GPUs Reviews Workstations

AMD Radeon Pro W6800, W6600 and W6600M at a glance with own pictures and a first hands-on test

It was very quiet around AMD’s Radeon Pro portfolio of professional workstations for quite some time, which also rely on certified drivers and ECC-RAM, because especially in the professional environment such standards have to be met. While NVIDIA has been left almost without a fight for months, the three new graphics solutions presented today finally send new competitors onto the market. NVIDIA had already begun to gradually supplement the Quadro RTX series from top to bottom with RTX-A models parallel to the launch of the new GeForce generation based on Ampere last year.

While the Quadro RTX A6000 has been available for quite some time, the Quadro RTX A4000 is still in short supply (for the time being), which might also be due to the current situation on the hardware market. According to AMD, the now-unveiled Radeon PRO W6000 workstation graphics cards offer “exceptional performance, stability, reliability and a host of innovative features.” AMD, as it sees it, has developed these new graphics offerings to support demanding architectural design workloads, ultra-high-resolution media projects, complex design and engineering simulations, and advanced image and video editing applications.

The following images were taken with a Sony A7R, cropped on the workstation with the Radeon Pro W6800 and Adobe Lightroom Classic and downsized and post-processed with Topaz Gigapixel AI (although there is still a lot of potential in the workflow, which is probably due to Topaz Labs).

Of course, many things in the slides below are a bit cherry-picked, but you can definitely see AMD’s desire to regain a foothold in the margin-heavy professional sector. Of course, all these efforts are also a question of the available resources and priorities, but with RDNA2 the conditions in some sectors are not bad at all, if you take a look at the more detailed data sheets and product information on the following pages.

What and how much of the plans will really arrive in practice is of course first of all up to AMD and the hoped for consistency of the further development, but also up to the acceptance of the customers, who have to be convinced again to buy another product. In my view, this is the most important factor at the end of the supply chain, because often enough, advanced technologies have failed not because of themselves and supposed sacrifices in performance and productivity, but simply because of rejection by users or unfounded reservations.

AMD will have to proactively change that, too, if they want to regain a foothold in the development and planning offices. The large companies and (mostly) sponsored lighthouse projects listed in such slides are only a side note when it comes to broad market penetration, because in the end it is not the individual end customer that counts, but the large manufacturers of finished workstations and the system houses concerned. If you have them all on your side and can convince them, then it will automatically work out with the end user and individual customer. AMD will now have to manage this construction site better than before.

The AMD Radeon PRO W6000 series workstation graphics products are packed with new capabilities and features, here’s a summary from AMD:

  • Based on the advanced 7nm manufacturing process, the AMD RDNA 2 architecture introduces a number of advanced features that take professional graphics to a new level of performance and efficiency.
  • Enhanced Compute Units (CU) with Ray Accelerators provide up to 46 percent faster rendering than Radeon PRO graphics cards running on previous generation architectures in SOLIDWORKS Visualize 20211.
  • Variable Rate Shading (VRS) support delivers photorealistic viewports and real-time rendering.
  • Up to 128MB on GPU die integrated load-level data cache (Infinity Cache) to reduce latency and power consumption.
  • The Radeon PRO 6800 offers the highest RDNA workstation GPU performance to date.
  • Smart Access Memory (SAM) enables higher performance for critical professional workloads by giving AMD Ryzen 5000 Series desktop processors or select AMD Ryzen 3000 Series desktop processors access to all GDDR6 graphics memory.
  • AMD Radeon PRO Viewport Boost for professional workloads and compatible software to increase viewport performance (frames per second) with project file size.
  • Certified for leading professional applications – AMD continues to work with leading professional software application vendors to ensure AMD Radeon PRO graphics cards are built for demanding 24/7 environments and tested to exceptional standards to deliver the stability and reliability demanded by workstation professionals. The list of certified applications can be found here.


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Natürlich kann man nicht alle überzeugen, die Konkurrenz braucht ja auch noch einen Markt. Gelungener Artikel fernab vom Gaming+Benchmark's und deine Gedanken dazu, klingen überzeugend.

Jetzt weiß man warum man die RX6800er kaum zu kaufen bekommt. Die Produktion muss so laufen, so das ein großer Teil in die Pro Schiene geht. Da kann man getrost die 7er ersetzen. Wie man sieht reicht es thermisch für normales DHE.

Hatte ja angedeutet das sie bald kommen. Der heutige Launch ist völliger Zufall, vor allem im chinesischen Markt.;)

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1,835 Kommentare 1,143 Likes

Jetzt bin ich zwar nicht in dem Marktsegment unterwegs, aber eine überzeugende Alternative zu NVIDIA's Quadros ist schon willkommen und wichtig. Bin v.a. auch auf die Resultate der Video- Encoding ASICs gespannt, und auch die Qualität des Outputs. Wäre schön, wenn AMD da NVIDIA Paroli bietet, sowas kommt dann auch irgendwann bei Consumer Cards an.

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40 Kommentare 18 Likes

Jetzt müssen nur noch die SIs mitspielen.
Bei Dell und HP (welche wir (Solidworks Reseller) mit vertreiben gab es in der Vergangenheit bei den wenigsten Systemen irgend eine AMD FireGL, Pro, Whatnot zu konfigurieren - ein Trauerspiel...

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7,060 Kommentare 3,642 Likes

Hmmm... das liest sich ein wenig wie ein Advertorial - jedenfalls passen die Formulierungen bis auf die letzte Seite nicht zu Igor's sonstigem Stil. ;)

Ansonsten rufen die von AMD bemühten Vergleiche doch mal wieder den großen Skeptiker in mir auf den Plan: dass man besser als die eigenen Vorgänger ist, interessiert'n Toten (sind eh weit abgeschlagen und und ist eine Selbstverständlichkeit. Und wer heute über eine Anschaffung nachdenkt, wird wohl auch weniger mit den RTX Quadros der Vorgänger-Version liebäugeln, sondern zu den aktuellen A-Versionen in die Specs, Benchmarks und Preisliste schauen...

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7,517 Kommentare 2,032 Likes

Gruß an Ray Davies:
Von AMD kommen bald neue Workstationkarten
Das ist mir egal, ich brauch die nicht, sondern

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2 Kommentare 0 Likes

Have a W6600 in, would it be possible to get support for modding in RBE & more power tools?
Worked wonders on my w5700 cards : D

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8 Kommentare 1 Likes

Im using minime w5700 tweaked bios on my w5700 cards. Was wondering if anyone has tweaked the w6800 bios yet for hash rate or efficiency?

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8 Kommentare 1 Likes

Also wondering if Igore will be doing a Watercooling of the w6800? If the circuit board is similar to the 6800 or 6800xt could it be done? and what kind of results?

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Igor Wallossek


10,849 Kommentare 20,559 Likes

It is impossible to tweak the 6800 BIOS. And not one Water Cooler fits 100%

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About the author

Igor Wallossek

Editor-in-chief and name-giver of igor'sLAB as the content successor of Tom's Hardware Germany, whose license was returned in June 2019 in order to better meet the qualitative demands of web content and challenges of new media such as YouTube with its own channel.

Computer nerd since 1983, audio freak since 1979 and pretty much open to anything with a plug or battery for over 50 years.

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