embodied his unshakeable conviction of the revolutionary significance of this new generation of graphics cards. His presentation thus reflected not just a simple product, but also the passion that drives Nvidia as a leader in graphics and AI technologies. Jensen Huang explained that the RTX 50 series is not just an evolution, but a groundbreaking step in computer graphics. With his unmistakable energy (when did he not have it?), he emphasized the power of the Blackwell architecture and the role of AI in modern computing. “We are generating the pixels of the future,” he said, as he introduced new technologies such as neural texture compression and neuro-rendering. And somehow he didn’t promise too much. On the contrary, he made a remarkable exclamation mark right at the beginning of the presentation. Although, of course, this announcement still has to be proven in real tests.

At the heart of the Blackwell architecture are 92 billion transistors, which illustrate the enormous computing power of this generation. With over 4,000 tensor cores that have been specially optimized for AI operations, the RTX 50 series achieves three times the AI performance of its predecessor. This capability enables efficient processing of complex tasks such as neural networks, language modeling and real-time data analysis.

Graphics and ray tracing performance

The GeForce RTX 50 series sets new standards in the field of ray tracing. With a performance of 380 tera flops in ray tracing, lighting, shadows and reflections can be simulated with physical precision. This includes technologies such as path tracing, where each ray of light is traced from origin to reflection, and hybrid approaches that combine ray tracing with traditional rasterizing to maximize efficiency and quality. In addition, the RTX 50 series has 125 tera-flops of shader performance. Specialized compute units can process floating point and integer operations in parallel, which is especially beneficial for compute-intensive applications such as simulations and real-time rendering. This combination of computing power and specialized hardware ensures that even the most demanding graphical scenarios can be displayed in real time.

Advances in memory

The GeForce RTX 50 series is equipped with GDDR7 memory, which achieves a bandwidth of over one terabyte per second. This high bandwidth enables the processing of large amounts of data required for 8K rendering, virtual reality and AI training models. Compared to the previous generation, performance is doubled, which shortens loading times and improves responsiveness.

AI integration and rendering innovations

A notable feature of the RTX 50 series is its advanced integration of AI technologies. The programmable shaders of this generation can process neural networks directly, enabling innovative features such as neural texture compression and neural material shading. These technologies optimize the rendering of textures and materials by using machine learning to increase efficiency and image quality. With neural texture compression, textures are encoded more efficiently, reducing memory requirements while maintaining visual quality.

Neural material shading improves the visualization of surfaces by simulating detailed and realistic material properties. In addition, the RTX 50 series uses advanced AI-powered algorithms to optimize pixel generation. Using tensor cores and programmable shaders, pixels can be generated efficiently, not only calculating the required pixels but also avoiding unnecessary calculations. This increases efficiency and improves the display of complex scenes. Technologies such as AI-supported denoising remove noise from rendered images and ensure sharp, clear results. The combination of these approaches allows the RTX 50 series to deliver unprecedented image quality.

Energy efficiency

The Blackwell architecture integrates enhanced compilers that intelligently distribute graphics, AI and general compute loads. This flexibility makes the RTX 50 Series particularly attractive to developers and researchers, as it is able to efficiently handle a wide range of applications, from scientific simulations to real-time graphics. The RTX 50 Series combines outstanding performance with remarkable energy efficiency. Through the use of advanced manufacturing techniques and optimized power management, power consumption can be minimized without compromising performance. These features make the RTX 50 series both more environmentally friendly and cost efficient for high load operation.

Product range and availability

The GeForce RTX 50 series includes a wide range of products, from entry-level models to the flagship RTX 5090. Prices start at 549 US dollars, so there is a suitable solution for different requirements and budgets. The top of the range RTX 5090 is designed for enthusiasts and professionals who require maximum performance and functionality.

Use in laptops

The GeForce RTX 50 series is not only designed for desktop systems, but is also specially optimized for use in laptops. Thanks to its high energy efficiency and compact design, it can be used in mobile devices without significantly affecting battery life.

In laptops, the RTX 50 series delivers impressive graphics performance, ranging from gaming and content creation to AI-supported applications.

The integration of GDDR7 memory and Tensor Cores enables laptops to efficiently handle tasks such as ray tracing, high-resolution rendering and AI-based workloads.

As a result, professionals and gamers alike can benefit from the performance of the RTX 50 series without sacrificing the mobility of a laptop.


The RTX 50 Series marks the beginning of a new era in computer graphics with the introduction of Neuro Rendering. This process combines AI-based techniques with classic rendering methods to achieve exceptional image quality. The scalability of this technology makes it ideal for future-oriented applications such as immersive virtual reality, real-time simulations and highly detailed visualizations in research. The GeForce RTX 50 series with Blackwell architecture represents the state of the art in the graphics card industry. With its combination of impressive computing power, advanced rendering technologies and highly efficient power management, this series sets new standards. Whether for gaming, professional applications or scientific research, you can look forward to the first independent tests!

More detail ara avilable now on NVIDIA’s-Homepage.

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38 Kommentare 15 Likes

1999 USD für die 5090? Dann halte ich 2600 Euro hierzulande für realistisch. Ich habe schlimmeres erwartet.

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Igor Wallossek


11,543 Kommentare 22,236 Likes

Wenn das alles wirklich so stimmt, braucht der normale Gamer die 5090 gar nicht, dann reicht auch eine 5080 mehr als aus. Ich kann mir keinen 8K-Monitor leisten :(

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91 Kommentare 75 Likes

Also, wenn die Aussage "5070 = 4090 Performance" so stimmt, dann reicht vermutlich für 4K Gaming auch die 5070 oder 5070Ti (zumindest für die meisten Spiele/Settings); das ist die Richtung (auch bzgl. Preis/Leistung), die mich am meisten interessiert. 8K kann und will ich mir auch nicht leisten.

