The recently launched AMD Ryzen 7 9700X and Ryzen 5 9600X processors, which are based on the Zen 5 architecture, may be due for a significant upgrade. A new BIOS update could increase the Thermal Design Power (TDP) of these CPUs from the originally specified 65W to 105W. This adjustment indicates that AMD wants to further optimize the performance of these processors to keep up with market expectations and demands.
The Ryzen 7 9700X and Ryzen 5 9600X processors were originally designed for a standard TDP of 65W. This power limit allows the chips to operate efficiently, especially in systems that require a balance between performance and power consumption. With Precision Boost Overdrive (PBO), the TDP could already be raised up to 88W, which enabled a short-term increase in performance. Now, however, AMD even seems to be considering a permanent increase of the TDP to 105W, which could be implemented via an upcoming SMU (System Management Unit) update.
The planned 62% increase in TDP could be a reaction to the performance results of the Ryzen 7 9700X and Ryzen 5 9600X compared to their predecessors. While the new processors showed solid performance in many applications, no significant improvements were observed in certain scenarios, especially in games. Only with PBO enabled did the new chips show a noticeable increase in performance. This could indicate that the processors can reach their full potential at higher TDP values, which may have prompted AMD to make the adjustment.
For users who attach great importance to energy efficiency, the standard 65W TDP mode remains an option. This mode offers a good balance between performance and energy consumption, which makes it attractive for many applications, especially in energy-efficient systems. However, for users who want to get the maximum performance out of their processors, the new 105W mode will be an interesting alternative. It remains to be seen how this TDP increase will play out in real-world scenarios, but such a significant change could bring a noticeable increase in performance.
With the increase in TDP to 105W, the Ryzen 7 9700X and Ryzen 5 9600X processors could achieve a maximum Package Power Tracking (PPT) of up to 142W. This would give the processors more thermal headroom to maintain higher clock speeds under load and thus achieve improved performance. This adjustment could be particularly interesting for demanding applications and games that benefit from higher clock rates.
TDP comparison table
Model | Original TDP (W) | New TDP (W) | Maximum PPT (W) | Previous CPU TDP (W) |
Ryzen 7 9700X | 65 | 105 | 142 | 105 (Ryzen 7 7700X) |
Ryzen 5 9600X | 65 | 105 | 142 | 65 (Ryzen 5 7600X) |
The upcoming TDP update is expected to be included in the AGESA Patch A BIOS, which will be made available for all AM5 motherboards. This means that a wide range of users could benefit from this update once it is released. It is expected that this update will not only increase the performance of the affected processors, but may also affect their positioning in the market.
So it remains to be seen how the increase in TDP will affect the real-world performance of AMD Ryzen 7 9700X and Ryzen 5 9600X processors. The ability to increase the thermal margin of these processors could make them more attractive to users looking for high performance. At the same time, it remains to be seen whether this adjustment will also have an impact on the chips’ energy efficiency and heat generation. Regardless, this step shows that AMD is willing to continuously develop its products to meet the demands of a dynamic market.
Source: chi11eddog via X
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