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62 Kommentare 24 Likes

Leider wissen wir beid das das so nicht stimmt. Marketing blabla 😂weis jetzt schon genung spiele die kein FG haben oder kein dlss die kein 140 hz liefern oder 100hz.

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Igor Wallossek


11,543 Kommentare 22,236 Likes

Shaderleistung soll 1.5x Ada sein. Wobei ich ohne den ganzen KI-Unterbau auf 25 bis 30% mehr echte Shaderleistung in Spielen tippen würde. Das käme auch mit den kolportierten Specs hin.

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141 Kommentare 145 Likes

Ich bezweifle die Aussage 5070=4090 schwer.
Vielleicht was den AI Kram angeht, aber nicht was die Grafikleistung betrifft.
Kein Hersteller der Welt bietet dir ein gleichwertiges Produkt zu seiner Vorgängergeneration zu einem Bruchteil der Kosten derer an.

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1,243 Kommentare 548 Likes

Wäre zumindest mies für die 4090 Besitzer die sich auf einen hohen Wiederverkaufswert verlassen würden :) Damit wären selbst die 3090er Karten nix mehr wert.

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141 Kommentare 145 Likes

Ich denke NVidia wird die 5080 nicht an die Performance der 4090 heran kommen lassen.
Es war mWn noch nie so das die zweitbeste Karte das Highendmodell der Vorgängergeneration geschlagen hat.

5070 über 3090 wird passieren, die 4070 Super ist ja schon dran.

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174 Kommentare 119 Likes

Erst mal die ersten xxxGates abwarten, echte Tests anschauen und entspannt zurücklehnen.

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960 Kommentare 578 Likes

Mal schauen, der Gamechanger 5090 soll bei Nv ab 2.329 € kosten, was "ab" auch immer bedeuten mag.

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121 Kommentare 101 Likes

Wer mit sowas spekuliert, kann halt auch mal auf die Nase fallen.

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28 Kommentare 5 Likes

Die 5070 wird halt sicher wieder nur 8 gig Ram daherkommen!
Also wenn man etwas zukunft sicher sein will muss man sicher die 5070ti nehmen mit 12 gig ram (hoffe auf AMD bzw. das doch mehr RAM rausschaut)

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1,774 Kommentare 1,014 Likes

Die Frage ist eher ob hier nicht Ada mit DLSS3-FG geben Blackwell DLSS4-FG verglichen wird.

Also dass eine 5070 mit DLSS4-FG so viele fps generiert wie eine 4090 mit DLSS3-FG... Mal die realen Reviews abwarten

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2,149 Kommentare 1,376 Likes

Ich verstehe nicht ganz, warum eine Folie deutlich niedrigere US Dollar Preise für dieselben RTX5000 Karten zeigt als die andere. Die "billigere" zeigt zB $ 549 vs $ 599 für die RTX 5070; in Igors Text steht eine deutlich höhere Zahl, und @Igor Wallossek passt ja schon auf, was Jensen Huang so sagt. Aber, welche Preise stimmen denn jetzt?

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38 Kommentare 15 Likes


203 Kommentare 116 Likes

Die 4070 hatte schon 12GB, so auch die 5070.
Die 5070Ti wird gleich mit 16GB starten.

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491 Kommentare 397 Likes

Vermutlich irgendwelche bundles die die planen.
Oder sie gehn von Scalpern aus. :'D
Aber wenn Nvidia schon 2350 will, ob ASUS es dann schafft die 3K zu knacken? :'D

Lust hätt ich schon auf eine 5090 aber glaub ned das ich als Gelegenheitsdaddler da noch die Zielgruppe bin. Zu blöd, dass sich die 5080 im Vergleich einfach nur total "meh" anfühlt.

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2,149 Kommentare 1,376 Likes

Jan von CB hat in einem Update die folgenden Preise genannt: "Den Anfang machen vier Modelle: GeForce RTX 5090, 5080, 5070 Ti und 5070 zu Preisen von 649 bis 2.329 Euro." ( Ich schreibe das auf dem Smartphone, und der Fettdruck will sich gerade nicht ausschalten lassen 😜).

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58 Kommentare 29 Likes

Die 5070 soll 4090 Leistung bringen?

Wird aber mit nur 12GB VRAM ein bisschen schwierig sein.

Mit meiner 3080 Ti mit 12GB muss ich jetzt schon in manchen Spielen bei WQHD die Details runterschrauben weil der VRAM zu wenig ist. Wie z.B. bei Indiana Jones und der große Kreis, was man ja durchaus als Referenz nehmen könnte, wo die Reise hingehen wird bei AAA Spielen der kommenden Jahre.

Also mal gucken was die 5070ti dann wirklich kosten wird und vor allem was diese dann auch so abliefert... wenn die Mehrleistung für mich dann passt, wird wohl aufgerüstet.

Hier mal die Preise

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About the author

Igor Wallossek

Editor-in-chief and name-giver of igor'sLAB as the content successor of Tom's Hardware Germany, whose license was returned in June 2019 in order to better meet the qualitative demands of web content and challenges of new media such as YouTube with its own channel.

Computer nerd since 1983, audio freak since 1979 and pretty much open to anything with a plug or battery for over 50 years.

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